The Storm God

Chapter 1419 The transaction begins! (Please subscribe!)

Soul off the cliff.

It is located in the extreme north, and the mountains are extremely steep.

In addition, the north wind howled, and the cold was piercing to the bone. Whenever there was a cold wind blowing, it would form bursts of strange sounds. This sound seemed to come from hell. It was miserable and wailing, and it went straight to the heart and soul. When people heard it, their hairs stood on end, and they felt fear, as if their souls had left their bodies.


This area is called Soulbreak Cliff by people and monsters.

When you come here, even if you are not attacked by Taoist monsters, just listening to the sound of the cliffs and ravines will kill you and leave you here forever. Over time, this place has become one of the most terrifying, mysterious and dangerous areas in Tianzhu Valley!

This moment.

In a remote location on the Soul Breaking Cliff.

A group of people are walking slowly, walking towards the cliff on the side of the Yaozu, as if they want to go to the territory of the Yaozu.

There are 5 of them in total, and the leader is a man wearing a big black cloak and a headband to cover his head. He is thin, well-proportioned, and extremely tall, nearly two meters tall. With that weird and mysterious temperament, he gives people a sense of belonging. Kind of very dark and dangerous feeling!

behind it.

They were two burly men who looked very majestic, and their clothes were a bit rough.

The one in the middle has squinted eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, as if he is always smiling. He is holding a small cage in his hand. Inside the cage, the little demon king Huba is being imprisoned. At this moment, Huba was already in a coma, as if he didn't know that he was taken away again.

The last person is at the end of a group of people.

He is tall and mighty, with two broad-bladed knives on his back. There is a terrifying scar on his face, which extends almost from his forehead to the neck. He looks ferocious and ferocious like a wild beast. Just a look in the eyes gives people a very domineering sense of aggression!

A group of five people, except for the leading man with a cloak covering his face, the four behind him all had a string of huge copper coins hanging on their chests.

Minimum six, maximum eight!


The narrow-eyed man suddenly said: "Are you sure this transaction can be completed smoothly? This is a deep valley! And... it is the most dangerous cliff of Soulbreak! Why do I feel a bit uncomfortable about asking us to meet and trade near here? That's right, the new demon king is not going to be black and white, right?!"

There was worry in his tone.

To know.

Demon, cunning by nature, full of wildness.

The little monsters who have just been born can suck blood and kill without being taught, and they are extremely ferocious, let alone adult monsters that have grown up and survived the cruel survival rule of survival of the fittest! To face such monsters, one must be more cunning and treacherous than them!


Your fate can only be their delicious meal!

In particular, the object these people want to contact is the confidant of the new demon king who overthrew the rule of the old demon king and used incomparably cruel and bloody means to integrate almost all the forces of the demon clan. These monsters are bound to be more powerful and cunning than ordinary monsters, so we have to guard against them!

"rest assured!"

Hearing this, the masked man immediately gave a sinister smile, and said in a hoarse voice: "It will be fine, the little demon in our hands is the heir of the old demon king, as long as he is in hand, the other party will not dare to act rashly! And... Even if the other party wants to cheat, they have to be able to eat!"

"That's right!"

The burly man on the left behind him sneered: "Although the monsters are strong, we are not vegetarians!"

A look of confidence and arrogance.


The burly man on the right interface said: "It's okay if the other party trades obediently, everyone benefits from each other, hello, I'm good, if you really dare to cheat, I, Cao Laowu, will tell them to come and die! Speaking of which, I am It’s been a long time since I ate the meat of a monster, and now I miss it so much!”

This guy is more ruthless!

Judging by his appearance, he is simply afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

at last……

At the end of the line.

The man with the knife on his back who had been taciturn all this time also spoke out, but he only gave a cold snort.

That's called disdain and contempt!


For the confidant of the new demon king.

The man with the knife on his back didn't take it to heart at all. He had absolute confidence in his own strength!

"All right!"

The squint-eyed man saw that everyone didn't seem to care that the monsters would take advantage of others, so he sighed helplessly, then curled his lips, and said with the corners of his mouth up as usual: "My skills are low, what if there is something wrong? Unexpectedly, you have to protect me!"

This man's face is very interesting.

It seems that he is always smiling, making people unable to figure out his true thoughts, just like now... Although the tone of his eyes is squinted, it is obviously full of timidity, fear, worry, cowardly... and other emotions , but the expression on his face was completely opposite!

It's almost like a joke!

Such an extreme contrast, on the contrary, makes people feel chills down the spine and has a creepy feeling! The other four seemed to have gotten used to squinting their eyes long ago, so they didn't care much about their words, they just smiled coldly and continued to move forward cautiously.

The road to Huanduanya is very difficult. After all, there are straight and steep cliffs everywhere. There was no road at first. The road in front of me can only be walked sideways by one person, and there are dangerous dents on almost half of the soles of the feet. They are all built by countless people with their lives.


These guys are well prepared.

They all carry special magic weapons that can resist the sound of Soul Breaking Cliff [Ghost Crying God Howling], and they are all strong, and they seem to be veteran drivers, so no matter how difficult the road is, there is no way for them to move forward. What a big impact speed makes!

It went like this for about an hour.

A group of five of them, with the little demon king Huba, finally came to the bottom of the valley from the top of the mountain - the bottom of the deep valley, the real dividing line between the human world and the demon world!

And at this time...

At the bottom of the valley, there have been a lot of monsters waiting for a long time.

The scale and formation of these monsters are not small. There are more than a dozen giant blood monsters alone, and there are two big monsters that are as small as a hill. Others are small, but extremely fast, or poisonous, or possess There are more than 20 monsters with other abilities!

"Look at the situation..."

Squinting his eyes, he said: "The other party seems to be very afraid of us, and he is afraid that we will also come to the black and eat the black!"

Still the standard fox smiley face.

The other people also looked normal, and they didn't seem to have the slightest worry or concern because of the powerful camp of the monsters.

It can be seen that he is very confident in his own strength!

"You guys are finally here!"

Seeing the masked man and others descending slowly from the cliff of Soul Duan, the leader of a monster smiled coldly and said with a grin.

And his gaze.

But it passed the human beings on the opposite side, and directly locked on the little demon king Huba, and immediately his eyes lit up, full of excitement and excitement!

"Little Demon King!"

Naturally, the other monsters also saw Huba who was in a coma, and they all became agitated immediately, as if they wanted to rush over and snatch the little demon king Huba over.


The people on the side of the masked man were also unequivocal. Seeing this, the man with the knife on his back immediately pulled out the big knife on his back, as if he would just do it if he didn't agree with a word!

The rest of the people also sacrificed their magic weapons silently, and became alert. Although they are confident, they are not arrogant!

Be cautious!


Seeing that the situation became extremely tense in an instant, the leader monster immediately yelled angrily, and the restless monsters around them all fell silent after hearing the words. The status among monsters is definitely not low!


Follow his gaze.

The two giant blood demons behind them immediately carried a large pile of things wrapped in animal skins to the middle of the opposite side with great insight!


"This is your reward!"

"Let's trade!"

The leader monster said in a deep voice.


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