The Storm God

Chapter 1436 Who Can Stop Me! (Please subscribe!)


"Small tricks!"

"Just relying on this mere hidden weapon method, you want to hurt me?"

"It's just a fool's dream!"


Facing Bai Xiaofei's violent storm attack.

Sima of the National Normal University looked disdainful, stood on the spot, did not move, did not have any intention of dodging, sneered, waved his long sleeves, and immediately gave birth to a great energy, forming a circle around him. A layer of golden gas mask blocks all hidden weapon needles.

"Ding ding ding!"

The dharma needles were scattered all over the place.

It was just that some of the surrounding guards were injured by the rebound. Whether it was the Grand Master of the National Normal University or Zheng Tao who was next to him, they were unharmed under the protection of the golden gas mask. However... Da Sima, who was supposed to be proud and proud, suddenly changed his expression at this moment.

"Where are people?"

State Normal University Sima was shocked to find out.

Bai Xiaofei, who fell from the sky and rushed towards him, disappeared unexpectedly.

And at this moment.


A huge impact suddenly struck, and Da Sima felt a sudden shock behind him, followed by the golden gas mask he was proud of, and was immediately smashed to pieces like glass on the spot! Before Da Sima recovered from the shock, Zheng Tao's exclamation sounded next to his ears ------


Da Sima woke up instantly: "Behind me?!"

"Golden Dragon Bodyguard!"

In the midst of a crisis, Da Sima made a decisive decision, and at the moment when the huge impact was about to hit him, he immediately displayed his strongest life-saving stunt. Seeing the golden dragon gas erupting from Da Sima's body like a volcanic eruption, it quickly formed the appearance of a domineering golden dragon.

The golden dragon was ferocious and majestic, as if it was real, and its huge body even enveloped Da Sima in it. And that huge impact, at this time, finally hit it heavily. But like a small stone thrown into the sea, it only caused a faint ripple, and was completely swallowed by the golden dragon.

Not only that, the dragon body of the golden dragon also gave birth to a stronger force of shock and rebound.

Following the path of the impact just now, a surge of waves struck.

"The Way of Tai Chi!"

"Conquer strength with softness!"

"Four or two pull a thousand catties!"

An angry shout followed.

The golden dragon's rebound power was completely dispelled by people using special methods and skills without even seeing an inch of power. And it wasn't until this time that Sima turned around and saw clearly who the person who attacked him was, it was Bai Xiaofei who suddenly disappeared just now!


None of this is the point.

Because Da Sima had expected this long ago, apart from Bai Xiaofei, no one else would attack him at the scene. What really made the national teacher feel unbelievable and angry is that Zheng Tao has now fallen into Bai Xiaofei's hands! Bai Xiaofei actually snatched Zheng Tao away from under his nose abruptly!

It was like slapping him in the face in front of his face.

Da Sima suddenly became furious.


"It was tricked by this kid!"



This moment.

He still doesn't understand, the hidden weapon needles just now are simply a cover, Bai Xiaofei's real plan is to use these hidden weapon needles as bait, and then suddenly flash behind him, attacking himself is also fake, and his real purpose is to let I have no time to look around, so I can take this opportunity to take away the powerless Zheng Tao!

It can be said to be strategizing, playing tricks on Sima of the National Normal University!

How do you tell him not to be angry?


at the same time.

The nine purple-gold true dragons in the sky were finally smashed to pieces by General Zhang who had used his ultimate move. As a result, General Zhang became extremely embarrassed, and all the energy and blood in his body were severely depleted, and even his breathing began to become rough. But these are nothing compared to General Zhang's anger towards Bai Xiaofei.

Seeing General Zhang activate the secret technique, the power of Qi and blood suddenly rose sharply, followed by a crash like a meteor.

Standing firmly next to Sima of the National Normal University.

"Good boy!"

"I didn't expect your method to be so domineering and weird, but it really opened my eyes!"

"But your luck has run out!"


The two are on the left and the right.

They were attacking each other, their aura soared, and they were firmly locked on to Bai Xiaofei and Zheng Tao.

The surrounding guards and imperial palace guards also arrived at this moment, and immediately formed a formation to surround the main hall in an impenetrable manner, and the isolation formation was also raised layer by layer, completely preventing intruders. All retreats for those who enter the palace.


That's for the average person.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, whether it is the isolation formation, the Grand Sima of the National Normal University, or General Zhang.

Not enough to see them all!


But Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly, tightly grasping the frightened Zheng Tao, who was almost frightened out of his wits, glanced at Sima and the others indifferently but ironically, and said, "Don't you think that Can you keep me with these means and strength?!"


"Master Guoshi, you are so naive! If I, Bai Xiaofei, want to leave, no one in this world can stop me! I came here today to spy on information about you, but unexpectedly I broke a It’s such a big secret, it’s really a worthwhile trip!”

"The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Let's not live today!"

"We will meet later!"


The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei and Zheng Tao didn't see any movement, their figures disappeared out of thin air with a "shua" under the watchful eyes of the National Normal University Sima and others. Only Bai Xiaofei's wild and triumphant laughter was left, which was still echoing around.

And this voice.

To Sima of the National Normal University and others, it is undoubtedly full of irony and ridicule.


Sima of the National Normal University and General Zhang were so angry that they didn't vomit blood. They couldn't believe that two living people, under heavy siege, ran away in such an open manner, while they and others I don't even know how the other party ran!

This shit!


Da Sima clenched his fists tightly.

Because of too much force, his finger bones were rattled and rattled, but to the ears of General Zhang, the surrounding Ouchi guards, imperial guards and others, the sound seemed to come from hell, full of biting coldness With endless rage, let them shudder!

"Check it out for me!"

"At all costs, find out that person's life experience and origin as soon as possible!"

"Wanted all over the country, regardless of life or death!"


National Normal University Sima looked straight at General Zhang.

In a tone that only two people can understand, he said coldly: "Master Zheng was arrested, the other party must have plans, the matter is of great importance, and the other party must not be allowed to succeed! General Zhang, I order you now to take someone to Zheng The government will strictly protect the safety of Mr. Zheng's family!"


General Zhang understood.

Immediately nodded and said: "I'll do it right away, I promise to complete the task!"


He turned and left.

Gathered a team of masters and went straight to Zheng's mansion.

at the same time.

Zheng Fu.

Some remote and uninhabited corner.


Two figures suddenly appeared.

Impressively, it was Bai Xiaofei who teleported away from the palace by using the Flying Thunder God technique, and Zheng Tao who was captured by him.

"here it is……"

Looking at the rather familiar environment around.

Zheng Tao stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and said in astonishment: "My own mansion?!"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said with a hey smile: "Early before I got into the palace, I set up a space technique here to facilitate my escape and retreat, but I didn't expect that I broke through a big case that reached the sky, and I was lucky enough to take it away." You, the key person, were also captured together!"

"Zheng Tao, right?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, my purpose of arresting you is actually very simple, tell me..."

"Where is Song Daitian locked up?"


between words.

A certain person has already used the suggestion and hypnotic effect of psychic power with ease.

Zheng Tao is just an ordinary person, without any magic power, and his mental power is also very average. How can he possibly parry Bai Xiaofei's powerful mind and thoughts? His mind was controlled almost on the spot, and he honestly told everything he knew in detail.

"I see."

Bai Xiaofei muttered to himself: "Unexpectedly, Song Daitian would be imprisoned in the secret dungeon of Zheng's Mansion, which saved me a lot of effort!"

"Take me to the dungeon immediately!"



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