The Storm God

Chapter 1428 Where is Dad going! (Please subscribe!)

"Ho Ho!"

The Voldemort roared excitedly twice.

It means to say: "Master, I beat all those guys away, do you think I am good? Obedient?!"

"Stay aside!"

Bai Xiaofei simply ignored it.

His gaze shifted from the beauty Hongyue to Song Tianyin in a daze, and then turned back again, looking back and forth several times like this. In the end, he shook his head with a wry smile, and secretly said: "Nimma! Another existence beyond the plot, can you still play happily!"

That's all for Voldemort.

Anyway, he has already been subdued by himself to become a younger brother, which has no effect on his mission, and can even play a certain role in helping him.

But this beauty, Hongyue, seems to be not so easy to deal with!

Listen to her.


He is still a prisoner that the imperial court attaches great importance to!

Before doing this, Bai Xiaofei might not take the court of this world as a matter of course. If he wanted to, he could take the emperor's power and replace him in minutes, so as to control the official power of the court, and then use it to realize the power of people, demons and other people. Coexisting mission objectives.

But after knowing the power of Emperor Wu, Bai Xiaofei no longer dared to underestimate the court.

According to some historical biographies about the world of Monster Hunt in Tianshitang, humans and demons are the only intelligent creatures in the world. In ancient times, humans and demons coexisted peacefully. After the death of Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu ascended the throne. He believed that it was the monster race that killed the first emperor, so he issued an order to catch the monster and ordered Huo Lianying, the descendant of the Huo family, to establish the Tianshitang.

The Shemale War broke out, and a fight lasted for hundreds of years!

The monster clan was defeated in this battle, and was driven into the deep mountains by humans, so the boundary between humans and monsters was separated. This battle also caused Emperor Wu to be poisoned and died, and Tianshitang split into four countries without restraint: "Nanchuan, Beimo, Donghai, and Xishan". In the first year of 9524, Emperor Ren led the army to conquer the four directions and unified the four countries.


The world is easy to rule, but people's hearts are unpredictable.

The Xishan Celestial Master camp was ambitious and attempted to usurp the throne, but was finally wiped out.

Emperor Ren was furious and promulgated the "Forbidden Master Order". From then on, the three camps of heavenly masters, Donghai, Nanchuan, and Beimo, no longer interfered with the government. The status of Tianshitang has also plummeted because of this, many inheritances and skills have been searched on a large scale, and with the passage of time, they have finally disappeared in the long river of history.

The catastrophe of the Yaozu has been basically eliminated, the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful, and the Tianshitang has gradually been reduced to a power department that is not valued. If it weren't for the existence of the monster race, maybe one day they would counterattack the human race. It is estimated that a force with extraordinary power like Tianshitang would have been banned by the court long ago.

after all……

Prohibition by force!

For balance and harmony, the influence and strength of the Celestial Masters must be limited.

Now, the imperial court is unified, the Celestial Master is in decline, Emperor Ren is old and almost dying, but as the successor of Emperor Wu, the emperor of the human race who has lived for nearly 3,000 years, his strength is absolutely unfathomable , plus so many years of searching for the skills inherited from Tianshitang, the imperial court will inevitably have its own power of Tianshi!

Wanting to replace Emperor Wen, become the overlord of the world, sit on the imperial power, and let people and monsters coexist, this is the same as wanting Bai Xiaofei to directly unify all tribes and monsters of the monster clan. Obviously, it is not easy to do. It should be known that the Emperor Ren and the Demon King are not soft persimmons, they cannot be pinched by anyone who wants to pinch them!

Don't see you.

Emperor Wu once cut out a deep valley stretching tens of thousands of miles with one sword.

What a horror!


demon king.

They are all the same existence as him.

Even if he is not as strong as Emperor Wu, his level of strength is probably not much inferior!

I want to conquer both sides and realize the coexistence of humans and demons.

Obviously not easy!

And now...

Grandpa Song Tianyin's disciple, the beauty Hongyue is actually a wanted criminal who is extremely important to the court. Moreover, he also believed that he was some kind of prophecy person, as if he was determined to mess with him. Bai Xiaofei became depressed, and said to himself: "Little girl, aren't you just making the mission more difficult for me in disguise?!"

"Can I refuse?"


Bai Xiaofei really wanted to drive Hongyue away.

But this is obviously impossible. After all, she is the disciple of Grandpa Song Tianyin, the senior sister of Song Tianyin's father Song Daitian, and the senior uncle of Song Tianyin, and Song Tianyin is the biological "mother" of the little demon king Huba. The body is not something that Bai Xiaofei can get rid of if he wants to!


Song Tianyin will definitely stand by Hongyue's side.

At that time, it might directly affect the little demon king Huba and ran to the opposite side together.

"That's all!"

So far, what else can Bai Xiaofei say? He also expressed his sincerity, he is still Song Tianyin's uncle, you still want to drive him away? Just kidding isn't it! In desperation, Bai Xiaofei could only accept this disguised "task difficulty increaser" bitterly, and secretly said: "Let's take one step at a time!"

There was a sea of ​​fire all around.

There are torrents of magma produced by the Voldemort demon everywhere, as well as flames soaring into the sky, burning everything, and the heat is extremely hot. Except for Bai Xiaofei, Xiaoqing, and Voldemort Fire Demon, the surrounding Huo Xiaolan and others, as well as Penny and Fat Ying, were all overheated at the moment, already sweating profusely, and their mouths became parched.

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei sighed slightly.

Immediately interrupted the "recognition ceremony" between Song Tianyin and the beauty Hongyue, and said to everyone: "This place is not suitable for staying for a long time. If you have anything to say, everyone should leave here before talking!"

Naturally, everyone had no opinion, and all nodded in agreement.


Xiaoqing became bigger again.

Everyone sat on Xiaoqing's body and flew towards the outside of Hunduan Mountain Cliff.

During this period, Hongyue and other five people who had never seen Xiaoqing's speed were naturally amazed and shocked. The beauty Hongyue couldn't help it, and asked Bai Xiaofei curiously: "Mr. Bai, your monster looks very special, and your strength is so strong, where did you subdue it?"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head and smiled: "Correct me, Xiaoqing is not a monster, but a spirit beast! A higher level existence than a monster, the two cannot be compared at all! Besides, even if I tell you, you don't know me The location mentioned, so this question is completely redundant!"


Hongyue was slightly taken aback.

Seeing what Bai Xiaofei said, she didn't hesitate, and immediately changed the subject: "Okay! I'm ignorant. Mr. Bai, then you can freely enter and exit Soul Duan Mountain Cliff without the help of any magic tools. What's going on? Could it be that you have already cracked the mystery here and found a way to deal with it?"

She had wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

You must know that Hunduan Mountain Cliff is the most dangerous place in the entire Tianchao Valley. Whether it is human race or monster race, it is a forbidden place. If there is no special magic weapon to protect it, anyone who comes will be injured. More than ninety people will die on the spot, and only a very small number of people can escape from serious injuries!

For thousands of years, without exception!


Bai Xiaofei and the others have broken this routine now, how can your name Hongyue not be shocked and puzzled? Not only her, but the four companions around her are also extremely curious. Hearing Hongyue asked this question, they all stretched their ears and gathered their thoughts.

"I know this!"

As soon as Hongyue finished speaking, Penny who was sitting next to her spoke first.

He explained ostentatiously: "Miss Hongyue, right? You guessed right. This strong man named Bai Xiaofei has indeed solved the mystery of the wind sound on the Huanduan Mountain Cliff. According to him, the sound is called [Infrasound Wave] , is a sound wave with a very slow vibration frequency, ordinary people or demons can't hear it at all, but it really exists!"

"This kind of sound wave is very harmful to people and demons, especially the tissues and internal organs in the body, which are extremely sensitive to infrasound waves, and can easily absorb the vibration energy of infrasound waves, and then resonate strongly, causing dysfunction or damage, or even on the spot. die!"

"And it's not that we haven't taken any measures, it's just that it's not your usual method, but Bai Xiaofei applied a layer of defensive mana shield with the same frequency as the infrasonic wave of Soul Duan Cliff for everyone, so as to neutralize and offset Infrasound penetration!"

"That's what it said, right?"


In the end.

Penny looked at Bai Xiaofei, who nodded with a smile.

As for Hongyue and the other five people, they half-understood and stood there dumbfounded, completely shocked by what Penny said. They never imagined that the mystery of the wind on Huanduan Cliff, which no one has been able to know and explore for thousands of years, was so easily deciphered by Bai Xiaofei.

After a long while.

Only then did they come back to their senses, followed each other and looked at each other, secretly said: "As expected of a prophecy, it is really awesome!"

this moment.

The five admired Bai Xiaofei even more!


At this moment, Song Tianyin suddenly opened his mouth and said to Hongyue: "You are my father's senior sister, should I call you uncle, or your aunt? you know where my father went? ? Why did he abandon me back then? And for so many years, he never came back to see me even once!"

"He, is he dead?"


A look of hope and sadness.


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