The Storm God

Chapter 1429 Seeking to usurp the throne! (Please subscribe!)

"terribly sorry!"

Hongyue shook her head, and said with regret on her face: "Tianyin, I don't know much about your father. I was wanted by the court for some things back then, so I could only hide my name and wander around. When I know you When Dad disappeared, it was already too late!"

"I have also collected some information secretly, but I have gained very little. I only know that his disappearance may have something to do with some monster races. I don't know the specifics!"


Having said that, Hongyue suddenly smiled.

Looking at Song Tianyin with incomparable certainty, he said: "Your father is definitely not dead, because the magic weapon [Seal of Fate Soul] that represents his soul imprint has not been broken. He must be hiding somewhere now. Struggling with the idea of ​​demon coexistence!"


Hongyue fumbled on her body for a while, and quickly took out a piece of emerald green jade. This jade is about the size of a ping pong ball, with countless runes imprinted and hidden all over its body, like emerald, crystal clear. In the middle part, there is a mass of milky white gas-like matter, constantly wandering back and forth in it.


Pointing to the milky white gas in the jade.

Hongyue smiled and said: "The white thing in this seal is your father's soul mark. If your father has any accidents, this mark will completely turn black and gray. On the contrary... it means that you are safe and sound. When we were apprentices , Master made one for each of us!"

"My father is still alive?"

Seeing this, Song Tianyin was overjoyed.

Knowing that his father Song Daitian is still alive, this is undoubtedly great news for him, so happy that he almost jumped up without excitement.


Bai Xiaofei raised his eyebrows.

He looked at the so-called [Seal of Fate and Soul] in Hongyue's hands with interest, and secretly said: "I didn't expect there to be something similar to the world of cultivating immortals in the world of Monster Hunting here. It seems that I still You have underestimated the essence of this world!"


Bai Xiaofei asked Hongyue, "Can you make this thing?"

"Feel sorry!"

Hongyue shook her head in shame.

He said with a dejected face: "The method of making the Seal of Fate and Soul involves too profound a level. At that time, I was more naughty and playful, so I didn't learn this technique. My junior brother Song Daitian is more powerful than me. A little, but unfortunately, he is missing now, otherwise he can help you!"


Say it.

Bai Xiaofei was not surprised.

After all... the soul is more complicated and profound than the human brain, and it is not something that ordinary people can easily grasp and manipulate. Coupled with the obliteration and decline of the skills of celestial masters, it is now possible to be proficient in this technique It is conceivable that such people are absolutely rare!

Don't see you.

Not many people in the entire Tianshitang have heard of this technique. It can be seen from this that the seal of fate and soul is rare, and it should be Song Zhenjiang's unique secret technique.

Bai Xiaofei said again: "Then can this thing be used to find people?"

Just finished asking.

He himself smiled wryly.

He secretly said in his heart: "If I really care about it, it will be a mess. If this Seal of Fate Soul can be used to find someone, how could Hongyue not know where Song Daitian is for so many years? From this point of view, this thing is at most That is to know the life and death of the imprinted soul mark!"

as expected.

Seeing that Hongyue smiled wryly and shook, she said, "I understand Mr. Bai's meaning! Originally, the Seal of Fate Soul should be used to find Junior Brother Song by relying on the mysterious connection between the soul seal and the body. However, the master has not yet developed this technique, so he has gone to the west!"


"The Seal of Fate Soul can only know whether Junior Brother Song who branded the mark is in danger or dead."

"There is no other function!"


Speaking of Master Song Zhenjiang.

Hongyue's face was suddenly full of nostalgia, obviously recalling some memories.

"I see."

Bai Xiaofei shrugged helplessly, and said to himself: "It seems that if you want to learn the method of making this Fate Soul Seal, or further develop and use it, the first condition is to find Song Tianyin's father, Song Daitian, otherwise everything will be lost." It's empty talk!"

But this problem is obviously not so easy to solve.


Based on Hongyue's understanding of Song Daitian.

It is also impossible to search for so many years, but there is still no clue at all.

As soon as he thought of this, Bai Xiaofei immediately gave up his plan to find Song Daitian. This kind of thing is rare, and it is not very relevant to his special mission. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei will not put the cart before the horse, and waste his precious time for a mere seal of fate!

He looked at the little demon king Huba who was still in a coma.

Bai Xiaofei asked Hongyue: "What did you do to him, you didn't wake up after making such a big commotion?"

I heard...

Song Tianyin also looked over.

The little demon king Huba can be regarded as his half-child no matter what, now Huba is unconscious, so his mother (father) is naturally extremely concerned. He didn't ask just now, it was because of the critical situation, coupled with factors such as recognition of relatives, now that everything is over, of course he cares about it.

Hongyue didn't speak.

He just turned his gaze to the squint-eyed man behind him.

The squint-eyed man suddenly smiled and explained: "Don't worry everyone, I just gave him some drowsiness drugs, put this in front of his nose, let the little demon king smell it, and soon You can wake up without any side effects."


He handed Song Tianyin a small porcelain bottle directly.

Song Tianyin took the porcelain bottle, uncorked it immediately, and brought it in front of the little demon king Huba.

next moment.

The little demon king who smelled the antidote immediately reacted.

It blinked its eyes first, then slowly opened its eyelids, its eyes were hazy, as if it hadn't woken up from sleep, but soon it was completely refreshed, especially when it saw its relatives and acquaintances around it, Hu Barton immediately jumped up happily.

"Huba! Huba!"

The little demon king is cute and cute, full of vitality, and instantly becomes everyone's pistachio.

at the same time.

Xiaoqing finally flew out of the Huanduan Cliff with everyone. Then...Bai Xiaofei picked a place not too far away from the Huanduan Mountain Cliff and the Tianzhu Valley for Xiaoqing to land, and then began to describe his plans to everyone.

"Penny, Fat Ying!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the two demons who had recovered their demon bodies, and ordered: "Go back to the demon world and be responsible for uniting with the loyal ministers and beasts of the old demon king. They will be our important force against the forces of the new demon king. As for the safety issue... ...With Voldemort walking with you, there should be no surprises!"


The two demons pondered for a moment.

They all felt that there was nothing wrong with Bai Xiaofei's arrangement, so they nodded and said, "The little demon king Huba will leave it to you guys!"

"Don't worry!"

Song Tianyin hugged Huba.

He solemnly promised: "I won't let Huba get any harm!"


The Three Demons leave the crowd.

Turn around and head towards the other side of the deep valley of Tianchao, the area of ​​the Yaozu.

The Voldemort fire demon has been completely tamed by Bai Xiaofei, and he has also put on the beast-controlling ring, so there is no need to worry about loyalty. At the same time, in order to enhance its strength and ensure the smooth progress of his plan to the greatest extent, Bai Xiaofei also specially gave it 20 blood bodhis, just in case.

"What about us?"

After the Penny Three Demons left.

Hongyue looked at Bai Xiaofei with burning eyes, and asked, "What should we do?"


Seeing Hongyue and the others eager to make meritorious deeds and contribute to the concept of coexistence of humans and demons, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly and asked: "The demon clan has Penny and Fat Ying united with the old demon king's old forces. If there is no accident, should they It will be very smooth, even if there is trouble, the Voldemort will help solve it!"

"And our task..."

"It is to deal with the people in power on the human side. Only when we have the supreme power and a position that can influence the hearts of the people, can we implement our plan more favorably, as well as the concept and goal of coexistence between humans and demons, so... I Need your information!"

"The more detailed the better!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Everyone looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, and said in horror: "My God! You, you are trying to usurp the throne!"


"It's not wrong for you to understand this way!"

"But it's not entirely true!"


Bai Xiaofei shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said: "If the Emperor Ren is sensible, as long as it doesn't hinder our plan, it doesn't matter if he continues to be the emperor, but if not... then I can only use force. In short, my goal is to completely realize the coexistence of humans and demons!"

"Who dares to block me, I will get rid of it!"

"Without exception!"


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