The Storm God

Chapter 1427 Beauty Red Moon! (Please subscribe!)


Voldemort fire demon swept thousands of troops, unrivaled! Jingtianpo and other monsters, in front of it, are like a group of children, without the checks and balances of huge monsters like super monsters, they are not opponents of Voldemort at all, they only have to be hanged and beaten Son!

it's not...

In the blink of an eye.

Jing Tianpo and other monsters were beaten to the ground, and the casualties were heavy!

This time their fate was even more miserable. They were hanged and beaten by Bai Xiaofei before, and at least they could leave a corpse or something. With such a perverted attack, you still want to leave a corpse?

Are you kidding me?


Seeing many companions, after being hit by the Voldemort Fire Demon, they were directly reduced to ashes and disappeared completely. Finally, the surviving monsters could no longer bear this cruel scene and collapsed on the spot. No matter how Jing Tianpo yelled and cursed It was useless, and they all turned around and ran away.

Completely lost the will to fight.

at last……

The entire scene where the flames were churning.

Surprisingly, there were only Jingtianpo and the seven or eight monsters with a small number of figures left, still struggling to support themselves, doing the final struggle!


One of the monsters.

The corner of his eyes twitched and he looked around, and found that he was the only one left, his heart sank, and he said to Jing Tianpo: "This Voldemort Fire Demon is really powerful! It can't be killed at all, and it can mobilize the flames to form Magma torrent, we are no match at all!"


"Let's withdraw too!"


The rest of the monsters also agreed.

Jing Tianpo heard the words, feeling depressed and bitter in his heart, secretly said: "What the hell! You think I don't want to withdraw! The key is that we have withdrawn, and the new demon king probably won't let us go, after all, this time The failure is too disastrous, and I can't explain it when I go back!"


Naturally, the few monsters also knew the embarrassment of Jing Tianpo.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, he became impatient, and another monster hurriedly persuaded him: "Let's withdraw! Even if the new demon king blames him, we can still put all the blame on Voldemort. The new demon king naturally knows what kind of existence the Voldemort Fire Demon exists on his body, and he probably won't punish us severely!"

"That's right!"

The other monsters also spoke one after another.

They all persuaded: "Boss, get out! There is still a chance of life after going back, if you stay here, you will definitely die!"


Shattering has actually been waiting for this for a long time.

After all, he ordered the retreat, and his subordinates advised him to retreat, these are two completely different concepts. Seeing that his subordinates said everything he wanted to say, he immediately stopped hesitating, pondered for a while, then pretended to be unwilling, and gritted his teeth: "Damn it!"

"Let's let them go today!"



The surrounding monsters were overjoyed.

Then they tried their best and started running for their lives. While dodging the attack of the Voldemort Fire Demon, they retreated towards the other side of the Huanduan Mountain Cliff, the valley belonging to the monster tribe. Relying on the extremely tough mountain cornerstone as cover, they finally passed From the pursuit of Voldemort, he saved his own life!

And the other side.


The five masked men fell into silence for a while.

They surrendered their sincerity to Bai Xiaofei, expressing that they would hang out with Bai Xiaofei from now on, but Bai Xiaofei wanted the masked man to show their sincerity and show their true face.

This request seemed very difficult to choose, and the masked man thought about it for a long time.


He just nodded.

Then he said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai, it's not that I'm insincere, but that my identity is a bit special. If it is revealed, it may cause a lot of trouble, so...after I reveal my true face, if it causes a lot of inconvenience I also ask Mr. Bai to be considerate and help solve one or two problems!"


Bai Xiaofei was startled when he heard that.

He never expected that there would be such an inside story.


Someone smiled lightly.

He patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, as long as you are sincerely following me, let alone the slightest trouble, even if the sky falls, I will help you to withstand it! This is the duty and obligation of a boss. Responsibility, I, Bai Xiaofei, will do what I say!"


"Based on this sentence, I believe you!"


The masked man trembled.

After finishing talking excitedly, he slowly stretched his hands towards his head, obviously wanting to lift his mask and reveal his true colors.

And this time.

Not just Bai Xiaofei and others.

Even the squint-eyed man, Cao Laowu and four other people looked over curiously.

After getting along with each other and cooperating for so many years, in fact... they don't know much about the masked man. They only know that the masked man is very righteous, his strength is unpredictable, and he is a very reliable boss. As for the others , then I don’t know at all.


The boss is finally showing his face.

The squint-eyed man and the other four were naturally extremely excited and excited.

They want to see what the boss they have followed for so many years looks like, is it handsome or ugly? Is it a young man, or an old man? Or some big person and celebrity, otherwise why have you kept your name incognito for so many years, and didn't even dare to reveal your true face? !

Could it be some wanted criminal? !

At this moment, everyone was full of curiosity and doubts about the origin of the masked man.


Following the movements of the masked man's hands.

The other party wore it on his head, covering it tightly, and under the gaze of everyone, he finally lifted it slowly. The first thing that catches everyone's eyes is a head of beautiful long black hair like a waterfall. With the movement of the other party's head shaking, the long hair is flowing like flying. Against the backdrop of the sun and fire, it is as smooth and beautiful as silk, showing every detail!

follow closely……

It is a beautiful face.

Willow brows and star eyes, bright nose and pink lips, the facial features are exquisite and glamorous!

"Oh My God!"

"How is this possible, our boss is actually..."

"A woman?!"


This moment.

After finally seeing the true face of the masked man.

Whether it was Bai Xiaofei and the others, or the squinting-eyed man and the other four, they were all dumbfounded, they all froze in place!

Especially the latter! The four of them have been working with the masked man for so many years, and they always thought that their boss is definitely an out-and-out man no matter in terms of voice or behavior! Unexpectedly... Now that the mask is lifted, what is revealed is a face of a peerless beauty that can overwhelm the country and the city!

This is like a groom who has been married for many years and suddenly finds out that his wife is actually a man!

All four of them felt like they were in a dream!

It's so fucking unreal!


"Everything I see now is all fake, it's not true!"

"I must be dreaming!"

"This is impossible!"


The four shook their heads in unison.

Eyes wide open, mouth wide open, looking like a ghost, he asked blankly: "You... are you really our boss? Are you a woman?"


The peerless beauty smiled.

The voice was like the sounds of nature, and he said crisply and sweetly: "I'm sorry! I have been hiding it from you for so many years. I really have to deal with it. Now that I have finally met the person who predicted it, I can finally stop pretending. I hope you Can forgive me!"


The four remained silent.

There was still an expression of disbelief on his face, as if he hadn't recovered from the news that "the boss is a woman".

Seeing this, the peerless beauty didn't force her, but she turned her eyes and landed on Bai Xiaofei again, and then began to introduce her own background, saying: "Mr. Bai, you can call me Hongyue! Hongyue is my name. My master Song Zhenjiang helped me get it, he used to be the deputy governor of Tianshitang, and now he is the most wanted criminal of the imperial court!"


Hongyue just finished speaking.

Bai Xiaofei hadn't made much of a fuss yet, but Song Tianyin behind him suddenly became agitated. He stared blankly at the peerless beauty Hongyue, not daring to say anything: "You, what did you just say? You said your master is Song Zhenjiang? Are you my grandfather's disciple? Then do you know my father Song Daitian?! "


Hongyue's beautiful eyes looked directly at Song Tianyin.

He also had a face full of disbelief, and said blankly: "You said your father is Song Daitian? Could it are the son of Junior Brother Song——Song Tianyin?!"


Song Tianyin nodded wildly and said, "I am! I am!"

Seeing this situation, Huo Xiaolan, Penny and Fat Ying, Bai Xiaofei, Xiaoqing, and the squinting-eyed man couldn't help being stunned.

Well, after a long time, they are all acquaintances!

at the same time……

The surrounding monsters who came to hunt and kill the little demon king Huba were already dead, they were running and running, and they were defeated like a mountain, completely silent.

Voldemort also returned to the crowd with a flattering expression.


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