The Storm God

Chapter 1421 Three-party confrontation! (Please subscribe!)

The people who came were naturally Bai Xiaofei and his party.

"not good!"

Seeing the appearance of outsiders, five masked men, Jing Tianpo and other monsters, they immediately screamed inwardly. Immediately, the two parties understood each other, and immediately shouted, urging their own staff to speed up the transaction process, and strive to complete the transaction before the visitor reaches the bottom of the valley!

at the same time……

Both sides also immediately launched attacks into the sky, trying to hinder the footsteps of the approaching people.

Also buy enough time for yourself.


The wish is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel.

At the critical moment when the squint-eyed man hurried to Cao Laowu's side, and was about to hand over the cage that imprisoned the little demon king Huba to the opposite giant blood demon, Bai Xiaofei, who descended from the sky, squinted his eyes and made a sudden move That's right, it's just a few throwing knives, shooting towards the people who are trading at the bottom of the valley like a storm!

The speed of the flying knife is as fast as lightning, and it arrives almost instantly, with a ferocious force.


The squint-eyed man had no choice.

He had no choice but to take his hand back quickly, otherwise the flying knife from the electric shot would definitely pierce his arm.

At the same time, his figure quickly retreated.

the other side……

So is Cao Lao Wu.

Bai Xiaofei's throwing knife was fast and fierce. He tried to block it just now, but he almost sent his magic weapon flying. While being shocked, he didn't dare to resist any more, and immediately chose to dodge. However, due to the attack of the flying knives, Cao Laowu could only keep backing away like the squint-eyed man.


Those two giant blood demons were miserable.

For one thing, their size is very large, which can be said to be ready-made targets, and the force-bearing area is too wide.


It's just that they are too confident.

Self-proclaimed that his body is rough and fleshy, and that mere human throwing knives can't hurt him at all. Then he stood up against the flying knives that flew towards him like a torrential rain, and moved his head forward, wanting to take the little girl from the hands of the squinting-eyed man. The demon king Huba was snatched over, but he was shot into a sieve on the spot!

Although Bai Xiaofei's flying knife is not a magic weapon, it is made of special material, indestructible, and extremely fast. As the saying goes, "Everything in the world is indestructible, only fast!" When the speed reaches the extreme, not to mention flying knives, even flesh and blood can explode with unparalleled destructive power!

The two giant blood demons just took two steps, and they were immediately shot + throwing knives all over their bodies. And these throwing knives pierced their self-proclaimed indestructible flesh defense on the spot, and then advanced all the way, reaching their internal organs and brains, completely ending their lives!


The two blood demons died on the spot.

The huge body collapsed like a mountain, and fell heavily to the ground, splashing countless smoke and dust.


Dust and smoke filled the room.

A figure suddenly appeared in it.

follow closely……

The squint-eyed man and Cao Laowu, who were retreating, were horrified to see a man wearing a white robe and a seven-coin celestial master logo rushing towards him wildly. , rushed to him almost in the blink of an eye, and then directly blasted him with a palm.

This person is naturally Bai Xiaofei who teleported to the bottom of the valley with the Flying Thunder God Technique!

"Damn it!"

The two suddenly screamed secretly.

At this moment, their bodies were in the process of retreating. Even if they saw the enemy's attack with their eyes, their bodies could not react in time. To put it simply, the two of them can only watch helplessly as Bai Xiaofei beats them up, and they have no power to fight back!

And Bai Xiaofei.

It's not really about beating them up right now.

It was false to attack the opponent, and snatching the little demon king Huba from the squinting-eyed man's hand was his real purpose. From the rainstorm throwing knife attack just now, to the teleportation and snatching now, all of this was carefully planned by Bai Xiaofei.

With intentional arithmetic and unintentional, Bai Xiaofei naturally took advantage and took the lead!


Just when he was about to succeed.

The squint-eyed man and Cao Laowu were suddenly shocked, and then flew back to their own team with incomparable swiftness.

Bai Xiaofei's plan fell through in an instant.


He was slightly taken aback.

Then he stopped his figure and looked at the opposite side intently.

But he saw mana surging in the hands of the masked man, two glove-shaped instruments were worn on each other's hands, and two physical chains of mana were slowly withdrawing from the squinting-eyed man and Cao Laowu. . Obviously, it was thanks to the masked man that the two were able to withdraw in time!

at the same time.

At this time, Xiaoqing finally withstood the attacks of both sides and rushed to the bottom of the valley abruptly. It happened to land next to the two blood demons who died tragically, and the large pile of gold and silver treasures brought by the demon clan naturally became his possessions, and Xiaoqing immediately took them away with cards.

Thieves do not go empty!

Don't take advantage of the cheap bastard!

This guy Xiaoqing followed Bai Xiaofei, it can be said that he has learned the master's style to the fullest!

Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, Penny, and Fat Ying also quickly jumped off Xiaoqing, entered a fighting state, focused on alert, fully armed, and stood behind and around Bai Xiaofei respectively, glaring at the masked man and the others vigilantly and glaringly, And monsters such as Jingtianpo.

The two sides were in full swing, forming a triangular confrontation. With the deep valley of Tianchao as the background, on the side of the cliff of the human race are five celestial masters headed by the masked man; in the middle of the valley bottom is a mixed team of humans and demons headed by Bai Xiaofei; The monsters headed by them.

No matter which side it is.

The little demon king Huba in the hands of the squinting-eyed man is the most crucial existence.

Whether it is Bai Xiaofei or the demon clan, the goal is the little demon king Huba. The masked man and the others didn't care much about the little demon king Huba. What they really wanted to get was the gold and silver treasures that Xiaoqing had put away, as well as many celestial master magic tools. Huba was just theirs. It's just chips!


Between the three parties.

The masked man suddenly laughed, looked at Bai Xiaofei and the others with his dark face, and said in a hoarse voice: "I never imagined that there would be such a master as you among the human race. The monsters are really amazing!"

"Young man, I admire you very much, can you tell me your name?"

"We can make a deal!"


He was very curious about Bai Xiaofei's origin.

Through the investigation just now, the masked man was shocked to find that Bai Xiaofei and the others were not wearing any special magic weapon that could resist the death-killing wind on the Huanduan Cliff. This made him feel very incredible, and thought about it very many.

almost instantly.

The masked man immediately became very interested in Bai Xiaofei.

As for the question of opposites?


There are no absolute enemies in this world, only interests!

He has the little demon that Bai Xiaofei wants, and Bai Xiaofei has the treasure and magic weapon that they want. There is only a little conflict between them just now, and it has not caused any irreconcilable huge conflict. Trading Partners!

As for the Yaozu...

Feel sorry!

They have already lost their bargaining chips, and they have no qualifications to negotiate at all!

"Damn humans!"

Jingtianpo and the other monsters are not fools, and they naturally understand what the masked man said. This is clearly about to change the object of the transaction, and they kicked themselves out directly. It was so angry that it flew into a rage on the spot, wishing to rush over immediately, kill all the humans on the opposite side, and then feed the blood demon!


Xiaoqing's power is really too strong!

The huge and strange body that has never been seen before, the coercion that makes them almost breathless, is simply the only thing they have ever seen in their lives. Even the powerful new demon king seems to be slightly inferior to this strange monster in terms of coercion. Beast! Before finding out Xiaoqing's origin, Jing Tianpo would not act rashly.

Lest the ship capsize in the gutter!


Regardless of how the monster race thinks and reacts.

Here, after Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he suddenly smiled, glanced at the five people on the opposite side, followed by raising the corners of his mouth, and said: "So you are planning to use the little demon king Huba to trade with the demon clan in exchange for more money." Your interests. Very good! I, Bai Xiaofei, will trade with you!"


"Get the stuff out!"


The master has orders.

Xiaoqing didn't dare not listen, and immediately reluctantly took out the gold, silver and treasures that had just been put into the card, as well as many magic weapons.

Without further ado, Bai Xiaofei immediately controlled the treasures and magical artifacts with his mind and thoughts, and threw them directly to the masked man and others, then looked at each other with deep meaning, and said in a deep voice: "I have already given you what you want. Well, guys should hand over the little demon king Huba to me?"


The masked man and the others were stunned.

They were all silent, as if they didn't expect Bai Xiaofei to be so straightforward, to give the things to himself directly, aren't they afraid that they won't accept the things they took? Or does it mean that the other party has enough confidence that even if he reneges on his debt, he is sure to leave him and others behind? !

The five people looked at each other, as if they were communicating with their eyes, whether they should renege on their debts or not.

at last……

They all nodded.

Following the masked man, he turned his head, looked at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Bai Xiaofei, right? To be honest, I like your courage and way of handling things very much! For the sake of your sincerity, we are ashamed to play tricks on you." If you admit it, the Little Demon King will give it to you!"

Say it.

He turned his head and gave a gesture to the squint-eyed man.

The latter understood, and immediately threw the cage that imprisoned the little demon king Huba towards Bai Xiaofei.

"Give it to me!"

"At all costs, snatch the little demon king from me!"

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die!"


At the same time, the monster clans on Jingtianpo's side, seeing that the transactions on the human side have come to an end, and the Little Demon King was about to fall into Bai Xiaofei's hands, couldn't help it anymore, and then With a terrifying roar, countless monsters ran away in an instant, and immediately attacked Bai Xiaofei and others!



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