The Storm God

Chapter 1435 Dragon Fights Nine Heavens! (Please subscribe!)

"Hurry up!"

"Give me some speed!"

"Someone breaks into the palace and assassinates the Grand Master of the National Teacher. If he arrives too late and causes the National Teacher to suffer any harm, we will not be able to bear it all!"

"Block all passages and strictly prohibit anyone from entering or leaving!"

"Cheer up everyone!"


The commotion in the meeting hall was too great, and the guards in the palace were not blind or deaf, so they were alarmed immediately. Immediately after, all the defenders of the palace gathered quickly to guard against death, and countless people rushed towards the hall from time to time.

Among them are some masters with unfathomable strength.

This side of the scene.

Sima of the National Normal University sternly shouted: "Your Excellency's strength is unfathomable. You must come from a famous family. I don't know if you can leave your name so that I can find out who it is who has the courage to sneak into the palace." , eavesdrop on me discussing national affairs!"

He asked this very cleverly.

Asking about Bai Xiaofei's background is false, the real purpose is to test how much Bai Xiaofei has overheard their conversation.

after all……

Whether it is Song Daitian.

There is still something about Ren Huang's legacy, it's all very important.

Never let outsiders know.


Can only kill Unforgiven!

Thinking of this, infinite murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Sima of the National Normal University.

Not only him, but also General Zhang next to him. Who told him to be an accomplice to Sima of the National Normal University? Not everyone can afford the crime of killing Emperor Ren and seeking to usurp the throne. For his own life and reputation, General Zhang can only go to the dark side. .


As for the powerless Zheng Tao?

All right!

He is an exception.

Zheng Tao is now full of fear, fear, and the meaning of relief.

He was originally dragged into the water by Sima and General Zhang of the National Normal University. If he hadn't worried about the safety of his family, he would not have easily compromised. Now that the matter was revealed and Bai Xiaofei found out about it, Zheng Tao felt a little uneasy and thought about it for a while, but the most important point is that he can finally live without such aggrieved life!

This kind of life of fear, fear, and violation of conscience.

Zheng Tao has had enough!


Regardless of how the three of them thought and reacted.

In the sky, Bai Xiaofei, who was walking in the sky, smiled coldly when he heard the words, and said sarcastically: "Discussing important national affairs? Such a high-sounding rhetoric, I think it should be a major matter of seeking to usurp the throne! Master Guoshi, you too Don't be tempted, I have heard every word of the important things you said just now!"

How could Bai Xiaofei not know the national teacher's intentions?

After pondering for a while, Bai Xiaofei immediately made up his mind, went down the donkey down the slope, thoroughly angered the other party, and then found an opportunity to take Zheng Tao away.

I hope Song Daitian can persevere until the moment he saves him!


"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!"

"I think you must be a remnant of the Xishan Celestial Master camp that rebelled back then!"

"I can't keep you!"


as expected.

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Sima of the National Normal University became angry immediately.

Following his order, General Zhang understood immediately, and shot at Bai Xiaofei again without hesitation. But this time, he was no longer empty-handed, but decisively sacrificed his own weapon, a Zhangba Snake Spear full of esoteric runes, combined with his rough face, he was just like Zhang Fei, the peerless general of the Three Kingdoms period .

"Rebellious officials and thieves, die!"

General Zhang yelled angrily, holding the Zhangba Snake Spear, he suddenly rose from the ground, his whole body was like a rocket, and rushed towards Bai Xiaofei brazenly.

At the same time, the National Normal University Sima was not idle.

"Dragon Fight Nine Heavens!"

The golden dragon energy was born again.

But this time, it was even more shocking, as soon as he made a move, nine golden dragons shot straight into the sky!

Nine golden dragons that seemed to be real, struck with lightning speed, they arrived in front of Bai Xiaofei almost instantly, and then dispersed immediately, turning into a huge cage, surrounding Bai Xiaofei's body, blocking Bai Xiaofei's almost With all the dodging space, he had no choice but to take the blows of General Zhang who came one after another.


Seeing such a situation, Bai Xiaofei was neither surprised nor afraid, his face remained calm and calm, and he said with a sneer: "What a cooperative attack with a tacit understanding, the power is really extraordinary! If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid I'd just hate it right away." But unfortunately... the person you met was me, Bai Xiaofei!"

The voice just fell.

Just listen to "嗤——!"

The dragon's chant, which shook the heavens, erupted from Bai Xiaofei's body in an instant.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei resolutely urged Huanglu Domineering, who had cultivated to the fourth primary level. In an instant, the incomparably rich Emperor Dragon Qi immediately erupted from Bai Xiaofei's body like a volcanic eruption, and then under the control of his thoughts, it quickly took shape and turned into nine lifelike purple-gold true dragons!

That's right!

It is Zijin True Dragon!

When Huangtu overbearingly cultivates to the intermediate level or above, the Emperor Dragon Qi condensed on the cultivator will also mutate accordingly, from the original pure gold to a more powerful purple gold. It will mutate again and turn into the emerald green representing one of the four divine beasts—the Qinglong, possessing all kinds of incredible magical powers!

Bai Xiaofei's Huangtu Domineering has just entered the fourth-level realm, and it is still only at the initial stage, so it can be regarded as just getting started, so the color of this purple-gold true dragon is still mostly pure gold, and the color of purple-gold is relatively light. However, the aura of these nine real dragons is still several times stronger than the nine golden dragons of Grand Master Sima!


The nine purple-gold true dragons roared up to the sky as soon as they took shape.


Under Bai Xiaofei's guidance.

They immediately rushed towards the nine golden dragons surrounding Bai Xiaofei, and in an instant, eighteen giant dragons danced in the air, coming and going, and an extremely fierce hand-to-hand battle immediately started! As for the result of the battle between the two sides, there is no doubt that Zijin Zhenlong won!

Sitting in two small worlds, Bai Xiaofei, who also practiced Haoyue-level Kung Fu Emperor's Way, has such a huge and pure Emperor Dragon Qi, how can it be a mere world of Monster Hunting, in the name of the national teacher, What can Da Sima who rules the world compare with? That is simply the difference between a dinosaur and a gecko!

There is no comparison at all!


Bai Xiaofei's nine purple-gold true dragons were brutal and domineering. Almost in the blink of an eye, they tore the nine golden dragons of the Grand Master Sima into fragments all over the place. Abuse, destruction, invincibility!


They trend unabated.

Turning their gazes together, they immediately rushed to General Zhang who was flying towards Bai Xiaofei.

Poor General Zhang, when he came here he was aggressive, like killing a god, but before he got close to Bai Xiaofei and showed his might, he was bullied by Bai Xiaofei's nine purple and gold true dragons, without reason at all , It was a burst of indiscriminate bombing!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

As far as this general is concerned, his strength is also very strong.

Even though he was besieged by Bai Xiaofei's nine purple-gold true dragons, he was still invincible, relying on the power of his own vast sea of ​​Qi and blood, he formed a giant image of a god of war around his body, As an armor and a shield, it was like fighting nine purple and gold true dragons in the sky!


Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shine again, and his interest greatly increased. The usage of General Zhang's energy and blood power is similar to Naruto's Sharingan big move - Susano, and the forbidden technique of Red Demon Blood Eye - Scarlet Giant, which is powerful, domineering, and powerful. Awesome!


This trick is not without drawbacks.

Through investigation, Bai Xiaofei found that after using this move, the power of Qi and blood in General Zhang's body was decaying at a terrifying speed. It can be seen that the consumption of this move is still very scary, and it cannot be used for a long time, but it is better than not There are no serious side effects, which is a bit of a saving grace!

"Zijin True Dragon!"

"This, this is impossible! How can you have dragon energy on your body?!"

"who are you?"


And on the ground.

When Sima of the National Normal University saw that Bai Xiaofei had used a move similar to his own, and that the dragon energy on his body and the nine real dragons condensed were stronger and more solid than his own, and his level was also one level higher. , his expression changed drastically, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

This moment.

Da Sima was full of curiosity and doubts about Bai Xiaofei's identity and origin, and of course he was more shocked. Because... only the Lord of the World possesses Dragon Qi! The national teacher also gradually appeared after he murdered Emperor Ren and confirmed his right and status to rule the world.

And what about Bai Xiaofei?

A little-known brat, not to mention possessing dragon aura, and the amount and purity of his dragon aura are even higher than his own! How can this be? Could it be that this kid named Bai Xiaofei was the illegitimate child raised by the Emperor Ren left behind by the prince since he was a child? !

Otherwise, where did he get so much and pure dragon energy? !

The national teacher was stunned.

"who I am?"

"Hey! Guess, there will be a prize for guessing right!"


Faced with the inquiry from the Grand Master of the National Normal University, Bai Xiaofei was very humorous, and then took advantage of the time when the nine purple and gold true dragons besieged General Zhang, making him unable to deal with him. The national teacher rushed over, and said while rushing: "Take my trick first, Rainstorm Pear Blossom!"

He waved his hand.

In an instant, there were countless hidden weapon needles, like a celestial girl scattering flowers, and like a rainstorm, falling from the sky like meteors.

The sky and the sky covered the Great Sima of the National Normal University.


And Zheng Tao next to him!


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