The Storm God

Chapter 1438 Uprooted! (Please subscribe!)

"This is……?"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's behavior, Zheng Tao was immediately curious, especially Bai Xiaofei's countless gold needles, he didn't even see where Bai Xiaofei took them out, as if they had conjured them out of thin air.

It's unbelievable!


Bai Xiaofei explained in a good mood: "This golden needle is specially refined by me, and the best liquid medicine (alien medical spray) is refined on it. As long as there is still a breath, it can basically be saved!"


"Except for soul and mental wounds, this method is only for the physical body, so I want to find a way to get rid of this soul-binding chain!"

"Is there anything you can do?"


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning slightly. Because this soul-binding chain was bound to become one with Song Daitian's flesh and blood after more than ten years of bondage!

If it's just a physical injury, it's okay to say, the key thing is that this thing also has the function of sealing and imprisoning the soul.

Song Daitian's soul is very weak now, and it is imprisoned and bound by the soul-binding chains, and it is almost integrated into one body. It is said that Song Daitian's soul was also injured, and he might even kill Song Daitian directly!


Zheng Tao shook his head.

Shrugging helplessly, he said: "This chain was made by the Master himself. I am only responsible for guarding and interrogating. I know a little about how to use the chain, but the Master did not tell me how to remove it." , I guess only he himself knows!"

"That's difficult!"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being speechless for a while, and once again had a deep understanding of the insidiousness and cunning of Sima of the National Normal University, the other party really did not miss anything!


At this time, under the powerful medical effect of golden needles, Song Daitian's injuries recovered at an astonishing speed, and he, who had fallen into coma and shock, also began to gradually wake up.

He slowly opened his eyes.

However, he found that the person standing opposite him was a strange man, not Sima of the National Normal University, or General Zhang. Zheng Tao stood behind this man with a respectful look, which made Song Daitian feel extremely puzzled and confused. .

"Who are you……?"

he asked weakly and curiously.

"You finally woke up!"

Seeing Song Daitian wake up, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed and replied: "I am Bai Xiaofei, the person who came to save you, and also a friend of your son Song Tianyin and senior sister Hongyue."


"Senior Sister!"

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Song Daitian's eyes that were originally full of tenacity and despair suddenly flashed with brilliance and worry, and then asked: "Are they... are they all right now?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he made a long story short: "Don't worry, they are all doing well, especially your son Song Tianyin. If there are no accidents, you may have another daughter-in-law soon!"

"Our time is limited, now is not the time for children to love each other, your situation is very bad, the soul-binding chain is almost integrated with you, Zheng Tao doesn't know how to remove it, and I can't do anything about it, do you have any solution? "

Song Daitian has been rumored to be so powerful by Hongyue and others, at this moment, Bai Xiaofei can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor!


Song Daitian opened his mouth, just about to say something. At this time, Bai Xiaofei raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"It came so fast!"

His face darkened, and he looked at Song Daitian who was still a little confused, and said quickly: "The shadow clone I stayed in Zheng's mansion just now has news that General Zhang has brought people to Zheng's mansion, and it will probably arrive soon. Chamber of Secrets Dungeon!"

"If you have anything to do, tell us quickly, otherwise it will be too late when General Zhang and others attack!"

"Even if I fight in this very unfavorable underground terrain, I can't last long!"


Song Daitian didn't say anything, but Zheng Tao who was next to him was the first to scream, and said in a panic: "You said that General Zhang led someone into Zheng's mansion? What about my wife? Will she be given by General Zhang and others?" Did you kill it?"

Although Bai Xiaofei hypnotized Zheng Tao, he didn't suppress his consciousness, otherwise the other party wouldn't take the initiative to explain so many things about the dungeon and the national teacher to Bai Xiaofei.

Now knowing that his beloved wife is in danger, he is naturally terrified and horrified, and hastily cast a look of hope and help to Bai Xiaofei, hoping that Bai Xiaofei can help him!

"Do not worry!"

Bai Xiaofei comforted: "Your wife has been taken to Shuntian Mansion by my shadow clone for refuge, there will be no danger!"

Although Zheng Tao has no real strength, he is a minister favored and used by the National Teacher after all. He must have his own merits, and he also knows a lot about the National Teacher. False Renhuang played a vital role.


This pawn cannot be lost!

Moreover, I must absorb the other party and make him willingly and completely become my little brother for my use.

And Zheng Tao's wife, Yingying is the key! As long as you hold Yingying firmly in your hands, you won't have to worry about Zheng Tao's disobedience!


as expected.

Hearing that his wife had been safely transferred to Shuntian Mansion, Zheng Tao breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm relieved!"


Like Bai Xiaofei, his eyes fell on Song Daitian, expecting the other party to give a satisfactory result, so everyone will be happy!


To the disappointment of the two of them, Song Daitian shook his head, expressing that he could do nothing about the soul-binding chains!

"This time it happened!"

Zheng Tao's face turned dark immediately, and he said bitterly: "We all hold the soul-binding chains and there is nothing we can do. Is it possible to keep you here?"

He looked at Bai Xiaofei.

He thought to himself: "Bai Xiaofei obviously came here for Song Daitian, how could he give up on Song Daitian! It seems that he can only fight with General Zhang and others!"


Bai Xiaofei also looked helpless.

The soul is his shortcoming. The design of this soul-binding chain is unparalleled and profound. It directly acts on the soul of the human body, and he is helpless.

But Song Daitian's matter is very important, not only Song Tianyin's father, Hongyue's younger brother, but also the death of Emperor Renhuang and the treasure left by Emperor Renhuang, which must be rescued no matter what.

If there is really no other way, Bai Xiaofei can only kill him as a last resort, and then use the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil to bring Song Daitian back to life!


There are certain prerequisites for the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

The DNA organization of the living is just one of them. Another crucial prerequisite is that the soul of the summoned must be intact. If it is sealed in a special container, it cannot be successfully summoned!

For example, the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, their souls were sealed by ghouls and sealed in the belly of the god of death, so they could not reincarnate in the dirt.

But this soul-binding chain has a similar ability, Bai Xiaofei is afraid that reincarnation will not be useful, and Song Daitian will die in vain at that time!

If there were no such concerns, Bai Xiaofei would have already started, so why waste time asking this and that.

Just when Bai Xiaofei was having a headache because of this question, Song Daitian suddenly smiled, and then said: "Hey, hey, can you two let me finish my sentence!"

"It's true that I have no way to remove the chain directly, but I am pointing you to uproot it and take it away with me when the time comes, then the problem will be solved!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized, and Zheng Tao's eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly: "Yes! We really care about chaos! The main function of this soul-binding chain is to seal and imprison the soul, but it has little effect on other things around us. As long as you cut off the connection between them, you can take it away in its entirety!"

"how should I do?"

Bai Xiaofei went straight to the topic. At the same time, the Heaven Slashing Sword Intent in his hand condensed a terrifying invisible sword energy, ready to go!

He couldn't believe it! No matter how strong the equipment around the soul-binding chain is, can it still block his sky-slashing sword? !

"What a terrifying sword energy!"

Song Daitian's eyesight was extraordinary, and he saw the horror of Bai Xiaofei's invisible sword energy at a glance. He couldn't help but exclaimed, and then he was overjoyed, and said: "I was a little worried just now, I was afraid that you would not be able to get rid of the foundation of the soul-binding chain, now I not worried!"


A few minutes later.

General Zhang and the others finally rushed into the dungeon, but there was no one there, leaving only the headless corpses of two dead soldiers lying in a pool of blood, and...

The big gift that Bai Xiaofei specially left for General Zhang and others---a magic tool version super time bomb jointly developed and modified by Bai Xiaofei and Pavilion Master Dapeng!


Before General Zhang could get angry, a terrifying loud noise exploded in the secret room dungeon.

The Zheng Mansion on the ground was shaken, as if it had experienced a magnitude 12 earthquake, it was shaken into countless wreckage pieces almost instantly, and then completely fell into the terrifying fissures of collapse and cracks!


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