The Storm God

Chapter 1414 You are dreaming! (Please subscribe!)

"Stop all of them!"

Among the two people on duty, the slightly thin Wuqian Celestial Master saw that Bai Xiaofei said a word and was about to come in, his expression changed immediately, he reached out his hand to stop Bai Xiaofei, frowned and shouted: "Who are you? Do you know where this is? If you say break through, break through, you guys are so courageous!"

"that is!"

Another slightly fat five-qian celestial master was also quite angry. Staring at Bai Xiaofei, he sneered and said, "Boy, you came to our Tianshi Hall in the middle of the night and knocked on the door. I haven't even talked to you yet, but you still dare to barge in. Could it be that you are impatient!"


Huo Xiaolan saw this situation.

Xiao Bao's temper suddenly rose, and he said angrily: "I said what's the matter with you, Brother Bai will follow you..."

The words are not finished.

It was interrupted by Bai Xiaofei reaching out his hand.

And Bai Xiaofei didn't get serious with the two five-dollar celestial masters, but silently took his seven-dollar celestial master's logo out of his bosom.


"Seven money celestial master? How is this possible!"



See Bai Xiaofei's identity badge.

The two Wuqian celestial masters on duty were suddenly startled, with expressions of horror on their faces.

In the orthodox celestial master classification of Tianshitang, each level has strict divisions and absolute rights, which are somewhat similar to the one in the officialdom, that is, the so-called official level crushes people to death, although the older one It is not necessarily true that the two levels can be higher than the real power, but that also depends on the stage.

Seven money celestial masters like Bai Xiaofei are already very rare high-level existences.

For the celestial masters under six coins, they have the absolute right to speak!


After seeing Bai Xiaofei's string of copper coins.

Unexpectedly, when it was as high as seven qian, the two of them suddenly felt chills behind their backs, and they were so frightened that the souls of the dead trembled and were horrified.

"I actually got a seven-coin celestial master!"



Think about the severity of the consequences.

The two celestial masters on duty, Haoxuan, were so frightened that they wet their pants on the spot.

"Are there any questions now?"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the two of them coldly and said.

He is now in a hurry to find Huba, but he has no intention of wasting time with two idiots. If the other party is sensible, Bai Xiaofei can still act as if nothing happened, but if the other party doesn't know what is good or bad, then Bai Xiaofei's violent temper will come up. The two were thrown down the mountain.

"No, no problem!"

"Please come in!"

The two celestial masters are not stupid either.

They all saw Bai Xiaofei's anxiety and didn't seem to have any intention of haggling with him. While he was secretly relieved, he quickly moved out of the way and bowed to Bai Xiaofei respectfully. The slender celestial master volunteered: "My lord, this is your first visit to our branch in Shuntian Mansion, right? Why don't I take you to Miss Dune?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't refuse.

It is also his first time here, and he is not familiar with this huge Tianshi Hall.

Although Bai Xiaofei can use his mind and telekinesis to scan and find the location of Miss Dune, but after all, he has to waste his energy. Now that there is a free guide to open the way for him, Bai Xiaofei is naturally happy to relax, and it can save a lot of time.

Why not do it!


The three of Bai Xiaofei, under the leadership of the thin Tianshi, entered the Tianshitang branch in Shuntian Prefecture, and quickly moved towards the institution where Miss Dune was located. During the period, it is inevitable to pass by and see some internal structures and many things of Tianshitang, which can be said to have opened the eyes of the three of them again.

Especially Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin.

It was the first time for them to come to such a prestigious place, and they were immediately dumbfounded, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Bai Xiaofei's performance is much better. After all, he is a man who can travel through time and space and travel to different universes. He has a detached state of mind and is well-informed. Although he is quite shocked by the awesomeness of this branch, it is far from a small place like Qingshui Town. It can be compared with the branch hall, but all emotions are suppressed and hidden.

And seeing Bai Xiaofei so calm.

At first, the skinny celestial master suspected that Bai Xiaofei was a fake seven-dollar celestial master, but now seeing that Bai Xiaofei was calm and not at all shocked by the magnificence and wealth of this celestial master hall, he completely dispelled his doubts , Secretly said: "As expected of a heavenly master of seven coins, if it were someone else, he would definitely be shocked!"

The four of them walked for about ten minutes.

It’s not that they walked slowly, in fact, the speed of the four of them was very fast, and they could all be called running. It’s really that the scale of this Tianshi Hall is too large, so that the four of them can’t even walk at the speed of running. It took such a long time to arrive at the location of Missing Sand Dune——Xunyao Pavilion.

"grown ups!"

The thin Tianshi pointed to the front and said: "This is the Monster Hunting Pavilion, and the Missing Dune is inside."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Immediately without further ado, he raised his leg and was about to enter.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were overjoyed immediately, they followed Bai Xiaofei's example, so they wanted to go in together.

And at this moment.

"grown ups!"

The thin Tianshi suddenly said: "The use of Missing Sand Dunes requires a certain fee. These fees can be money or financial contributions. If you don't have both, then Missing Sand Dunes cannot be used. This is the original design. Well, there's nothing I can do!"

A look of embarrassment and fear.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

This is not mentioned in the movie, but when you think about it, it seems reasonable.

After all, Missing Sand Dune is a very high-level magical tool, and every time it is used, it will consume its mana, and these mana are not eternal, it is like energy and batteries, and it must be injected by a celestial master all the time, otherwise Once exhausted, it will be destroyed, making it impossible to drive and use.

If there is no usage restriction, everyone can use Missing Sand Dune at will, and the celestial master who is responsible for maintaining the magic weapon probably won't do anything every day, just sit here, act as a humanoid battery, and stop thinking about Missing Dune all the time. Infused with mana.


If there is no certain benefit, for no reason, who is willing to take over this hard work!

Unless it's an idiot and a fool!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei nodded suddenly.

Immediately, he casually threw a heavy ingot of gold to the thin Tianshi, and said, "This should be enough, right?"

"Enough is enough!"

The thin Tianshi immediately replied excitedly.

The gold that Bai Xiaofei threw to him weighed hundreds of taels at least, not to mention driving Miss Dune once, even a hundred times would be enough.

And the rest of the money...


Isn't that obvious.

Thinking of the huge benefits of this, the thin Tianshi immediately started to work. The three of Bai Xiaofei waited for no more than two minutes before he quickly ran back and said excitedly: "My lord, all the formalities have been completed, and now you can use Miss Dune as you like!"

This guy shrewdly didn't mention the required cost and the remaining amount of money, obviously he wanted to get some benefits from it.

How could Bai Xiaofei fail to see what he was thinking?


He doesn't care at all!

"Let's go!"

Didn't even look at him.

Bai Xiaofei directly led Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin into the Monster Hunting Pavilion. And the thin celestial master originally wanted to follow in, but just as he lifted his foot, Bai Xiaofei's incomparably cold voice came from behind: "Without my consent, if you dare to come in, I will let you in." Kill you directly!"

The whereabouts of the little demon king Huba is of great importance.

In a situation where the whole country is full of high rewards for Huba, it is natural that as few people know his whereabouts as possible, so as not to make things more complicated. So... Bai Xiaofei's words are not joking with the skinny celestial master, if he really dares to enter the demon hunting pavilion, no matter whether he sees anything or not, someone will kill him!


The thin Tianshi suddenly fell silent.

The eyes he looked at Bai Xiaofei's back were instantly filled with fear and horror. He originally thought that Bai Xiaofei seemed to have a good temper. Even if he had offended him before and wanted to steal the other party's gold, the other party did not show any displeasure. kill yourself!

"My dear!"

"How can this be a good temper, people are obviously too lazy to take care of themselves!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm already dead!"


Someone is very frightened.

Regardless of how the guys outside think and react.

In the Monster Hunting Pavilion, the three of Bai Xiaofei finally saw the legendary Dune of Missing. The space inside is very wide, and as far as the eye can see, it is a huge monster head like a dragon's head, and not far from it is the prototype tower, surrounded by complex and profound runes.

Under the tower, there is a place of yellow sand.

Yellow sand covered most of the place under the building, and it was connected to the head of the huge dragon-headed monster on the opposite side, forming a special communication system between the three. Its overall shape and pattern give people the feeling that it is like some kind of sacrifice, which is unknown!

"Brother Bai!"

Song Tianyin looked suspiciously at the cylindrical stone platform opposite, the yellow sand below, and the huge faucet, and asked Bai Xiaofei in puzzlement, "What should we do now? Is it possible that we just need to think about where Huba is?" , these sands will reveal text, telling us the specific location?"

"You are dreaming!"

Huo Xiaolan glared at him angrily when he heard this.

Immediately pointing to the cylindrical stone platform, he said: "The text is still showing? You really know how to think! Look at this, this is obviously an operating platform, it should be for monsters to sit on it, and then the magic weapon of missing sand dunes, Will read the thoughts of monsters and the relatives they care most about in their minds!"

"As for how to find it and how to present it, I don't know!"

"After all, it's the first time I've seen this stuff!"


Speaking of which.

She also looked at Bai Xiaofei.

He said with a smile: "Brother Bai, you are well-informed, and you are a celestial master who is as high as seven coins. You should be familiar with Missing Dune, right?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled faintly.

Pretending to be cold, he glanced at the faucet on the opposite side and the yellow sand below, and then said: "Miss Huo is right, this cylindrical stone platform is indeed the key to the operation of the magic weapon, Song Tianyin, sit on it , after all Huba was born from your stomach, you should have a certain blood relationship!"

"This matter can only be done by you!"


Someone follows the good way.


What Bai Xiaofei said was not without reason.

Song Tianyin had no way to refute. Hearing this, he could only sit on the cylindrical stone platform obediently. The stone platform suddenly fell, and with the activation of the mechanism, several animal mouths below the platform and the huge dragon-headed monster on the opposite side were in the mouth. It immediately began to flow like water, overflowing with a lot of yellow sand.


Song Tianyin stared blankly at all this.

It took a while to recover, and then asked: "Brother Bai, can I just think about Huba in my heart now?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Think about it! The more you think about it, the more careful and affectionate it is, the better!"

next moment.

Song Tianyin closed his eyes.

At the same time, as Song Tianyin's thoughts unfolded, the yellow sand below the building also began to respond. As if they had received some kind of guidance, a small part of the yellow sand trembled slightly, and then gathered towards the center, slowly gathering to form a vague image.


Under Bai Xiaofei and Huo Xiaolan's wide-eyed gaze——



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