The Storm God

Chapter 1422 Sword Slashing Monsters! (Please subscribe!)


The group of monsters moved out, shaking the sky and the earth.

At this moment, roars, shouts of killing, mixed with the strange wind sound from the Huanduan Mountain Cliff, and the sound of shaking the earth, filled the entire valley floor, and the scene was full of excitement and boiling!

"Stand back!"

In the face of the monster clan's attack, Xiaoqing can be said to bear the brunt, because among Bai Xiaofei and others, he is the largest in size, the most majestic, and puts the greatest pressure on monster beasts such as Jing Tianpo, so it is only natural that he is regarded by the monster clan as the most powerful. The threatening enemy must be eliminated immediately!

And in order to deal with Xiaoqing, the lineup dispatched by Yaozu is very large.

Two super giant monsters, five giant blood monsters.

And many other monsters!


The supergiant is the largest.

At least they are hundreds of feet in size, with rough skin and thick flesh, and infinite strength, just like a mountain of meat, full of shock! It is the main output to deal with Xiaoqing, and the rest of the blood demon and other monster races are just supporting from the side, mostly harassing, sneak attacking, and restraining!

Facing so many enemies, Xiaoqing didn't dare to push her too hard, and told Huo Xiaolan and others to retreat quickly, so as not to be affected by Chi Yu, and immediately rushed out, wrestling with two huge monsters. In an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was shaking, and the two sides were fighting fiercely!

There were more than a dozen little monsters who couldn't dodge in time, and were accidentally hit by three giant monsters during the scuffle, and they were crushed into meatloaf! Seeing this, the rest of the monsters immediately bypassed them, and then continued to rush towards Huo Xiaolan and the others.

no way!

Who let the little demon king Huba be in Bai Xiaofei's hands!

And Huo Xiaolan and the others are the forces between Bai Xiaofei and them, if they are not destroyed, they will not be able to reach Bai Xiaofei at all!

"Everyone back!"

The situation of Huo Xiaolan and others can be described as precarious.

The strength of the two of them is limited, and it is still difficult to deal with one or two monsters, let alone such a big group? Seeing that the other party was so powerful and violent, attacking him frantically, Huo Xiaolan and the others immediately shrank into a group, and quickly moved closer to Bai Xiaofei!

And Bai Xiaofei...

After successfully receiving the cage containing the little demon king Huba, he immediately turned around and rushed towards Huo Xiaolan and the others without saying a word.

"Look out for Huba!"

Several people successfully merged together.

Bai Xiaofei used his brute force to forcefully break the cage, then handed the unconscious Huba to Huo Xiaolan, and said: "It's dangerous here, you go first, I'll break it! Penny, Fat Ying, Their safety is in the hands of you two!"


while speaking.

Bai Xiaofei's mental power suddenly bloomed, and Huo Xiaolan and the others felt an incomparably turbulent force acting on themselves, and then the whole person flew up, like a meteor, flying away from the battlefield at an incomparable speed .

Just blink.

The battlefield that was fought in the dark has already turned into a small dot.

Finally disappeared completely.


Seeing such a situation.

Jing Tianpo and the other monsters were so angry that they didn't vomit blood on the spot. Most of the monsters among them immediately abandoned Bai Xiaofei, turned their heads and rushed towards the direction Huo Xiaolan and the others left. Only a small part stayed on, probably because they wanted to keep Bai Xiaofei.


They all underestimated Bai Xiaofei.

Whether it is the small number of monsters who stayed behind to contain Bai Xiaofei, or most of the monsters who wanted to chase Huo Xiaolan and the little demon king Huba and others, in front of Bai Xiaofei, who was full of murderous intent and had already completely risen, none of them would dare want to go!


A sharp sword made of vibrating gold appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, facing hundreds of monsters, Bai Xiaofei finally no longer chose to hide his strength. From the moment he held the sword, the monstrous sword intent, the incomparably thick true energy, mixed with a little mana, accompanied by the shocking evil spirit, were instantly unsheathed like a sharp sword!

Heaven and man are one!

Bai Xiaofei immediately entered his strongest state.

At this moment, within a radius of three kilometers, everything is almost integrated into his perception state. Within this area, Bai Xiaofei is the sky, the earth, the power of nature that dominates everything, and he can do whatever he wants control everything!


He glanced at it.

Looking at the monster that was attacking and chasing Huo Xiaolan and others, the corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched coldly, and he softly shouted: "Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

next moment.

The bottom of the soul breaking cliff.

In the blink of an eye, countless aura-like swords flashed out.

They stand out of thin air, like living beings full of spirituality, each excitedly chirping and trembling, gathering around Bai Xiaofei's body, and under Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, they quickly turned into two dragon-like existences, and then moved towards Monster beasts such as Jingtianpo are rushing in!

All this is a long story, but in fact it happened in the blink of an eye.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Thousands of swords return to the sect like a spring surging!

The monsters were caught off guard, and had never seen such a strange and powerful force. They were stunned for a moment, and suffered a catastrophe on the spot. Either they were directly pierced into a horrible sieve, or they were directly torn apart by the extremely tyrannical sword energy. Turned into pieces of flesh and blood, the dead can no longer die!

It's just a matter of breathing.

There were no less than dozens of monsters who died tragically under Wan Jian Guizong.

Those monsters who were badly injured, fell to the ground, and were completely powerless to fight, were even more numerous, and the number of these casualties was still increasing geometrically. At this speed, it won't be long before Jing Tianpo and other monsters will be slaughtered by Bai Xiaofei!


"Block those strange swords for me!"

"Everyone spread out!"


Jing Tian Po has never seen such a terrifying swordsmanship!

He was scared out of his wits in an instant, full of fear, full of fear and awe towards Bai Xiaofei, a weird human being, but at the same time, he did not forget his duty, and hurriedly mobilized troops to disperse the demons, intending to avoid Wan Jian's return to the sect Slaughter, preserve strength!


It underestimated Wan Jian Guizong too much.

In Fengyun World, Wan Jian Guizong is the top swordsmanship book. Its power is so powerful that it can even be compared with the world-shattering Sword Twenty-Three. It is used by a pervert like Bai Xiaofei. Compared with Wuming, its power is probably Only increase, not decrease!

How could it be that these stupid monsters can dodge if they want to dodge?

Just kidding!

"Puff puff!"

The sound of sword energy piercing flesh and blood continued to resound.

Every sword of Wan Jian Guizong represents Bai Xiaofei's will and strength, which can be said to be invincible! It's not something these monsters can resist at all, even if they are separated, they can't do it, because even if you disperse, where can you disperse?

As long as there is only one monster that Bai Xiaofei targets, there will be only one end!


Jing Tian Po also seems to have discovered this.

While panicking and anxious in his heart, he hastily yelled in the language of the Yaozu, as if he was calling for something. Then... I saw two super monsters who were fighting with Xiaoqing, one of them suddenly left Xiaoqing behind, and rushed towards Jingtianpo with extremely heavy steps.

The body of the super monster is more than a hundred feet high, just like a mountain of meat.

His movements seem to be the slowest, but he can't hold back his huge size. If he takes a step, he can match the distance of dozens or even hundreds of steps of the little monsters. So overall, the super monster's moving speed , In fact, it is not slow at all. If you think it is slow, it is just an illusion.

This super big monster quickly stood between Bai Xiaofei and Jingtianpo and other monsters, acting as a meat shield, using its huge body without hesitation, blocking Wan Jianguizong's power for Jingtianpo and other monsters, However, he was pierced by countless sword qi of Wan Jian Guizong on the spot, and turned into a pool of horrible mud!


The internal organs are protruding, and the blood is flowing like a river!

The super monster who died tragically, with a "plop", pushed a golden mountain and smashed it there like a jade pillar, becoming a veritable mountain of meat!

at the same time.

Without the help of one super monster, the other super monster fought alone, it was no match for Xiaoqing, the mutated dragon, and his end was extremely miserable. They were tied up like rice dumplings, and finally they were strangled until their bones and internal organs were shattered to death!

Those blood monsters who assisted the super big monster, harassed and attacked Xiaoqing, and other monsters around them also suffered heavy casualties and were defeated! Seeing the tragic death of the two giant monsters one after another, they also completely lost the desire to fight, and panicked one by one, and hurriedly ran for their lives.

The army of monster beasts, who were aggressive and seemingly unstoppable just now, turned into two or three big cats and kittens in the blink of an eye! However, Bai Xiaofei and the others, who were supposed to be at a disadvantage, were unscathed, and even let Huo Xiaolan and the others lead the Little Demon King out of the battlefield...

It all happened so fast.

"I'll be good!"

Seeing such a shocking battle situation, the five masked men immediately froze in place.

From the beginning of the transaction, to the monster clan's attack, and then to Bai Xiaofei's counterattack, beheading the group of monsters with his sword, showing great power, the monster clan suffered heavy casualties, and was defeated. All this seemed to take less than two minutes, and in these two minutes Inside, the five masked men stood there in a daze like statues.

All five of them were dumbfounded, full of expressions of disbelief!


Cao Laowu who was greatly shocked.

He didn't even know when the magic weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

And when they finally recovered from their sluggishness, there were no figures of Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing in the scene. There were only the wreckage of monsters, countless flesh and bones, and two extremely thick and horrible big flesh. The mountain proved the brutality and dominance of the battle just now.


The five looked at each other silently.

Immediately, they nodded in unison, and then started to move, all chasing in the direction where Huo Xiaolan and others left.

Not even gold, silver, treasures and magic weapons!


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