The Storm God

Chapter 1418 Soul Breaking Cliff! (Please subscribe!)

"What a domineering sword!"

Looking at the deep valley below, the light in Bai Xiaofei's eyes flickered, some were shocked, some were amazed, but more of it was excitement!

That's right!

Just excited!

He originally thought that the world of Monster Hunt was very simple.

Apart from some geniuses and treasures, and enough spiritual energy for self-cultivation, there should be nothing worth tempting.

But now...

Bai Xiaofei undoubtedly discovered another one, that is the rumored Martial Emperor of the human race, who can split the mountains of this world into valleys stretching tens of thousands of kilometers with a single sword, his strength is absolutely beyond imagination. According to Bai Xiaofei's guess, a master with this kind of strength would have to be above the extraordinary peak, to say the least!

If you don't rely on the power of any divine weapon, you can do this with your own ability.

Then at least you must have the strength of the saint level!


Saint-level strength!

That is a super existence on the same level as Odin in his peak period, known as the strongest tyrant in the universe, the supreme mage, the white eyebrow in Shushan, the old monster in Youquan, and other well-known big men!

Bai Xiaofei never imagined that in the world of Monster Hunt, there would be such an awesome character!

If you can get its inheritance, or practice exercises or something.

Then you can make a lot of money!

"It seems..."

Bai Xiaofei thought to himself: "Everything is exactly as the little brat said, no matter in any world, you can't take it lightly. Maybe there is something beyond imagination. Even in the lower world, it's the same. For example, the Four Famous Detectives , who would have thought that there would be such a treasure as the ten-thousand-year fairy?"

"And this Monster Hunt world!"

"I thought it would be a family fun movie, and it should be extremely simple, but in the end, there were so many accidents, and even a supernatural and holy Martial Emperor appeared, and a sword cut out a deep valley stretching tens of thousands of miles! The clan can share the world equally with the human race, and it is almost impossible to lose the wind, and its terrifying strength is probably beyond imagination!"

"Be more careful!"


His eyes narrowed slightly.

Bai Xiaofei's complexion, at this moment, rarely became heavy.

"Brother Bai!"

Huo Xiaolan asked, "What should we do now?"

Tianzhu Valley stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and there are tens of millions of different terrains and landforms. However, the result displayed by Missing Sand Dunes is only a vague general picture and scope. This is simply like finding a needle in a haystack. It's almost impossible to find Huba!

Song Tianyin did not speak.


Among the three.

It is his lowest strength, almost no mana.

Now they are more than a thousand meters away from the deep valley of the sky, and with Song Tianyin's mortal eyes, they can't see why.


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

Although he has good eyesight, he is still a Muggle in this situation.

The information I have is too little, and many technological means have been restricted and sealed by the space-time shuttle, relying on my own ability, I want to find out the landforms displayed by the Longing Sand Dunes from the deep valleys that stretch for tens of thousands of miles , Bai Xiaofei didn't have any good solution.


Bai Xiaofei didn't.

It doesn't mean others, or that other demons don't have one.


Bai Xiaofei ordered: "Fly down and find the highest mountain to stop!"


Xiaoqing followed the order, flicked her tail, and shot directly downwards. Soon... the three of them landed on the top of one of the highest peaks in Tianzhu Valley. The three of them landed steadily, and Xiaoqing also returned to the form of a little snake, curled up on Bai Xiaofei's shoulder, hissing her tongue out, looking cute.


Bai Xiaofei summoned a space card. The card instantly became larger, and as the door opened, a man and a woman walked inside. Looking at their appearance, one was the short and fat Zeng Zhiwei, and the other was Wu Junru with heavy makeup, and it was Penny and Fat Ying in human skin.

"It's you!"

The two monsters just appeared.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin exclaimed together with each other, apparently neither of them expected that Bai Xiaofei would be with each other.

Long before Bai Xiaofei came to this world, Penny and Fat Ying had met Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin, and many unpleasant incidents had happened. Living, all thanks to Huo Xiaolan!

So the two demons didn't have a good impression of Huo Xiaolan. As for Song Tianyin? The feeling is so-so, with more elements of surprise!

The same goes for Huo Xiaolan.

after all……

She is a heavenly master.

He was born as the old enemy of monsters, how could he have a good impression!

And because the two demons are now wearing human skin, Song Tianyin doesn't feel too much discomfort with them, just like the other party's feeling when looking at him, most of them are surprised.

"Huba is lost!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to explain to both parties. After putting away the cards, he went straight to the point, and said to Penny and Fat Ying, "Our current position is on the side of the Human Race in the Valley of Heaven. According to the information I got, Xiao The demon king Huba was brought to this area!"

"But we are not familiar with anyone here, and it is difficult to find Huba, so I called you out!"

"What good advice do you have?"


Concise and concise.

Hit the nail on the head!

Penny and Fat Ying were startled when they heard the words.

It seems that he didn't expect so many accidents to happen during the time he entered the space card.

The two demons quickly came back to their senses and looked at each other.


Penny smiled confidently.

Immediately, he said to Bai Xiaofei: "Boy Bai, you are really looking for us!"


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

He happily asked: "What good way do you guys have, let's hear it!"


"If there is any good way, tell me!"

"It's important to find Huba!"


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin also looked very interested, and they hurried over. They didn't care about the difference between humans and demons. The most important task at the moment is to find the little demon king Huba as soon as possible. As for the others ...all stand aside!


But she saw the stunned look on Penny's face.

Then he said in a daze: "What method, have I said that I have a method? Have you misunderstood something?"


The three of Bai Xiaofei were startled on the spot.

Someone suppressed his anger and said in a low voice: "There is no way, then you said you found the right person, what do you mean?"

If Penny can't explain why, Bai Xiaofei is really afraid that he can't help but slap him to death! At such a critical moment, if you were joking with yourself, it must be the old birthday star eating arsenic and getting impatient!

If you don't fulfill who you want to fulfill!


Fat Ying seemed to see Bai Xiaofei's fury.

Hearing the words, he quickly helped to explain: "What Penny means is that no one or demon in this world is more familiar with Tianzhu Valley than the two of us, because when the old demon king was still alive, we were responsible for guarding and investigating here. Yes, everything here is just like our back garden!"

"That's it!"

Penny nodded repeatedly, and said, "As long as you share the information, we will be able to find the corresponding location almost immediately!"

"I see!"

After listening to the explanation of the two demons, Bai Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief.

Without further ado, he immediately used the power of his mind to smash a few mountain rocks around him, and then condensed them into the shape and scene shown by the missing sand dunes: "This is the information I have, the little demon king Huba is now It should still be in this area!"

"here it is……"

Penny and Fat Ying are not inked either.

After seeing the landscape and landforms condensed by Bai Xiaofei, he immediately began to think and meditate. Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin stood aside, watching so much that they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that they would disturb the thoughts of the two demons, and then their own sins would be serious.

And the two demons lived up to expectations.

Soon his eyes lit up and he found out the exact location. Penny shouted excitedly: "It's the [Soulbreak Cliff] area in the south!"

"That's right!"

Fat Ying nodded affirmatively, and confirmed: "It's there! You can't go wrong! But it's at least thousands of miles away from here. By the time we get there, will it be too late? After all, we can't fly, And even if you can fly, the speed is not so fast..."


"What's that look on your face?"


Talking and talking.

The two demons found that there was something wrong with the expressions of Bai Xiaofei and the three of them. They didn't seem to think it was a problem at all.

They looked at each other with bewildered and puzzled faces.

Finally Qiqi looked at Bai Xiaofei.


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin did the same, they fixed their eyes on Bai Xiaofei.


"Distance is not a problem, as long as you know the exact location!"

"Leave the rest to me!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

Immediately, without further explanation to the two demons, they just said in a deep voice: "Xiaoqing!"


A roar suddenly sounded.

The next moment, Xiaoqing flew out of the body, and quickly recovered her huge body in mid-air, baring her teeth and claws, showing unrivaled domineering aura!

"This, this is..."

Penny and Fat Ying were immediately dumbfounded.

They had never seen such a weird and powerful monster before, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak on the spot. But at this time, Bai Xiaofei and the three of them jumped up lightly after they were already familiar with the driving. Huo Xiaolan laughed and said: "You two little monsters, what are you still doing in a daze, you haven't seen a spirit beast, come up quickly!"


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