The Storm God

Chapter 1420 The Secret of the Wind! (Please subscribe!)

"The Huanduan Mountain Cliff is ahead!"

In the sky, Xiaoqing was flying with Bai Xiaofei and others at high speed. Penny suddenly narrowed her eyes and reminded: "The wind on the Soul Breaking Cliff is very strange. If you go in without any precautions, you will be seriously injured or even killed on the spot." , let's get ready!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to neglect.

Hearing this, he immediately ordered Xiaoqing to find a place and landed.

Knowing that Bai Xiaofei may not know about some common sense things of celestial masters, so on the way here, with the information about Soul Duan Cliff, Penny, Fat Ying, and Huo Xiaolan have already done enough homework for Bai Xiaofei, let him Fully understand the horror of Soul Breaking Cliff.

It is true that Bai Xiaofei is an expert and bold, but he is not an idiot and a second grader. In the face of mysterious things beyond the plot, maintaining a due awe and cautious attitude is an essential quality for a traveler. So after learning about the danger of Soul Duan Cliff, Bai Xiaofei didn't try his best.

The place Xiaoqing chose to land was only a few hundred meters away from Huanduan Mountain Cliff. Far away among the mountain tops, everyone could already faintly hear the strange and incomparable wind. All of a sudden... dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, even mental depression... and other abnormal feelings appeared on everyone in varying degrees.


This is a weird sound.

To Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing, it was nothing at all.

One person and one spirit beast, running the exercises, the spiritual energy surged up, and after protecting the whole body, they just shook their heads and completely got rid of all kinds of negative influences, but Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were not the same. Their situation can be said to be the most serious. If it wasn't for Zhu Penny and Fat Ying who saw it early and quickly supported them, they might have fallen off Xiao Qing directly.

This is only the border area of ​​the outermost Huanduan Mountain Cliff, and the sound of the wind has such terrifying power, wouldn't the core area kill people immediately? !

The power and terror of the wind on Huanduan Mountain Cliff can be seen from this.


Xiaoqing landed steadily.

Everyone quickly jumped down, calmed down their emotions, followed Bai Xiaofei and others, and looked at Penny and Fat Ying one after another, because only the two demons had full experience in dealing with Soul Breaking Cliff, and the others were all rookies , have no clue at all.

"Don't look at us!"

Unexpectedly, the two monsters shrugged their shoulders like bachelors, curled their lips and said: "We are poor and white now, except for the human skin, how can we have any treasures? The task of resisting the wind of Soul Duan Cliff depends on you!" Only the celestial masters of the human race can do it, we are only responsible for delivering information!"


The three of them were speechless.

Immediately, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin silently looked at Bai Xiaofei. Obviously, the two of them directly threw this troublesome ball to Bai Xiaofei. Who made him the most powerful core figure among the crowd! Such a big pot, if you don't throw it to you, who will you throw it to!

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

At this moment, he really wanted to say: "There is a saying MMP, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

Finally, after getting the so-called exclusive information from Penny and Fat Ying, coupled with a lot of scientific and technological knowledge in his mind, as well as analysis and speculation, Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have vaguely understood the opposite side's broken soul. The secret of the wind on the cliff.

follow closely……

I saw him staring at the opposite side with flickering eyes, "frozen for a while", and then he jumped with his legs bent, his whole body was like a grasshopper, he jumped more than 100 meters in one leap, and jumped to the opposite side three times. Huo Xiaolan and the others were horrified and horrified when they saw Huo Xiaolan and the others on the cliff!

"I rely on it!"

"What's wrong with this human being, he jumped directly onto the cliff of Soulbreak without making any preparations?!"

"He's clearly courting death!"


Penny and Fat Ying had big heads.

After the shock, the way he looked at Bai Xiaofei was almost like looking at a dead person.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were extremely worried, with all their hearts raised in their throats, for fear that something unexpected would happen to Bai Xiaofei, and without Bai Xiaofei's support, the matter of rescuing Huba would be completely over. At this moment, They were as anxious as ants on a hot pan!

And in this case.


However, Bai Xiaofei jumped back from the Huanduan Cliff on the opposite side without any injuries, with a calm expression on his face, and incomparable confidence and calmness blooming in his eyes. It seems... what he went to just now was not the terrifying and unpredictable Hunduan Mountain Cliff, but an ordinary mountain peak.

"Brother Bai!"


Huo Xiaolan and the others were stunned for a moment, then immediately stepped forward with joy, asking for warmth for a while, and then asked Bai Xiaofei what was going on, why did he suddenly jump over, and there was nothing wrong with it. Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and explained: "Because I have already guessed and deciphered the secret of the wind on the Huanduan Cliff!"


The two and the two monsters immediately became interested.

Hearing this, he couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Bai (human), what is the mystery of the wind on the cliff of soul breaking, tell us quickly!"


at the same time.

The bottom of the valley in the core area of ​​Soul Breaking Cliff.


The masked man waved his hand, and a group of people stood still. Under the cover, the man's gaze seemed to glance at the monster opposite him with some deep meaning, and he immediately ordered Cao Lao Wu beside him: "Go and check, if there is nothing tricky, then let's start the transaction!"


Cao Laowu didn't say much.

Hearing this, he nodded, and immediately walked towards the center of the field slowly holding two special instruments. And as he moved forward, whether it was the teammates behind Cao Laowu or the monsters on the opposite side, all eyes were on Cao Laowu, for fear that he would be in danger or play some tricks.


Cao Laowu did not encounter any accidents.

He quickly came to the big pile of baggage, and then began to examine it carefully. After opening the package, I saw pearls and jades shining inside, and there were countless gold and silver treasures, pearls and emeralds.


There are also many long-lost Celestial Artifacts of the human race.

This burden piled up like a hill. If converted into money, its value would be roughly estimated to be nearly a million silver!

It's no wonder that after these five people snatched Huba from the transportation team of Da Ya Dian, they were not sent to the reward place of the human race to receive the corresponding bounty, but sent to the Yaozu side. The benefits offered are simply dozens of times higher than the highest reward offered by the human race!

Whoever is not tempted!

"no problem!"

Cao Laowu carefully checked the things in the bag several times, and after confirming that there was nothing tricky about the rewards given by the Yaozu, he turned his head and nodded at his boss. He didn't come back immediately, but just stayed there, waiting for the boss's instructions.


Regardless of whether it is a normal transaction or choosing to be black and white, Cao Laowu has a great advantage by staying in front of these rewards, and can protect his own interests to the greatest extent from damage. As for the two giant blood demons standing in front of them? Cao Laowu didn't pay attention to it at all!

"In that case, let's start trading!"

Seeing this, the masked man pondered for a while, then nodded, and said to the monster beast headed opposite him, "Jing Tian Po, you have integrity! Next, let's pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other! I hope you don't Use your brains, otherwise..."

"I guarantee that you will pay a heavy price!"


His voice was hoarse and deep.

Don't be angry and arrogant, giving people a sense of domineering sideways, of course, the meaning of threat is also very obvious!


The monster named Shattering Heaven.

Hearing this, he smiled coldly, and said disdainfully: "Don't worry! Our monster race is not full of black belly and tricks like you humans! If it is a deal, it is definitely a deal! Send the little demon king here quickly! Then take it Leave your rewards immediately, lest you have long nights and dreams!"


The masked man gestured.

The squint-eyed man behind him understood immediately, shrugged his shoulders, and then with a characteristic smile on his face, he immediately took the cage where the little demon king Huba was imprisoned, and walked towards the central area where Cao Laowu was. The speed is unhurried, very rhythmic!

Seeing that the transaction between the two parties is imminent.

The little demon king Huba is about to fall into the hands of the new demon king's subordinates.

On the nick of time.


In the deep valley of Tianchao, there was a loud roar suddenly, the roar was like thunder, shaking the heavens and the earth, shaking the surrounding mountain walls, countless gravels fell one after another, and the expressions of all the people and monsters at the bottom of the valley changed greatly, and they hurriedly looked towards the source of the roar!

But I saw a strange figure with twists and turns, like lightning, falling from the sky and falling towards the bottom of the valley at a high speed!


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