The Storm God

Chapter 1417 The might of the Martial Emperor! (Please subscribe!)

Before the domineering and majestic head was fully presented, the roar that shook the sky was heard one step ahead, breaking the silent night instantly, startling countless birds and animals. The Tianshi Hall, which is the closest, undoubtedly bears the brunt of it. I don’t know how many celestial masters were scared out of their sleep and rolled off the bed!


The slightly fat Tianshi just rushed to the gate.

Before seeing what Bai Xiaofei and the other three were doing, they were so frightened by the roar that they squatted down on the ground.

Not just him.

Even Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were terrified.

It's not that they are timid, but that this roar is really special. It's not as simple as a loud voice, it also contains a very special power, full of endless majesty and domineering, people listen to it, the soul Deep down, I can't help being shocked and trembling!

that feeling...

It was as if the mouse had heard the meow of the cat.

"shut up!"

But when everyone was trembling and terrified, Bai Xiaofei let out angrily, followed by the terrifying roar, and then stopped abruptly. At the same time, the huge and ferocious head finally emerged from the card space Inside, it is fully presented.

"Oh My God!"

After seeing the true face of the head.

Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, and the chubby celestial master immediately opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths wide, and were immediately stunned in place.

"This is... a snake?"

"No, the snake is not that big, it should be a python!"

"That's not right! The boa constrictor isn't that big, and...why does it have horns on its head?!"

"What kind of monster is this?"


The three of them were dumbfounded and shocked.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't care what their reaction was, and directly yelled at the huge and ferocious head: "It's okay to yell, I'm afraid that others don't know you! Remember it for me, I must get rid of this stinky problem, otherwise I will get rid of it in the future." I won't let you out to play!"


Hearing this, the huge head immediately nodded violently, and the huge eyes were full of grievances and fawning looks, it was obvious that it had accepted Bai Xiaofei's order. The demeanor is so vivid that almost everyone present can understand its meaning.

The three of them were dumbfounded again, shocked by the spirituality of this monster.

"Come out now!"

Bai Xiaofei gave it an angry look.

Then he ordered: "I'm in a hurry, this time I wronged you to act as a mount and take us to a very dangerous place, where there are countless monsters. If you are lucky, maybe you can have a big meal! This The aura in the world is extremely abundant and thick, it should be of great help to your practice!"

Bai Xiaofei also had no choice.

after all……

Special missions limited his many technological means.

The Tianzhu Valley is too far away from the Shuntian Mansion, if you want to rush there as soon as possible, it may be difficult for Bai Xiaofei to rely on his own ability.

Bai Xiaofei himself is fine, the key is that he can't take Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin with him.

But Xiaoqing is different.

To know.

He is the product of the Green Snake Transformed into a Flood Dragon. After crossing the catastrophe, not only did he mutate, but his strength improved by leaps and bounds, far surpassing that of ordinary dragons. In particular, his flying ability and speed are several times the speed of sound, which is simply too fast. It's scary, it's the most suitable to use him as a mount and rush to the deep valley of Tianzhu.

"no problem!"

Hearing this, Xiaoqing nodded immediately.

With the power of the contract, he said to Bai Xiaofei: "Master, this little matter is on my shoulders!"

The voice just fell.

His body is more than a hundred feet high.

Like a gushing spring, it immediately jumped out of the card space, shocking the three of Huo Xiaolan again.

Especially the slightly fat Heavenly Master.


After seeing Xiaoqing's whole picture.

He thought he had encountered some peerless monster, and while trembling with fear, he immediately put on a posture of fighting and defending. Then he stepped back step by step, thinking of ringing the alarm bell immediately, awakening all the working celestial masters, and launching the defensive power of the celestial master hall.

"call out!"

A ray of brilliance flashed.

Bai Xiaofei's fingertips shot out a mass of mana that seemed to be real, and directly knocked out the slightly fat Tianshi.

How could his little thought be overwhelmed by Bai Xiaofei's investigation?


Bai Xiaofei collected the space card.

Then he said to Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin: "Don't be afraid, this is my pet brother, not a monster, but a spirit beast! One of the real dragons is an auspicious beast, just like me, it doesn't belong to this world! Come up Come on, let's ride him to the deep valley of Tianchao!"

"Huh? Oh!"

The two nodded blankly.

Then he followed Bai Xiaofei and sat on Xiaoqing's body in a dull manner.

It wasn't until Xiaoqing went straight to the sky, and the fierce cold wind blew on the faces of the two of them, making their flesh hurt, that Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin recovered from the shock.


They don't care about that anymore.

All embraced their chests, trembling and began to swing.

No way, it's really cold!


The two also took a look below.

However, on the top of the dangerous peak, the majestic and large-scale branch building of Shuntianfu Tianshitang has become the size of an apple, and it is still shrinking. With just a dazed effort, it completely turned into the size of an ant until it completely disappeared and was never seen again.

"So fast!"

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were immediately amazed.

They came back to their senses in a daze, and stared dumbfoundedly at Xiaoqing, who was holding his head high, carrying the three of them, flying all the way to the deep valley with confidence, his eyes were full of shock. Then...the cold wind, as cold as a knife, beat them back to their original shape again, and continued to tremble.


Bai Xiaofei was like an unmoving pine.

Just standing upright on Xiaoqing's head, the cold wind that scrapes the bones, in front of him, is as gentle as a lover's touch, without making any noise to him. But the trembling of the two people behind him and the sound of pendulum made Bai Xiaofei suddenly embarrassed.

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei turned around.

Looking at the two shivering in the cold wind with embarrassment, he said with a smile: "I forgot that your strength is too low to withstand the cold wind when flying at super speed!"

"I'll put a shield on you right now!"


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were speechless.

He secretly said in his heart: "Brother, the cold wind is quite fierce, and it hurts when you scrape the flesh, but your words... are colder than the cold wind! It really pierces people's hearts!"

But with the protective shield, they finally stopped playing around.

The body returns to normal.

The two of them could finally put their minds elsewhere. for example……


Huo Xiaolan looked at Bai Xiaofei with a dark face.

The corner of his mouth twitched and said: "The direction of the deep valley of Tianzhu seems to be over there, but we are flying in the completely opposite direction..."


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly embarrassed.

Quickly ordered Xiaoqing to turn around and correct the course. Then he directly dumped the blame on Xiaoqing, and said angrily: "Tell me about you, you will know that you are flying all the time, and you are running around without knowing the direction! I don't know if this will seriously delay our time and things. !"

Xiaoqing: "..."

This moment.

His heart is speechless.

Can't help but secretly said: "Master, there is a saying MMP, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

If it weren't for the fact that Bai Xiaofei is the master, and I will have to rely on his strength to evolve continuously, and finally turn into a real dragon, it is estimated that Xiaoqing can directly take the three people sitting on him from this high altitude. Go down, fall to your death on the spot!


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin are not stupid either.

Why couldn't they see Bai Xiaofei's measurement, it's just that they were all smart enough not to tell the truth.

Closer to home.

Xiaoqing's speed is really not covered.

The Tianzhu Valley is tens of thousands of miles away from the boundary of Shuntian Mansion, but in front of him, it seems to be as close as a foot away. After a while, Bai Xiaofei and the three of them can clearly see the majesty of the Tianzhu Valley from high in the sky Incredible landscape and terrain.

looked down.

But I saw a huge crack running from east to west, traversing the world! The two sections of the crack are steep and upright, like a knife chopping an axe, extremely straight, at a glance, people can't see through the things below, it can be seen that the depth is huge, just like an abyss, unfathomable!

This is the deep valley of the sky!

It is rumored that there was originally a tall and lofty mountain, but it was cut in half by the Emperor Wu with a single sword, thus forming today's deep valley, which is a huge natural barrier, stretching tens of thousands of kilometers in length and width, cutting off the Most of the exchanges between the human and demon worlds have been eliminated.


The three finally saw it with their own eyes.

Compared with the mood when they heard it, the shock and amazement in the hearts of the three people at this moment can be described as earth-shaking and unparalleled!

Until now, everyone has a deep understanding.

The might of the Emperor Wu.

How outrageous it is!


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