The Storm God

Chapter 1431 Emperor Ren is dead! (Please subscribe!)


"According to what you said, now Emperor Ren has ignored the government and handed over all the government affairs to the national teacher. He himself pays attention to health preservation every day, and eats the flesh and blood of monsters to delay aging and death. Seeking the purpose of longevity?"

"Is this news reliable?"


Bai Xiaofei said solemnly.

Hearing this, Hongyue and the others also had disbelieving expressions on their faces. They never expected that Emperor Ren, known for his benevolence, would actually eat the flesh and blood of monsters for himself. Do you know the emperor?

Could it be fake?


The rumors are groundless, can't they be true? !

Whether it's out of trust in Renhuang's prestige or their own emotions, Hongyue and the others hope it's the latter!


Emperor Ren is really like this, if he does not use any means to achieve his goal, then the matter will be very difficult!

"Absolutely reliable!"

Boss Ge patted his chest and assured: "Every day when I climb the fairy tower, countless dignitaries come to ask for materials for the monster feast. Be able to grasp the dynamics of the human race in time!"

"And this news came from a eunuch in charge of the palace. He often came to ask for monster materials on behalf of the palace, and gave us a lot of true and reliable information!"

"Emperor Ren's information should not be false, even if it is false, it should be somewhat authentic!"


Boss Ge finally smiled and said: "The specifics are up to the master to decide, but I can assure you that the eunuch's news is absolutely reliable!"


Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "If the situation is really as the eunuch said, then things will be difficult!"

"The dignified emperor actually eats the flesh and blood of monsters in order to live forever. It is obviously impossible for such an emperor to promote the concept of coexistence of humans and monsters!"

"It seems..."

"It's inevitable that we'll have to go to war with this spoiled Emperor Ren, and we'll use force to rule the country!"

Bai Xiaofei murmured.

"Mr. Bai"

Hongyue frowned and said: "Then what are you going to do? The palace is heavily guarded and there are countless masters sitting in command. It may not be easy to move the Emperor Ren!"


The squint-eyed man also said: "I have heard that there is a special team of inner guards in the palace, each of whom is a master of masters. Although the level of a celestial master may not be high, their methods are very special. High-level celestial masters are helpless against them!"

"Boss Hongyue's younger brother, Song Daitian is the best among them. Although the rank of celestial master is only four coins, but his ability is superb, unpredictable, and heinously strong!"

The meaning is very simple.

It's not easy to break into the palace, especially with just a few of us!

"I understand what you mean!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't act rashly if I'm not sure!"

When everyone heard this, they felt relieved, they were afraid that Bai Xiaofei would forcefully break into the palace by relying on his own strength, and they would inevitably suffer disaster!

"Let's talk about this today!"

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while, and then ordered: "The current plan will be carried out in accordance with our agreement first, with Shuntian Mansion as the base, and gradually radiate to the surrounding area to expand the power. As for the matter of entering the palace to discuss with the Emperor Ren, we will discuss it from the long-term!"


Everyone left one after another.

Only Bai Xiaofei and Boss Ge were left in the entire secret room, and Boss Ge asked shyly, "Master, don't you want to break into the palace to spy on yourself?"


Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he heard the words, looked at Boss Ge in surprise, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that your eyesight is so good that you can see some of my intentions!"

"Don't dare!"

Boss Ge said modestly: "I just saw a lot of people, so I can guess some of the situation. The master is extremely powerful. Although the guards in the palace are strict, they can't stop the master, so I guess, the master There should be an intention to do so.”


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "I do have this plan, because this is the easiest way. I'm not worried about the guards in the palace. What I'm really worried about is the Emperor Ren who has lived for thousands of years. For this emperor information, do you have any more information?"

When Hongyue and others were present just now, Boss Ge's eyes flickered for a while, so Bai Xiaofei guessed that this guy must have concealed something, so he left him alone to ask what happened!


Hearing this, Boss Ge immediately gave Bai Xiaofei a thumbs up, and praised: "Sure enough, you can't hide anything from you! To be honest, I do know some secrets about Emperor Ren!"

"Say it!"


Boss Ge didn't dare to neglect, and quickly told Bai Xiaofei all the secrets he knew.


After listening to Boss Ge's information, Bai Xiaofei looked at him with disbelief, and said in shock, "You said... Emperor Ren might already be dead? How is this possible!"


Boss Ge also knew that this information was too unbelievable, and he had expected Bai Xiaofei's reaction a long time ago, and said: "These are just my guesses, after all, what Emperor Renhuang has done these years is too unbelievable, ignore the government and don't say anything." , and hand over all the government affairs to the national teacher to handle, this is obviously not the behavior of a benevolent monarch, and it is even more unreasonable to eat the flesh and blood of monsters for longevity!"

"What's more important is that, except for Song Daitian, who has been missing for many years and whose whereabouts are unknown, all the bodyguards of that year died strangely very early!"

"Combined with the other information I have obtained over the years, after a comprehensive analysis, I feel that Emperor Ren may be dead!"

"And Song Daitian probably knew the secret, that's why he abandoned his son and chose to disappear!"

"As long as we find him, all the mysteries will be revealed! After all, he used to be a first-rank guard with a knife in the Imperial Palace, so he must know more about Emperor Ren than we do!"


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

He never expected that the matter turned around, and it turned to Song Tianyin's father, Song Daitian.

"It seems..."

"If you don't find out this Song Daitian, I'm afraid it won't work! Otherwise, the only way is to sneak into the palace, the hard steel Renhuang!"

"The latter obviously has to take a lot of risks, and even if it succeeds, it will also bear the notoriety of a regicide, which is very detrimental to future plans!"

"What should I do?"


Faced with this complicated and confusing situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but fell into deep thought, thinking about how to maximize his own interests.

Nothing to say all night.

The time came quickly the next morning.

After Hongyue and the others got up, they met Bai Xiaofei face to face, and then had breakfast with everyone, then they all left to follow Bai Xiaofei's plan.

Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan were left behind to take care of the little demon king Huba, so as not to cause any further trouble.

Boss Ge was on the sidelines coordinating the care.

And Bai Xiaofei...

After thinking about it for a while, he finally decided to go deep into the palace and secretly spy on Emperor Ren.


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