The Storm God

Chapter 1425 Bow down! (Please subscribe!)

"hurry up!"

The masked man and others ran quickly in the forest.

And beside them, there are monsters headed by Jing Tianpo, both of them are galloping towards the direction where Huo Xiaolan and others are.

After the battle just now, the monsters suffered heavy casualties, two super big monsters died, ten giant blood monsters died tragically, and the other monsters were even more deadly or wounded, almost one-fifth of them were killed by Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing More than four monsters, it is simply defeated! If they hadn't been prepared for a long time, there were many monsters ambushing around, and now they might have to run away with their tails between their legs.

How dare you continue to chase after the little demon king Huba!

"Damn humans!"

Jing Tianpo led people to pursue him, while secretly depressed: "I hope Voldemort can keep them, even if they can't catch them alive, they can die! Otherwise, the loss is so heavy, and the other party escaped. After returning, the demon Wang Fei must swallow me!"

"Speed ​​me up!"

"Hurry up!"


Jing Tianpo roared and urged the monsters under him.

Immediately, he turned his eyes and looked at the five masked men who were also chasing Huo Xiaolan and the others not far away. There should be a reward, and now why?"

He is very curious.

The masked man and the others are well-known bounty hunters among the wild celestial masters of the human race. For the sake of profit, they can cooperate with anyone or monsters, but just now the other party gave up the benefit they got, and turned to work again. After chasing after the little demon king, Jing Tianpo really couldn't figure out why.

"This has nothing to do with you!"

The masked man said coldly.


Shockingly speechless for a while.

Seeing that the other party's attitude was cold, he was in no mood to pay attention to his appearance at all, and he didn't bother to ask any more, but changed his mouth and said: "Okay! I don't ask your purpose, now... I want to make another deal with you, as long as If you can help us catch the Little Demon King, I will give you three times the reward just now!"


There is no way to shake the sky.

The strength of Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing is too perverted. The super big monster, more than a dozen giant blood monsters, plus other monsters around, besieged the two of them together. The opponent was hanged and beaten bloody, resulting in heavy casualties, and the army was defeated!

It's incredible!

The enemy's ability is really terrifying!

Even if the Voldemort Demon was recruited, Jing Tian Po didn't have enough confidence. Because Voldemort's personality is too violent, he may rebel at any time. If he comes at a critical moment, he won't be able to kill the hateful human race, maybe he will turn around and help the human race attack his own people!


Jing Tianpo had no choice but to pay a lot of money, hoping to win over and hire the masked man and others. Although these people are mercenary, they are powerful, they cooperate with each other tacitly, and they have a good reputation and high reputation. Even if they can't beat Bai Xiaofei and others, they can still form a certain restraint effect, and then he can take the opportunity to snatch the Little Demon King.

And what I paid was just some money.

When he thought about it, the conditions he gave were so generous, and with the character of the masked man and others, he must be in a hurry to accept the task!

How can I think...

The fact is that is not the case at all!

"Not interested in!"

Hearing the words, the masked man snorted coldly, and directly rejected Jing Tianpo's solicitation, and said coldly: "Jing Tianpo, for the sake of our transactions so many times, today I would like to advise you, little demon king In the hands of that person, it is impossible for you to succeed, you should give up!"


"Today, none of you will be able to leave!"


After warning.

Then he left Jingtianpo far away.

As if he didn't want to have anything to do with the other party, he hastily separated the relationship, and was stunned, with a face full of bewilderment and puzzlement, and secretly said: "Damn! What the hell is going on? I will give you three times the commission And the reward, they actually refused it directly? Could it be that they want more?"

Unexpectedly, there is no such possibility.

Jing Tianpo looked at the masked man and others who were rushing away, and shouted loudly: "Don't go! Three times is not enough, five times is fine!"

The masked man and the others ignored him and ran even faster instead.

Shocking: "..."

at the same time.

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei was still tempting the Voldemort Fire Demon.

This time, with the Blood Bodhi as the bait, the IQ and rationality of the Voldemort Fire Demon were obviously strengthened a lot. When Bai Xiaofei asked its opinion again, the other party unexpectedly started to murmur, and finally even bargained with Bai Xiaofei .

"Ho ho ho ho!"

It stretched out its huge claws, pointed at the Blood Bodhi in Bai Xiaofei's hand, and roared three times.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback when he saw this.

Immediately, he looked at Voldemort demon suspiciously, and asked tentatively: "You mean, you need to eat three pills a day?"


Unexpectedly, the other party nodded.

It really made Bai Xiaofei guess right, but the amount of three blood bodhisattvas in this day is too much!


Bai Xiaofei flatly refused.

Then his face sank, and he said in a cold voice: "This is the blood bodhi conceived by the essence of earth and fire. It is a very rare treasure of heaven and earth. You think it is Chinese cabbage. I will give you three cabbages a day for ten days." One can be regarded as an incomparably extravagant thing! Little Fire Demon, although I have a good temper, it doesn't mean I'm stupid, if you push yourself so hard, then we won't be able to talk!"

"If it doesn't work, let's see the real chapter!"


"You should have seen my strength. It is absolutely easy to take care of you. Don't think that I can't do anything about you because you can be resurrected infinitely. As long as I am willing to find your core, it doesn't take much at all. Time, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

"Tell me! Are you following me or not?"


Bai Xiaofei issued an ultimatum.

Blood Bodhi is a treasure, he doesn't even have enough for himself, a little Voldemort wants to eat three pills a day, it's just a dream!

Dare to challenge the limit of my heart, keeping it will make you feel so happy!

Incentives are no good, this is directly changed to threats!

"Ho Ho!"

Voldemort obviously didn't do it.

Hearing this, he immediately shook his head violently, then roared twice, as if to say: "At least two a day!"

"Get out!"

Bai Xiaofei immediately became angry.

You are addicted to bargaining, and said fiercely: "Little fire demon, it seems that you are not sincere. If so, let's see the truth! When I defeat you, I will still have a way to tame you." Be obedient, when the time comes... hum, you are dreaming of one for ten days!"


Voldemort also seemed angry.

Didn't you say that as long as you hang out with you, you are guaranteed to be able to eat it every day? Why does it become one for ten days in a blink of an eye?

You are clearly deceiving people, no, you are deceiving demons!

Bai Xiaofei didn't know what he was thinking.


Someone will definitely answer it: "Why did I lie to the demon? I divide one blood bodhi into ten parts. I can't give you one part a day! I said that I promise you to eat every day, but I will definitely eat it every day." It’s one, obviously you misunderstood it, okay, it’s none of my business!”

Closer to home.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care what it meant.

Seeing that the other party is at this critical moment, still unable to distinguish the good from the bad, and still bargaining with him, he immediately lost his patience, and said in a cold voice impatiently: "Little Fire Demon, I will say it one last time! Ten days One, this is my limit, if you agree, we will sign a contract, otherwise..."


"I'll just do it right away, until you ask to sign a contract with me!"

"There won't be any by then!"


The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei held the Zhenjin sword and played a sword game.

The sword energy is strong and overbearing! The meaning is obvious, this is your last chance, if you still disagree, or bargain, don't blame me for teaching you to be a man every minute, uh... be a monster!


Voldemort fell silent for a moment.

Facing the domineering and domineering Bai Xiaofei, it dared not speak out. The situation is stronger than people, it really has no temper at all! Finally... After pondering for a while, Voldemort could only reluctantly agree to Bai Xiaofei's conditions. What else? I really let the other party beat me to the point of being convinced!

I'm not a masochist!

One for ten days is better than nothing and being enslaved by others!

And even so, it is much better than staying in the depths of the earth fire magma to practice hard. Although I don't know what the treasure in the human's hand is, the Voldemort can clearly feel that the richness in the fruit How pure and rich the earth fire essence contained in it is, even if it only absorbs a little bit, it can support one's own practice for several days, or even half a month!

To eat one such fruit in ten days is quite a lot to be honest!


After making up his mind, Voldemort immediately lay down obediently, and then showed the appearance of an obedient baby. He suppressed all the flames and violent breath on his body, and even his body shrank countless times in an instant, turning into a The little beast, which resembles a normal dog, wagged its tail at Bai Xiaofei, looking extremely cute.

This is obviously the rhythm of bowing down to Bai Xiaofei.

Just like at this time.

The masked man and others, as well as Jingtianpo and other monsters rushed to the scene, and then they all saw the scene of the Voldemort demon bowing his head to Bai Xiaofei.

All the demons suddenly said: "..."


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