The Storm God

Chapter 1412 The whereabouts are unknown! (Please subscribe!)

Big betting shop.

Bai Xiaofei rushed in with Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, Tu Sigu and Ben Ben in a hurry.

Fortunately, it's not too late now.


People can be closed.

The proprietress is still busy (playing mahjong), and the one who is in charge of playing with her is naturally a monster from the store. When these monsters were bought, it seemed that they were either resold or played mahjong with her, but they had almost the same temperament as the proprietress of the Shuntianfu main store.


The lady proprietress looked at Bai Xiaofei and the others while touching the cards, and finally her eyes fell on Tu Sigu, she immediately smiled and said: "Sir, you are here to sell monsters again! Unexpectedly, even though you are not a celestial master, But the efficiency of catching monsters is even better than the Heavenly Masters in the Heavenly Master Hall!"


Randomly played a card.

"Eighty thousand!"


"Hey, sorry, I messed up!"

A monster dressed in human skin smiled happily, and immediately knocked down its own mahjong tiles, all of them!

"It's gone!"

The proprietress who lost the card suddenly frowned.

Then he waved his hand, overturned all the mahjong tiles, and said angrily: "Go back to your cage, or tomorrow morning, I will send you to Shuntian Mansion immediately!"

The three monsters obeyed obediently and walked towards the back hall. And at their feet, there are heavy iron chains tied to the magic weapon. The three of them are tied into one, and they can only walk slowly. It is impossible to escape with big strides, so the proprietress is not afraid of the three monsters. Yang Feng Yin Yin violated, the driver ran away.

And here...

Bai Xiaofei was the first time he came in.

Immediately, he used his mind and thoughts to scan all the corners of the entire Da Ya shop, but he didn't find the whereabouts of the little demon king Huba, and his heart tightened suddenly, his eyes suddenly fell on the young woman, and he asked in a deep voice: "I Let me ask you, what about the little demon that this guy sold you earlier? Where did it go!"

between words.

It has already applied the hypnotic and suggestive effects of the spiritual force.

The proprietress is just an ordinary woman, although due to the nourishment of the rich aura in this world, her mental power is much higher than that of ordinary people, but compared with Bai Xiaofei's mental power, it is a world of difference, and she was controlled by Bai Xiaofei almost instantly , and immediately told everyone the whereabouts of the little demon king Huba.


After listening to the boss lady's answer.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Hurry up and hurry up, but it's still a step late, Huba has already been sent to Shuntian Mansion! This is really troublesome! Shuntian Mansion is the most prosperous city in the whole country except Kyoto , fish and dragons are mixed together, and when Huba gets there, maybe something else will happen!"

So far.

Someone looked at Tu Sigu with murderous intent and anger.

Not only him, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin are the same, although their strength is not high, but as the aborigines of this world, they definitely know more about what kind of place Shuntian Mansion is than Bai Xiaofei. When I got there, my heart was filled with anxiety, and my hatred for Tu Sigu was also rising!

Tu Sigu was so frightened that his hairs stood on end, and his ghosts froze.

Benben is a demon clan. Although he is a bit dull, he is born with a better sense of crisis and killing intent than humans. Seeing Bai Xiaofei and others staring at Tu Sigu with malicious intent, he knew something was wrong, so he quickly said: "It's all a misunderstanding, Tu Sigu doesn't know anything at all, if you want to blame it, you can blame me!"

A resolute look.

He wanted to take all the blame on himself and save Tu Sigu.


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

To be honest, he was indeed murderous just now. Although the role of Tu Sigu may have some usefulness, to Bai Xiaofei, it is an insignificant secondary role. With him or without him, his own special tasks must continue to be carried out , but the other party has provoked himself and caused so many troubles for himself, then it won't work!


Seeing Benben defending Tu Sigu like this.

Even in order to save Tu Sigu, he could even disregard his own life.

Bai Xiaofei was moved by his true feelings, and couldn't help but soften his heart, secretly said: "That's all! In fact, the two of them can't be blamed for this matter, the inertial effect and evolution of the plot is the culprit, even if there were no Tu Sigu and Stupid, there will be another character to do it for him!"


"The top priority now is to quickly find Huba!"

"Lest you have long nights and dreams!"


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were already soft-hearted, but when the big fat monster said this, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was a misunderstanding, and the murderous intent and anger in their hearts immediately subsided a lot. The two looked at each other, and then looked at Bai Xiaofei.

The meaning is obvious.

The two of them no longer intervene in this matter, everything depends on Bai Xiaofei's will.

"Let's go!"

After pondering for a while, Bai Xiaofei finally decided to let Tu Sigu go.

It wasn't that the Holy Mother Bai Xiaofei didn't want to kill Tu Sigu, but because of his stupidity, he gave Tu Sigu another chance. Bai Xiaofei said: "Tu Sigu, I will spare you just once today. If you let me know that you are still the same as before, I promise to make your life worse than death!"


"Be nicer to Benben from now on, it's all because of him that you survive!"

"You do it yourself!"


After speaking, it doesn't matter how the other party reacts.

Bai Xiaofei undid the hypnosis of the proprietress of the big pledge shop, and left with Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin.

Not long after the three of them walked out of the big betting shop, a large group of people flocked to the big betting shop, all rushing into the big betting shop. These people are all here for Tu Sigu. Tu Sigu's character is so bad that he even lied to children for money. Although Bai Xiaofei decided not to kill him, the necessary punishment must still be done. of.


Bai Xiaofei is in a hurry to find Huba now, he has no time to punish Tu Sigu, so he can only find these people to do it for him.

He believed that these creditors would not disappoint him.

Closer to home.

After the three left the big betting shop.

Bai Xiaofei randomly found a place where no one was around, and then performed the Flying Thunder God Technique, leading Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin, and teleported to Boss Ge in the Dengxian Tower of Shuntian Mansion. The three people who appeared out of thin air startled Boss Ge and the wild celestial masters who were in charge of protecting him, and almost attacked them.


Boss Ge has sharp eyes.

Seeing that the person coming was his new master Bai Xiaofei, he immediately stopped the actions of those around him.

"You all step back!" Boss Ge said.


Following Boss Ge's orders.

A group of wild celestial masters immediately retreated under orders.

Although they were puzzled and wanted to know the origins of Bai Xiaofei and the others, especially the spell that suddenly appeared, but Boss Ge was his patron after all. Curious, but also afraid to ask more questions.

Otherwise, if the rules of the Tao are broken, there will be no place for them in the whole world.

After everyone retreated, only Bai Xiaofei, Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, and the monster Ge Boss in human skin were left in the room. Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense with Boss Ge, so he went straight to the point and said, "The little demon king Huba was accidentally lost on the road, and then he was sold to the big bet store and transferred to the main store in Shuntianfu. You should immediately send someone to help me." Inquire about the news!"


Boss Ge was shocked when he heard this.

It was really hard for him to believe that the Little Demon King was able to get lost from Bai Xiaofei's hands, there must be something inside that he didn't know. But as a slave, his life is in the hands of others, Boss Ge didn't dare to ask any more questions, and immediately followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions, and sent a team of humans disguised as confidant monsters to inquire about the news.

Qingshui Town is not close to Shuntian Mansion, at least it is more than 700 miles, and there are many mountains and rivers in the middle, and the road is rough and difficult, which is far from the comparison of ordinary roads. In addition, the transportation tools in this era are extremely backward, and they still stay In horse-drawn carriages, ox carts, etc., it will take a considerable amount of time to complete this distance, even if it is fast.

The transport of monsters in Da Yadian requires a dedicated team to avoid any accidents. After all... This world is not ordinary. There are many ferocious beasts and monsters in the mountains, and even powerful robbers and robbers. No one can guarantee absolute safety!


Their footsteps, no matter how fast they are, are limited.

It has been about five hours since Huba was transferred away. According to the normal situation, the transportation team of Da Ya Dian should almost arrive at Shuntian Mansion by now. That's why Bai Xiaofei changed his plan and teleported directly to Boss Ge in Dengxianlou.

If there were no accidents, Huba should have been rescued by Bai Xiaofei before entering the Shuntian Mansion.


Heaven fails to fulfill one's wishes.

Bai Xiaofei's plan was very good, but the reality was extremely cruel. About an hour later, the spies sent by Boss Ge finally sent back the news that the transportation team of Da Yadian was attacked on the way, causing heavy casualties. The little demon king Huba was also snatched away, and his whereabouts are currently unknown. !

A certain popularity suddenly almost went berserk!

"This shit!"


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