The Storm God

Chapter 1423: A sword that lifts the sky! (Please subscribe!)

Soul off the cliff.

A place tens of kilometers away from the battlefield.

Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, Penny and Fat Ying landed steadily without any impact. Although Bai Xiaofei's mental power has not yet reached the peak, but in the application and development of skills, it can be regarded as a small achievement, and he is very confident in controlling them to land safely.

As for the little demon king Huba?

All right!

He has been tightly hugged by Huo Xiaolan, and there is nothing wrong with him!


Huo Xiaolan tried calling Huba.

But there was no reaction at all, even violent shaking was useless, and he still fell into a deep coma.

Song Tianyin and the two were in a panic.


Penny and Fat Ying were also very helpless.

They looked at the undulating woods behind them, as well as the startled birds and animals, and their faces changed slightly: "Miss Huo, Huba should be fine, but we don't have to, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we should hurry up leave!"


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin fell silent for a moment.

To be honest, they were very conflicted in their hearts, leaving Bai Xiaofei alone and Xiaoqing here to fight against the monster army, while he and others fled regardless, this made them feel very uncomfortable, but their reason told They, this is the only feasible way now!


The strength of Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing is unfathomable.

Even facing the powerful monster clan, there may not be any danger, but if I and others are weak, if I continue to stay here, maybe I will become a burden to the other party. Probably this is also the main reason why Bai Xiaofei threw them away from the battlefield!

So far.

The two immediately stopped entangled, nodded and said: "Okay!"


And at this moment.

The ground suddenly trembled, as if an earthquake had struck, and even the surrounding trees and cliffs began to shake violently.

"What's the situation?"

It took Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin a lot of effort to avoid being knocked to the ground, but they were shocked by the sudden change. But Penny and Fat Ying's expressions darkened, and they said thoughtfully: "With such a violent tremor, could it be that...Jing Tian Po also sent out the Voldemort Fire Demon?"


The eyes of the two demons were full of horror.

At the moment, he didn't care whether his guess was right or not, he grabbed Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin and turned around and ran away.





The two and the three monsters just ran out not far away.

Suddenly, the ground they were on suddenly cracked, and a huge crimson figure, like a sharp blade, cut through the solid ground, soaring into the sky, setting off gravel and trees all over the sky, and also Huo Xiaolan and others. It was completely blocked!


The roar of the beast shocked the sky, and the sound shook the whole field.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin's expressions changed drastically when they saw the huge monster blocking them in front of them. They were full of horror.

However, the monster that broke through the ground and suddenly appeared blocking the road was more than a hundred meters tall. It was red all over, covered in flames and heavy armor, and looked like a centipede. The jaws and teeth look terrifying!

And as it appears.

The surrounding temperature also rose sharply, and the surrounding trees were scorched almost instantly, and then burst into flames.


Even the cracked earth.

It was also like a hot pot, and it began to become extremely hot.


"It really is the terrifying Voldemort Fire Demon!"

"I can't run now!"


Penny and Fat Ying also looked desperate.

Others don't know how powerful Voldemort is, but as subjects of the demon clan, Zhu Penny and Fat Ying are deeply moved by him. The Voldemort Fire Demon is a ferocious monster that absorbs the essence of the earth fire to survive. When it is free, it usually sleeps in the magma area at the bottom, absorbing the essence of the earth fire to improve itself.

And when this kind of monster appears, it is the beginning of a terrible disaster.

Whether it is for the human race or the demon race, Voldemort is an absolute representative of disaster, and it is one of the monsters that humans and demons least want to see! Because this kind of monster is like magma, it bursts extremely, has a moody temperament, and its favorite thing is destruction!

Once he wakes up from sleep, if he doesn't release and vent his exuberant energy and hot temper to his heart's content, Voldemort will never give up!

Penny and Fat Ying never imagined that this rebellious new demon king, in order to capture and kill the little demon king Huba, actually got out such disastrous monsters. Could it be that the other party didn't know that Voldemort demon It's hard to tame at all, it's easy to get out of control, and cause devastating damage to everything around you!


Voldemort roared to the sky.

During the roar, countless crimson liquids spewed out from his mouth. These liquids are like magma, and the temperature is extremely high. Anything that touches it, such as trees, rocks... etc., will be instantly melted and turned into ashes.

It spewed out this throat.

Immediately, a large shower of meteor fire formed, burning a large area around it into a scene like hell.

Huo Xiaolan and the others tried their best to barely escape the attack and splash of these liquids, but there was less and less room for them to move and dodge. And... as the fire spread, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher as the magma-like liquid flowed across!

If it goes on for a long time.

Even if they were not eaten by the Voldemort demon, or the liquid corroded and burned into ashes, the rising temperature alone could probably roast them into human flesh and demon flesh. What's more...the Voldemort monster is so fierce, how can it be such a good-tempered monster?


Seeing that his first attack failed.

The Voldemort Fire Demon seemed to be angry. Its ferocious animal pupils were full of fury. While roaring, its body trembled wildly, and then it directly ran towards Huo Xiaolan and the others. That huge and long and narrow animal body is just like a high-speed train!

The location where Huo Xiaolan and the others are now is only a very small area, and they are surrounded by hot red liquid like magma. The nearest open space to them is at least tens of meters away. Can't jump over!

That is.

Facing the impact of Voldemort, they had nowhere to dodge. If it was hit, it would be a miserable end. It was probably either smashed into meatloaf on the spot, or completely swallowed by the surrounding liquid torrent, and then directly turned into ashes. The dead can't die anymore!

So far.

The desperate Huo Xiaolan and the others involuntarily closed their eyes and screamed.

Seeing that Voldemort Fire Demon's terrifying and hideous huge head was about to collide with Huo Xiaolan and the others, at the very moment, a white figure suddenly appeared. Bai Xiaofei teleported over with the Thunder God technique.

"Shooting the sky with one sword!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't have any ink marks.

Seeing the huge terrifying head of the Voldemort Fire Demon, he was only slightly taken aback, and then saw his gaze fixed, and the Zhenjin sword in his hand suddenly slashed. The next moment, an incomparably dazzling golden brilliance, like a flash of laser light, streaked across Voldemort's body from bottom to top, and shot straight into the sky!

The blow didn't seem to have any effect on it.

The tendency of the Voldemort Fire Demon to charge forward did not decrease at all, and he rushed to the crowd in the blink of an eye. However, at the critical moment when it was about to hit Bai Xiaofei, Huo Xiaolan and the others, there was a soft sound of "click!", and the body of Voldemort Fire Demon showed a line starting from the center of his eyebrows.


The speed of this line is extremely fast.

Immediately afterwards, using this line as the dividing point, the terrifying and domineering Voldemort demon, which was a hundred meters tall, split into two in an instant as if someone had cut tofu, turning into two halves. Grabbing the edges of Bai Xiaofei and the others like this, they fell heavily from both sides.


"Crash! Rumble!"



The huge and heavy body of the Voldemort Fire Demon crashed to the ground, immediately causing a violent shaking and earthquake, and the crimson scorching liquid was splashed all over the sky, igniting an unknown number of trees. The surrounding fire became bigger and more violent.

Fortunately, Huo Xiaolan and the others were surrounded by Bai Xiaofei's mental shield, which protected them completely.


Two people and two demons must be brought to the pond fish!


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