The Storm God

Chapter 1430 Cut the mess with a sharp knife! (Please subscribe!)

Song Tianyin's father, Song Daitian, used to be a first-rank guard with a knife in Yuqian, so he must know a lot about the affairs in the palace. As for Hongyue, his senior sister and a wanted criminal that the imperial court attaches great importance to, I believe she has a certain understanding of the information in the imperial palace.


You can't go wrong looking for her to learn about Renhuang's information.

that's the truth.

To know.

Song Tianyin's grandfather, Song Zhenjiang, was once the governor of Tianshitang, commanding almost half of the country's celestial masters, and was highly regarded by the court. As Song Zhenjiang's capable disciple, Hongyue naturally also knew a lot of secret information about Tianshitang.


After so many years.

There will definitely be some deviations in the middle, but these are not the point.

As long as this information can make up for some of Bai Xiaofei's lack of understanding of the court, Bai Xiaofei has always been cautious about these things that are beyond the plot, and must be handled with extra care, so as not to capsize in the gutter, especially when he takes over the position of Martial Emperor The legend of the world - Emperor Ren!

His information is very important to Bai Xiaofei!

"terribly sorry!"

After Hongyue narrated.

Then he shook his head, and said helplessly: "This is all the information I know. Regarding the current situation of Emperor Ren, because of the reason why I was wanted over the years, most of them don't know much about it. Mr. Bai, you may try Learn about it through other channels!"


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment.

Immediately nodded, said it doesn't matter. Although Hongyue's information was a little old, it was enough for Bai Xiaofei to realize the strength and strength of Emperor Renhuang. The most important thing is that this Emperor Ren is not like Emperor Wu, who is decisive in killing and advocating force, but governs the people's livelihood and the country, and loves the art of benevolence and virtue!

Such people are generally very reasonable.

If the rumors are correct, Bai Xiaofei has absolute confidence, and he can use [Zou Dun] to completely convince him, and then implement the idea and plan of the coexistence of humans and monsters. Even if it fails, Bai Xiaofei is not afraid at all, after all, no matter how strong the Emperor Ren is, he is just an old man over seventy years old now!

With Bai Xiaofei's methods and abilities, the strong man who is no longer at his peak is fully capable of contending against him!

If we can't agree, the big deal is fighting!

Who is afraid of whom!


Everyone discussed briefly, and finally decided to go back to Shuntian Mansion first to see if Boss Ge, who ascended to Xianlou, had any reliable information. Then use this as a basis to gradually expand and radiate to the surrounding area, and start to implement the grand plan of coexistence of humans and demons.

As for the future deployment, let's talk about it in detail.

"let's go!"

After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't leave any ink marks, and told everyone to hold on to themselves, and then with the Flying Thunder God Technique, he led everyone to teleport to Boss Ge who was ascending the fairy tower. But at this moment... Boss Ge was still having a headache about the matter of the little demon king Huba, caught off guard, and was naturally taken aback by Bai Xiaofei and the others again.


I saw Huba, the little demon king.

Boss Ge's face was overjoyed immediately, and he said excitedly: "You have found the little demon king! What a pity, congratulations!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to explain to him.

Briefly introduced Hongyue and others, and then ordered: "Prepare us a few good rooms, the ones with very good confidentiality, we have some important matters to discuss, and you will also participate at that time. If you perform well, Your benefits are indispensable!"


Boss Ge was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly prepared the room.

"Mr. Bai!"

Looking at the departing Boss Ge, Hongyue said with some concern: "I've heard about this Boss Ge before, but I didn't know that the other party was also the incarnation of the monster race. In places like Shuntian Mansion, it is possible to set up a place like Dengxianlou. The country's famous commercial and trade store, this monster is probably not simple!"

The subtext is: "Is this monster reliable?"


Bai Xiaofei knew what she wanted, smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said confidently: "Don't worry! This little demon is quite powerful, and indeed has a lot of scheming and tricks, but he has been completely tamed by me. He is loyal and will not have any problems. Everyone can safely assign him to do anything!"


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei is so confident.

Hongyue and the others were stunned immediately, they looked at each other and stopped talking.


The little demon king Huba played around.

You know, this is a place where monsters are bought and sold, Boss Ge has no less than a dozen monsters around him, for example, that magnificent chair is made of monsters. Seeing so many people of the same race suddenly, the little guy was naturally very excited.

Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan, the two parents, after experiencing the incident of Huba being stolen, felt guilty and blamed themselves, but also cared about Huba very much. Whether it was playing or doing other things, they would stay with them By the side of the little demon king Huba, for fear of any accident happening again.

It can be described as a full-time nanny!


Boss Ge arranged everything.

Everyone followed him to the secret room of Dengxian Tower. It was decorated very proudly, and the secrecy was also done very well. There were many organs and traps around it. There were no special keys or magical tokens, so it was difficult for ordinary people to get close to it. , very much in line with Bai Xiaofei's requirements.

But just in case.

After Bai Xiaofei made a round of inspections, he personally placed layers of barriers and restrictions around the surrounding area.


Everyone gathered around and began to discuss big plans, and Boss Ge was also left behind. And the little demon king Huba, Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan were persuaded to leave by Bai Xiaofei. After all, their current strength is too low to be of much help at all. The only thing they can use is the aura of the protagonist.

As for the plan?


And at the same time.

Tens of thousands of miles away in the realm of the demon clan, monsters such as Jing Tianpo also suffered heavy casualties and fled back to the territory in disarray. Once, then tremblingly waiting for the punishment and roar of the new demon king.

"What did you say?"

"The catastrophic elves and monsters like Voldemort were easily subdued by humans? And they attacked you in turn!"

"How could mere human beings have such abilities?!"

"This is impossible!"


as expected.

After listening to the narration of Jingtianpo and other monsters, the new demon king became angry immediately.

Be furious and furious!

Domineering and awe-inspiring!

The monsters around were suddenly frightened and trembled.

For fear of being affected by the pond fish.

To know.

The new demon king's temper is extremely explosive. Once he gets angry, it is a horror, and he will swallow the monsters next to him at every turn! Jing Tianpo and other monsters returned in a big defeat this time, with heavy losses, and even brought a terrifyingly powerful Voldemort to the enemy. The new demon king was about to explode!


A terrifying roar suddenly sounded.

The next moment, there was a scream, and a monster next to it was bitten into two pieces by the new demon king, and then quickly swallowed into the stomach, completely becoming the new demon king's rations, and the catharsis. With the method of calming down the anger, the group of monsters around were suddenly terrified and almost ran away on the spot!

But due to the majesty and fear of the new demon king, they still stayed where they were.


The fate of escaping will only be worse!

"Check it out for me!"

After devouring a monster, the anger of the new demon king obviously calmed down a lot, and his reason quickly came online. After pondering for a while, he immediately ordered: "At any cost and at all costs, I want all the information of that human being, and at the same time give I will seize the hunt and destroy all the remnants of the old Demon King's army!"


A few demons led the way.

But Jingtianpo and other monsters knelt down on the ground, trembling and terrified. If there is no accident, the next step should be the punishment of the new demon king for himself and other demons. I don't know if all the blame can be put on Voldemort demon, can he get away with it?

How can I think...

The new demon king simply ignored them.

Instead, he turned his head towards one of the very miniature monsters, and said in a deep voice: "Military teacher, what do you think about this matter and that weird human being?!"

It turned out that the unremarkable monster was actually the new demon king's military adviser!


The monster army master pondered for a while, and then said with a solemn face: "With the birth of the little demon king, rumors spread all over the human and demon worlds. Voldemort's rebellion, the situation can be said to be a great disadvantage to us!"


"I think it's time for us to use those dark chess ambushing in the human world!"

"It must be cut quickly!"


The new demon king said decisively: "As you say!"

"Chi Tianba!"

"This task is entrusted to you!"



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