The Storm God

Chapter 1434 Standing tall! (Please subscribe!)

"This is……?"

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei discovered the extraordinary attacking power of Grand Master Sima of the National Teacher. This seemingly substantial energy was seven or eight percent similar to his own Emperor Dragon Qi. The mastermind behind the scenes, and the biggest beneficiary, should be this big Sima!"

"Those who want to seek to usurp the throne and win the country..."

"It's him!"


The golden dragon aura is fierce and fierce.

In an instant, the isolation circle in the hall was destroyed, and then the roof, like an angry dragon coming out, directly blasted a hole out of the top of the hall.

As for Bai Xiaofei?


He's already out of the way.

If he didn't even have this ability, then his identity as a time traveler would be lost in vain.


After such a fuss.

It is absolutely impossible to eavesdrop again.

Moreover, there was such a big commotion, and the surrounding Ouchi guards, who were not blind, must have been alarmed too.

"Wrap me up!"


Following the shout of the commander of the guards.

All the guards around the hall did not immediately rush to the hall where the abnormal situation occurred, but took out their weapons and magic weapons one after another, and with the help of everyone's mana, they jointly cast a super large formation, which wiped everything in the hall, All closed and isolated.

In an instant.

Just like catching a bird, Bai Xiaofei was locked inside with a big formation, as if he didn't worry about the national teacher and others at all. In fact, apart from Zheng Tao, the national teacher and General Zhang really don't need the protection of others, because their own strength is already too strong!

it's not...

After the golden dragon energy.

General Zhang also followed like a mad tiger, breaking through the hall and jumping out from inside.

Neither the Grand Master of the State Normal University nor General Zhang took this hall seriously at all, and they were more capable of destroying each other. Da Sima's golden dragon energy only punched a big hole in the roof, but General Zhang was even more ruthless, almost knocking down the entire roof!


General Zhang did not intend to sabotage.

By doing this, firstly, he could attack the enemy, and secondly, it would also make Bai Xiaofei have no place to stand.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!


Bai Xiaofei's strength far exceeded their imagination.

Even if the roof is completely collapsed, so what, people can fly in the sky by relying on the power of the mind!

"Good boy!"

"To be able to avoid the dragon-shaped strength of the master of the country, it is indeed a trick!"

"Try my trick again!"

"Break the void!"

After finishing speaking, it was just a punch.

This general is really as good as he looks, with a very simple and rude personality, and he does things without sloppiness!

His punch seems ordinary, but in fact, it used an extremely huge power of blood and blood, and there is a fatal crisis in the ordinary. If it is hit, let alone a human body, it is probably a punch. A city wall more than one meter thick can be smashed to pieces on the spot!

And now...

General Zhang's punch was aimed at Bai Xiaofei in the sky. The astonishingly vast power was all applied in the void, causing an earth-shattering sonic boom in an instant, like a thunderclap. , exploded suddenly at the scene.


A thunderous sonic boom suddenly struck.

However, these are not the main points, the most fatal thing is the deadly punching power from the air!

Bai Xiaofei's mental strength was incomparably huge, and he had already captured the extraordinaryness and trajectory of this punch, so... just when the invisible punch was about to approach him, he dodged it calmly. This is Bai Xiaofei, if it is someone else, it will not be so simple.

Among the many attack methods, the invisible force is the most terrifying!

For example, the infrasound waves from Soul Breaking Cliff!

Such as invisible sword energy!

Another example……

General Zhang's fist attack through the air, if he didn't have two brushes, or certain knowledge and methods, it would be difficult for ordinary people to parry. If you got hit, it can be said that you are muddle-headed and dead for no reason!


General Zhang's air-penetrating fist strength was dodged by Bai Xiaofei, and its trend continued unabated. In the end, it hit heavily on the isolation formation jointly cast by many inner guards. The low-ranking Ouchi guard couldn't help but blushed on the spot, obviously he had been greatly shocked and shocked.

The power of this fist is terrifying, it can be seen in general.

"It's interesting!"

Seeing such a situation, Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed with great excitement: "This general's martial skill, as well as the golden dragon aura of the Grand Master of the National Teacher, reveal extraordinary and awesome everywhere, could it be the predecessor of the Celestial Master's skill?" , the original and authentic method of cultivation?"


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling an urge to compete with him.


He did not break through the magic circle and leave.

Instead, he chose to stay, planning to meet the Grand Master of the National Normal University, and the mighty General Zhang.


"Come and don't reciprocate to be rude, you also take my trick!"

"Buddha's Palm!"


After making up my mind.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't follow them, so he waved his hand and blasted him with a Tathagata Palm. Of course...he didn't use all his strength, and only used about three points of strength. Otherwise, if the opponent couldn't hold it back and killed him all at once, it would be a complete tragedy!

Song Daitian is still in their hands!

"Good boy!"

"It does have a bit of ability, let's see if you are strong or I am strong!"

"Standing upright!"


General Zhang also seemed to have noticed the extraordinaryness of Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata palm move. He did not resist arrogantly with his own flesh and blood, but immediately activated the kung fu, using the power of Qi and blood in his body as huge as the sea, It condensed into a giant bloody cauldron around him.

This blood-colored cauldron looks thick and solid, as if it is real, giving people a sense of ignorance. Moreover, its size is incomparably huge, not only enveloping General Zhang, but also covering almost the entire hall, like a spinning top, under the command of General Zhang, it spins around and is extremely powerful!


"Buzz! Hush!"


Between lightning and flint.

Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata Palm finally collided with General Zhang's blood-colored giant cauldron.

However... the palm of the Tathagata blasted on the huge blood-colored cauldron, and there were only short-lived waves and ripples, and then, like a long whale sucking water, it was quickly swallowed by the huge mouth of the huge blood-colored cauldron that opened towards the sky. , devoured in one bite in the blink of an eye.

Not only that.

The blood-colored giant tripod actually has a counterattack function.

After devouring Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata Palm, the next moment, he saw the mouth of the blood-colored giant cauldron, blood flashed, and he was stunned to throw Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata Palm towards Bai Xiaofei in a more ferocious and domineering posture than before. Boomed over!

The Tathagata God's Palm that came back from the counterattack is no longer the original Tathagata God's Palm. Not only is it tangible and qualitative, but it also condenses layers of rich energy and blood that seem to be substantial. Overall, it looks like a bloody giant palm, giving people an extremely bloody and powerful sense of terror!

Bai Xiaofei saw this.

Without further ado, I immediately responded to the enemy with the original and authentic Tathagata Palm.

But this time, he used five points of his strength! However... the final result surprised him. The bloody palm that counterattacked smashed the authentic palm of Tathagata, and then continued to attack Bai Xiaofei.


"What a majestic man, to be so overbearing!"

"Heaven-slashing sword!"


Tathagata palm was broken.

Bai Xiaofei was astonished and shocked, seeing that the bloody giant palm was approaching, he didn't care about preserving his strength at the moment, and with his sword intent in his mind, it was directly his strongest sword skill. In an instant, the void trembled wildly, the sky and the earth wailed, and a terrifying invisible sword energy, as if to tear the sky and the earth apart, slashed straight at the bloody giant palm!

next moment.

The world is full of blood!

The giant palm was cut into two by Bai Xiaofei's sky-slashing sword without any resistance, and then it was torn apart, disintegrating into countless pieces, until it finally disappeared! Not only the blood-colored giant palm, even the large isolation formation jointly cast by dozens of inner guards was chopped off by Bai Xiaofei on the spot.

"Puff puff!"

The isolation formation was forcibly broken, and dozens of Ouchi guards immediately received a huge shock and backlash.

All of a sudden they fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

And this time.

National Normal University Sima and Zheng Tao also walked out of the crumbling and crumbling hall. Looking at the blood in the sky, the disappearing isolation circle, and the majestic and domineering Bai Xiaofei walking in the sky, the faces of the three of them were full of solemnity and surprise.

"What a strong strength!"

"Who is this young man? Judging by his technique, it is definitely not the skill of a celestial master, but it is the method of cultivation!"

"He sneaked into the palace, and why did he come here?"


The three looked at Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei also looked at the three of them silently, thinking secretly in his heart, what should he do to get Zheng Tao.

Song Tianyin's father, Song Daitian, is in Zheng Tao's hands.



Bai Xiaofei also had to arrest Zheng Tao today.

As for the National Teacher Sima, General Zhang, and the pretending Emperor Ren, they are no longer important to Bai Xiaofei.


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