The Storm God

Chapter 1415 Search Engine! (Please subscribe!)

"Did you really fail?"

Bai Xiaofei was not surprised by the failure of Song Tianyin's use of Missing Dune, because this had already been shown in the movie Monster Hunt 2. After all, this magic weapon can only be used by blood-related monsters. It was originally designed to hunt monsters, not humans.

Although Song Tianyin was pregnant with the little demon king Huba, she was only the "mother" after all, and her blood relationship with Huba was not very deep. In the end, the reason why Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were able to drive the magic weapon and use the Dune of Thought to find out the whereabouts of the little demon king Huba was probably because Song Tianyin was special, in addition to the halo of the protagonist.


Song Tianyin's physique is very strange.

Especially his lame leg, even with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he was helpless.

Bai Xiaofei discovered that in addition to having a human appearance and certain characteristics, Song Tianyin also possessed a very special power in his body. Although this power had become very hidden and weak due to some reasons, it actually existed. The demon Later, it was precisely because of this that he parasitized the eggs in his belly into Song Tianyin's body.

The power in Song Tianyin's body was already very weak, and now that the little demon king Huba has absorbed most of it, it will undoubtedly become even weaker. Bai Xiaofei originally thought that with the power in Song Tianyin's body, he should be able to drive Missing Sand Dune, but the reality told him that Bai Xiaofei overestimated Song Tianyin.

"It seems that's not possible!"

Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan were both disappointed when they saw that the yellow sand on the ground had just the slightest movement before completely collapsing and scattering in all directions.

"Brother Bai!"

Huo Xiaolan blinked her big bright eyes.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei steadily and asked: "The little cripple is not a monster. It seems that he can't use Missing Sand Dune. What should we do now?"

"Not urgent!"

Bai Xiaofei was extremely calm.

He waved his hands to calm down the two people's emotions, and then encouraged: "There was movement just now, which means there is hope. It's just that your thoughts about Huba are not deep enough and from the heart. Plus, you are It’s because of humans that this failed!”

"Let's try again!"


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes couldn't help but fall on Huo Xiaolan.

He ordered: "Miss Huo, Huba spitting at you means that he likes you very much, and you have communicated a lot on the road. There should be a certain amount of yearning and bond between each other. Song Tianyin alone can If you don’t miss me enough, let’s go up together, you two!”

between words.

Bai Xiaofei has already used his telekinesis power.

Hypnosis, suggestion, illusion...and other techniques were all applied to the two of them by Bai Xiaofei. At the same time, in order to strengthen the two people's longing for Huba, the little demon king, Bai Xiaofei also deliberately compiled all the events in the plot of the movie "Monster Hunt" into memories and stuffed them into their minds.

From this moment on.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin's feelings for the little demon king Huba are directly in line with the plot of the movie, perfectly in line.


Bai Xiaofei removed his telekinesis.

Then he said to the two of them in a coaxing way: "Come on, let's clear our minds together. All we can think about is Huba!"


Huo Xiaolan immediately sat on it.

The cylindrical stone platform was a bit small. It was okay for Song Tianyin to sit alone, but it would be a bit crowded if two people came up. As a last resort, Song Tianyin, a man, could only hug Huo Xiaolan tightly to avoid being upset. Carefully squeeze her down.

This was Song Tianyin's first time hugging a woman.


Of course, the little cripple blushed immediately, and his heart beat wildly with "Plop! Plop!". For a moment, his thoughts were flying, and he began to have wild thoughts. This was not because Song Tianyin was ineffective, but because Brother Chu's instinctive reaction was like this and was simply out of control.

It’s not just Song Tianyin.

Huo Xiaolan also blushed and had a thick neck. This was the first time that she was hugged so tightly by a man. It would be strange not to be shy and think wildly. Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to use his telekinesis power again to help the two of them calm down the rippling emotions in their hearts.


The two of them eliminated distracting thoughts.

He quickly entered the state and began to follow Bai Xiaofei's instructions with all his strength, focusing on everything for himself and Huba. At the same time, Bai Xiaofei also concentrated on opening his spiritual sense to the maximum: "I want to see how this Missing Dune works!"


The yellow sand under the balcony finally reacted again.

Compared with the handful last time, there was obviously several times more yellow sand this time. Countless tiny sand grains, like swimming fish, danced in the void, flew in the air, and then quickly gathered together. Slowly transformed into the little demon king Huba.

Huba, which is made of yellow sand, is a little blurry. It is flying and playing in mid-air, showing the true nature of a cute baby. It instantly evokes Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin's deeper yearning and lovesickness for Huba. Immediately afterwards... because of the strengthening of the two people's thoughts, the yellow sand condensed Huba became more and more real and vivid.

During this period.

In the minds of Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin, the beautiful memories between themselves and Huba that Bai Xiaofei thrust into them flashed from time to time. Some were beautiful, some were funny, some were naughty, some were angry, some were worried... After thinking about it, the two of them couldn't help but burst into tears.

And saw this scene.

The sentimental Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but recall the time he watched Monster Hunt 2.

He murmured to himself: "Huba's longing is like the dandelions blowing into the air when he is lonely; Song Tianyin's longing is like the little stuffed animal that is always hidden in his backpack; Huo Xiaolan's longing is like the little thorny demon in front of him when he saves her. The illusion of Dapeng, the owner of the pavilion, is like the artificial snow falling all over the sky when you are lonely..."

"And Zhu Zhenjin, played by Brother Chun!"

"Her longing is a piece of paper that was deceived by Tu Sigu and deceived herself and others. Whether it is a human or a demon, maybe... there is a dune of longing in the heart of every creature!"

"And I... so why not!"


Thinking about it.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but think of himself again.

Although he is in a different world, he misses his parents and relatives in the real world all the time, as well as Shan Xiaofang, who loves him deeply but he is unable to save her sister! When looking for the little demon king Huba, there can be help from Missing Sand Dune. Who should I turn to for help with my worries and expectations?


Just rely on luck!

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sigh sadly when he thought of the ethereal and vastness of the heavens and the world, which was almost endless.

"You can't force anything, just let it happen!"


Just when Bai Xiaofei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In front of the tower, countless yellow sands condensed, and the image of the little demon king Huba, which was almost fake, suddenly collapsed and scattered. But these fragmented yellow sands did not fall down. Instead, they gathered towards the center again under the influence of a strange force.


Countless yellow sand begins to take shape again!

But this time, what they gathered together turned into a majestic mountain, dense jungle, and what looked like a big river. This means that the little demon king Huba is currently in the scene area where the yellow sand condenses. As for where exactly he is, it is unknown.

The specific degree of Missing Dune that can be detected is directly related to the user's level of missing, the closeness of the blood relationship, and the distance of the region. The most important part is the limit of Missing Dune's own ability, and it This situation is already its maximum limit.

If you want to take the results of the investigation one step further and display them more accurately, you will need the weapon refiners to increase the limit of Missing Dune itself.

But this is almost impossible, at least for now.


Missing the dunes is not easy to make.

Based on the investigation just now, Bai Xiaofei already understood the operating principle and design concept of Missing Sand Dune. In fact, to put it bluntly, the Missing Dune is just like the network in the real world. There are branches of Tianshitang all over the country, and every Tianshitang building is built on the top of a dangerous peak with the strongest local aura.

This is just like an IP address.

in this way……

All Tianshitang branches.

Relying on the spiritual power of Lingshan, they are connected together to form a huge spiritual network system, and Missing Sand Dune is the running client of this network system! As long as you enter the corresponding "password", you can rely on the special blood connection between the two to search and explore networks across the country!

Just like a search engine on the real Internet.

It's so powerful that it's incredible!


Missing Dunes is just the simplest search engine.

It is incomparable to the network system in the real world, but this is the world of Monster Hunt after all, a backward ancient feudal society. It is already a very remarkable thing that the heavenly masters can create such an amazing and talented search engine!


These are not important.

The most important thing is that the idea and construction of using aura to build a network system and then carry out searches gave Bai Xiaofei countless inspirations. He suddenly thought of the avenue chat group built by the Supreme Being of Time and Space. Maybe... he could imitate it, and maybe he could also develop his own exclusive [network system]!

For example, a time and space chat group or something!


"You can have this!"


Think of the power of the time shuttle.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but start to dream about what he would be like when he became awesome. He thought to himself: "Maybe my future achievements will be even more awesome than the original owner of the time shuttle! But... before that, let's put ourselves in the present moment first. Do your special task well!"

"Without the present, there is no future!"


After taking my mind back.

Bai Xiaofei took a careful look at the scene made of yellow sand, then turned his attention to the stunned Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin, and asked them: "I'm new here and I don't know many places in this world. How about this?" Are you familiar with the terrain and landforms?”

"do not know!"

Song Tianyin grew up in Yongning Village. This was his first time out of the village. His knowledge of the outside world was not much better than that of Bai Xiaofei. Hearing this, he immediately shook his head, saying that he did not know the location shown on the map, and then looked at Huo Xiaolan. , secretly said: "Huo Xiaolan is a master of catching demons. She has traveled all over the world and has seen a lot of things in the world. She should know this, right?"

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