The Storm God

Chapter 1426 The Prophet! (Please subscribe!)


Except for Bai Xiaofei.

Almost all the people at the scene, as well as the monsters, were stunned.

The masked man and the others are okay. They don't know much about the Voldemort demon. Even if they were surprised and shocked, it was because of the powerful power and rarity of the Voldemort demon. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei easily tamed such a bull To force the monster, some thoughts in his heart became more determined.

And Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, Penny and Fat Ying.

But it is not the case for Jingtianpo and other monsters who just arrived. They are deeply touched by the power of Voldemort, and they know the power and abnormality of Voldemort. Being easily tamed by Bai Xiaofei, this made them feel unreal like a dream!

Especially monsters such as Jingtianpo!

"This is impossible!"

"That's the Voldemort demon known as the disaster hell! How could it be tamed so easily!"

"This must be fake!"


The monsters who were deeply shocked.

At this moment, everyone was stunned and forgot that hunting down the little demon king Huba is the key point. They all looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, and how he ran up to Bai Xiaofei like a puppy, wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue. On the fire demon.

that expression...

One by one, it is as if seeing an elephant marrying an ant. It can be described as wonderful and gorgeous!


This is Voldemort!

really! What about your dignity! What about morals! Temper! What the hell is wrong with bowing down to a mere human being and begging for mercy!

I'm your master, okay!

Shattering is broken!


"Take this first!"

But Bai Xiaofei didn't care about the surrounding situation at all.

Seeing that Voldemort bowed his head and proclaimed himself a vassal, he nodded in satisfaction. He bought a beast-fearing treasure ring directly from the time-space mall, then manifested it, threw it to Voldemort, and ordered him to wear it. Only in this way, Bai Xiaofei can safely accept it as his younger brother!


Sprinkle a lot of blood Bodhi.

In the end, he fed a white-eyed wolf, and he probably depressed himself to death! And once she wears the Beast-Restraining Treasure Ring, she will sign a contract, and it is absolutely impossible to betray her!

"Ho Ho!"

The Voldemort Fire Demon acted according to his words, and quickly put the beast royal ring on his head, then yelled at Bai Xiaofei twice as if to flatter him, as if to say: "Nuo, look, I will follow what you said I did it, shouldn't you give me a reward?"

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei was finally able to understand the meaning of Voldemort Demon clearly and unmistakably. Because with the wearing of the Beast-Restraining Treasure Ring, Voldemort Fire Demon has officially signed a slave contract with Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei is the master, and Voldemort Fire Demon is the slave. The power of the contract can allow both parties to communicate without barriers.


Bai Xiaofei tossed it casually, and said with a smile, "I'll give it to you!"

Blood Bodhi drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and then Voldemort jumped up, swallowing it accurately and accurately like a dog catching a frisbee.

next moment.

Voldemort's momentum soared.

The crimson carapace and flames all over his body also instantly became more reddened, and he didn't know it!

Obviously, this blood bodhi is very useful for the promotion of the Voldemort Fire Demon. Just now, Bai Xiaofei chopped him to death with a sword against the sky, and the power consumed by the resurrection not only made up for it all, but even surpassed it before. The improvement made its aura much stronger as a whole!

"Ho Ho!"

The Voldemort fire demon noticed the change in himself, and immediately roared twice excitedly at Bai Xiaofei.

It means to thank the host for the gift.


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Now you know the benefits of following me, right? Work hard in the future, perform well, and a lot of benefits are waiting for you!"


I turned my gaze.

He looked directly at Jing Tian Po and other monsters.


But Bai Xiaofei grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said in a cold voice: "Just now I let you live, I didn't expect that you not only didn't cherish it, but also insisted on sending it to your door to seek death, let alone! Since you are so persistent, then I will be a good person to the end and fulfill you !"


The Voldemort Fire Demon signed a contract with Bai Xiaofei, at this moment he naturally knew Bai Xiaofei's intentions very well, seeing his master's murderous intentions wrinkled up, how could it, as a younger brother, not express it. Hearing this, he immediately roared, and transformed into a gigantic flame monster again, and rushed towards Jingtianpo and other monsters wildly and domineeringly!


At this moment, the Voldemort Fire Demon has not only returned to its former heyday, but has even been improved under the nourishment of the blood bodhi. The torrent, like a stormy sea, set off a terrifying wave and swooped away.

"Get out!"

Shockingly shocked.

While reminding all the monsters to dodge, he also quickly backed away.

Voldemort's attack, both in terms of power and scope, was too great. In just a split second, the temporary army that had just been assembled by Jing Tianpo and other monsters was hit in pieces, causing heavy casualties. . Even the side of the masked man was greatly affected.


They have a small number of people, only five people, and they are very powerful and cooperate with each other tacitly. Voldemort Fire Demon's crimson torrent, although powerful and wide-ranging in attack, did not cause much trouble to them, and was easily resolved by the five of them with their own means.

Then, they quickly approached Bai Xiaofei.


Looking at the five masked men rushing over.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes flickered with coldness and doubts, and he snorted coldly: "Interesting, it turned out to be aimed at me, could it be possible to make a deal with the Yaozu again?"

He was about to raise his sword and test the strength of these five people.

Just then.


The masked man seemed to have seen Bai Xiaofei's intentions, and suddenly said: "Mr. Bai, we have no malicious intentions!"


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

The movement of raising the sword also slowed down immediately, but he did not completely let go of his guard.

Soon, the five masked men came a few meters in front of Bai Xiaofei and stood still. It seemed that they were afraid of causing Bai Xiaofei's misunderstanding, none of the five people sacrificed their magic weapons, and then raised their hands high one by one, making gestures of surrender to show their sincerity.

at the same time.

Huo Xiaolan and the others also took Xiaoqing to the back of Bai Xiaofei.

Since Voldemort has become Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, it means that there is no danger now. As for the monsters brought by Galvatian...with the Voldemort dealing with them, it is impossible for them to rush over. The two men and the two monsters are also very curious at this moment, the five masked men followed closely behind, what is their intention?

Facing the suspicious eyes of the two people, the five masked men looked at each other.


I saw them nodding to each other.

Then Qiqi looked at Bai Xiaofei and said in unison: "Mr. Bai, we want to join your team!"

Except for the masked man who couldn't see his expression and eyes.

The remaining four people.

That expression is called firmness.

His eyes were full of determination and resoluteness, it didn't look like he was joking at all.

"What the hell?"

Bai Xiaofei was suddenly at a loss.

Looking at the five masked men in great perplexity, with bewildered and stunned faces, he said in surprise, "You say... you want to join my team? What team? Why didn't I know I had a team? Please, you guys Can you make your words clearer? Such a sudden sentence will confuse me!"

Actually, it's not just Bai Xiaofei.

Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, Penny, Fat Ying, and Xiaoqing were all confused by the five of them at the moment!

"What's the situation?"


The masked man seemed to have expected the reaction of Bai Xiaofei and the others, he smiled slightly when he saw this, and then explained: "Mr. Bai, to put it simply, from now on, we want to hang out with you. Go up the mountain of knives and go down into the sea of ​​fire, and never frown! Because we firmly believe that you are the person who prophesied in the legend!"

"The person who prophesied?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was even more confused.


The masked man continued to explain: "We know a prophecy, saying that there will be a person from outside the sky, who will lead the human race and the demon race to a prosperous and prosperous era of harmonious coexistence. Just like the rumored little demon king in your hands , will subvert the status quo of the human and demon worlds, and they are all prophecies predicted by the prophecy master himself."

"And we firmly believe that you are the man from beyond the sky in the prophecy!"


The tone is extremely certain.

The other four men also had serious and serious faces, with firm and resolute eyes, obviously they all believed that Bai Xiaofei was the one who prophesied.


Bai Xiaofei was stunned for quite a while, and then he recovered from the message from the masked man. Looking at the five people who seemed to be determined to talk to him, he didn't know what to say for a while. Because the prophecy said by the other party has obviously gone beyond the scope of the movie plot, even Bai Xiaofei has no way of judging whether it is true or not.

After pondering for a moment.

Bai Xiaofei laughed suddenly, and then said: "No matter what prophecy or not, you said you want to hang out with me? I don't have any objection to that! Anyway, one younger brother is a leader, and six are also a leader. But... you can't Became my little brother, I don't even know what your real face is, do I?!"

The meaning is obvious.

Should you take off your mask and let me see your real face? If you don't even have this bit of sincerity...

How the hell do I believe you!


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