The Storm God

Chapter 1424: Elves and Beasts! (Please subscribe!)

"Oh My God!"

Huo Xiaolan and the others were all dumbfounded.

Especially Penny and Fat Ying, the ferocity and dominance of the Voldemort Fire Demon, they can be said to be the most clear, but they never expected that they would be split in half by Bai Xiaofei's extremely easy sword. How strong is it? Could it be that the Martial Emperor is reborn!


Bai Xiaofei didn't relax at the moment, instead he frowned.

follow closely……

His eyes looked down.

I saw the body of the Voldemort demon that was split into two by my own sword, and it melted quickly, like hard candy thrown into boiling water, and the whole softened into a ball, and then... slowly gathered together Together, they gradually transformed into a tiger-like monster!


"Unexpectedly, in this world of Monster Hunting, there are still immortal monsters!"

"Do you want to catch it and study it?"


This moment.

A certain person became very interested, and his eyes lit up.

Bai Xiaofei secretly said: "I wonder if the Alien Queen can give this fire demon to XXOO, and hatch offspring with immortal bodies? If it is possible, it will be amazing! But judging by the temperature in this guy's body, there are thousands of things to say. If the speed goes up, I guess there is not much hope!"

At this moment……

Huo Xiaolan and the others finally recovered from the shock. The two of them stared wide-eyed, looking at the Voldemort demon who reunited into another monster with disbelief, and dared not say: "My God! This monster Could it be an immortal body? It was split into two halves, yet it’s still not dead!"

"That's not true!"

In the scene, the people who knew Voldemort the most were undoubtedly Penny and Fat Ying.

Seeing the Voldemort regrouping into shape, Penny explained solemnly: "This monster is called Voldemort. Although it is called a monster, its nature is completely different from ours, because it doesn't have the so-called flesh and blood at all. It is not a body, but it is naturally generated by the earth fire essence of nature, and it is similar to an elf!"

"Such monsters have no specific form or appearance at all, and often there is a core in their bodies, and all their powers are gathered here. As long as the core is not destructively damaged, they can be resurrected infinitely, almost Immortal body, but every time Voldemort Fire Demon is resurrected, it will consume a lot of energy!"

"The more times you revive, the more your strength will be reduced!"


Fat Ying nodded.

The interface said: "This kind of monster is extremely difficult to deal with, and most of them have very weird tempers. They are very difficult to control. They will run away at every turn and cause great trouble. Even among the monster clan, such as the Voldemort monster Elves and monsters are also monsters that make everyone talk about it!"

Speaking of which.

The two monsters couldn't help but looked at Bai Xiaofei together.

He secretly said in his heart: "Of course, a guy like this who can kill elves and monsters with a single sword is definitely a pervert who is even more monster than a monster! We can't afford to mess with it!"

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care how the two demons reacted and thought.

Hearing the words, he suddenly realized, and secretly said: "No wonder it can't be killed, and after reuniting, not only the strength and aura have become much worse than before, but even the shape is no longer the same as the original centipede. , there is no fixed form at all!"


even so.

That is also extremely rare research material!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help asking: "Penta, how many such elves and monsters are they? Where are they usually found? Can they be tamed and raised as younger brothers?"

Two demons: "..."

I go!

You guys are really perverted!

Such a terrifying and violent elf monster is too late for other people and monsters, and you actually want to adopt it as a younger brother? !

The two demons looked at Bai Xiaofei, and couldn't help but feel even more awed.


Penny sighed.

Answered truthfully: "Elves and monsters are not common, and they are only born in some very special places, such as super volcanoes, magmas of ground fires, etc."

"Taming elves and monsters can be tamed, but it is very difficult, and even if tamed, there is a great possibility of rebellion, so I don't recommend you take it as a younger brother, because maybe it will come for you at any time Son, you don’t want to be fooled!”

"It's good if you can tame it!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up, but he didn't care about the second part of Penny's sentence, and said to himself: "Don't worry, I won't give it a chance to betray!"

Say it.

He threw Xiaoqing out.


"Take them to a safe place, I'll tame the fire demon!"

"Being your companion!"


Someone said with burning eyes.


Xiaoqing instantly grew bigger.

Putting Huo Xiaolan and others on their backs, they immediately flew up into the sky, out of the attack range of Voldemort Fire Demon.

And Bai Xiaofei.

Then he laughed and rushed directly to the fire demon. At this moment, the Voldemort Fire Demon has completely condensed into a multi-legged monster that looks like a tiger but not a tiger, or a lion but not a lion. It is still huge, but it is not as big as the centipede just now, and its breath is also much weaker. few.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei flying towards him, the Voldemort Fire Demon did not show any weakness, immediately roared and slammed his paws on the magma ground, and in an instant countless hot and burning fireballs immediately rose from the ground, rushing towards the lava like a spring. Bai Xiaofei sputtered over.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fireball lifted into the air, extremely fast.

But Bai Xiaofei's movement skills are even more weird and ethereal. He easily dodged the attack of the Voldemort Fire Demon, and came to it in a blink of an eye, and then said to it with a smile: "Little Fire Demon, be obedient, follow brother Let's go, keep your delicious and spicy food!"

that look...

Properly a seductive and deceptive tone of child abduction and trafficking!


The Voldemort Fire Demon didn't know if he understood what Bai Xiaofei was saying. Anyway, he ignored Bai Xiaofei, turned his head and slapped him with a claw. The claw was like a hill, not only huge, but also burning with flames. Before the claw arrived, the scorching heat The incomparable heat wave is the first to hit our faces!

"Yo ha!"

The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched, and he said with a sneer, "You really have a bad temper!"


The figure flashed.

Calmly dodging Voldemort's slap.

Looking at the fiery and furious Volunteer Fire Demon standing there, Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly, and muttered: "It seems that language negotiation is not enough. If this is the case, then just directly lure it! If it doesn't work, then buddy just It is possible to intimidate!"


Bai Xiaofei took out a fruit from the storage ring.

This fruit is the size of a cherry, red all over, flickering like a light bulb, and covered with layers of threads all over its body, it looks indistinct! It is from the movie "Fengyun", the treasure of heaven and earth in Lingyun Cave, conceived by the essence of earth and fire--Blood Bodhi!

Unlike other versions.

The blood bodhi in the movie version is not produced by the blood of the fire unicorn, but is naturally conceived by the essence of earth fire. Although the number of copies of the Voldemort Fire Demon, which was also conceived by the essence of the Earth Fire, is different in time and space, it can be said to be of the same origin in essence, and it stands to reason that it should have a fatal attraction to it!

And in fact it is.

The moment Bai Xiaofei took out the Blood Bodhi, the Voldemort Fire Demon who was roaring furiously on the ground, seemed to have sensed the existence of Subhuti, was startled on the spot, and then immediately became quiet. A pair of big crimson eyes stared straight at the Blood Bodhi in Bai Xiaofei's hand, full of hope and longing!


It has sensed the extraordinaryness of Xue Bodhi, and knows that the little fruit in Bai Xiaofei's hand is of great help to him, so he becomes obedient. At the same time, a sound similar to begging came out from the mouth, and even... the Voldemort demon began to drool!


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed when he saw this, and said to himself, "Finally hooked!"

Then he looked at the Voldemort Fire Demon with a smile, threw the blood bodhi up and down in his hand, and said to the Voldemort Fire Demon, "What? Do you want this fruit in my hand? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, this kind of fruit buddy There are so many children, as long as you are obedient and obedient, follow me in the future, and I will keep you eating every day!"

"What do you think?"



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