The Storm God

Chapter 1439 Soul Breaking Awl! (Please subscribe!)

Shuntian Mansion.

Climb to the fairy tower, inside the secret room.

Bai Xiaofei, Zheng Tao, and Song Daitian who was bound by soul-binding chains, although his injuries had almost fully recovered, suddenly appeared three figures.

turn out to be……

Bai Xiaofei also left a space magic formula here, after all, it is one of their bases, it is a very important place, leaving a space magician, it is also convenient for him to teleport back at any time.

And in the secret room, there are two other people, one of them is Zheng Tao's beloved wife Yingying, and the other is Boss Ge in the disguise of a monster.

Earlier, Bai Xiaofei's shadow avatar brought Yingying here, and after notifying Boss Ge to take care of him, he immediately released the avatar mode and told the deity his own information.


Seeing the three of Bai Xiaofei appearing out of thin air, Yingying was taken aback for a moment. Although this was not the first time she had experienced such a strange thing, she was still quite shocked.


After seeing clearly that one of the visitors was her husband, Yingying was overjoyed and hurried forward to hug Zheng Tao, saying excitedly, "It's great that you're fine!"


Zheng Tao also hugged his wife very excitedly, and the two immediately fell in love with each other's snuggling and comforting.


Bai Xiaofei curled his lips speechlessly, ignoring the two people's show of affection, but looked at Boss Ge, and asked, "What happened to what I asked you to do?"

Before the shadow clone lifted the ninjutsu, he informed Boss Ge to send someone to invite Hongyue back quickly, and tightened up all the power to prevent the upcoming great changes.

Their previous plan is seriously inconsistent with the current situation, so they must plan in the long run. And Song Daitian, Hongyue, Song Tianyin, and the little demon king Huba are the most important among them!

"Already doing it!"

Boss Ge immediately replied: "Miss Hongyue is currently on her way back quickly. With her footsteps, it is estimated that she will be back in about an hour!"

"I also notified the others one by one. Although everyone was puzzled, they obeyed the master's orders without too many complaints or hesitation."


"Because the power has spread out too much, and the distribution is relatively wide, so if you want to get it all back, I'm afraid it will take a certain amount of time."

"Then there is the movement of the Yaozu. The Yaozu seems to have launched an operation. Not long ago, they sent someone to ask me for information. Although I was fooled, I didn't get too many instructions!"


Boss Ge answered in great detail.


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and murmured: "Now that the plan has changed, I don't care too much about it. The most urgent thing is to find out the treasure left by Emperor Ren before Sima!"

"Only by solving the internal problems first, can we unite our forces and jointly fight against the invasion of the monster race, otherwise we will be in a very passive position under the enemy's back and forth!"


Just then.

The door of the secret room suddenly opened, followed by two big and one small, three figures walked in from outside, it was Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, and the little demon king Huba.

"Huba! Huba!"

The little demon king Huba also likes Bai Xiaofei very much, he hasn't seen Bai Xiaofei very much these days, it can be said that he misses him very much, now that he finally sees Bai Xiaofei, he is so happy, and immediately yelled happily and flew over.

Bai Xiaofei caught Huba, and was immediately infected by its cute and cute appearance, as well as its childishness, he couldn't stop smiling, but he still didn't forget to tell him: "Here, let's say it first, don't spit! "


Song Daitian and Song Tianyin met each other with a tacit understanding, and they both stared at each other blankly. The wonderful connection of blood is thicker than water, let each other know almost instantly that the other party is the dearest relative of his heart man of!



The two spoke almost in unison.

As soon as this remark came out, the two of them stopped being confused immediately, but became incomparably certain, confirming that the other party was the person they were looking for!

Then they were all moved, and the tears in their eyes burst out instantly. The two slowly approached, and finally embraced each other forcefully.

Huo Xiaolan looked at it from the sidelines, it was extremely embarrassing, the father and son recognized each other there, and told each other their hearts, and they were in the middle, so it's really not good to go, or not to go!

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but suddenly thought, "Looking at the situation, Huo Xiaolan probably already kissed Song Tianyin for life, right?!"

"Huba! Huba!"

Huba in Bai Xiaofei's arms saw his "mother" hugging a man and crying, he was full of doubts and puzzlement, his big golden eyes widened, he twisted his body, as if he wanted to He wanted to rush over to comfort him, but was stopped by Bai Xiaofei, and then whispered to him: "Don't go over, they're fine, just let them stay alone for a while!"


Huba is still young.

Naturally, he didn't quite understand what Bai Xiaofei was talking about, but he was also very smart. He looked carefully at Song Tianyin, and saw that although his mother was crying, there were excitement and excitement, joy and happiness in the tears, and he also knew that her mother was not. I'm sad!

So the little demon king Huba tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and stopped thinking about these complicated things, but began to think about how to make Bai Xiaofei accept his love (saliva).

Of course he couldn't hide his little thoughts from Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei gave him a vigilant look, and said angrily: "Little naughty, don't think about messing around, or I will cut off your ration!"


When the little demon king Huba heard this, he immediately languished, as if he had been completely defeated by Bai Xiaofei.

And the reason is that the little demon king Huba's mother and father, during the time Bai Xiaofei was away, insisted on instilling in him the idea of ​​not being able to suck blood.

Huba's childish nature, in order to please the two of them, he agreed on the surface, but in private, especially in front of Bai Xiaofei, he still followed the nature of the monster race, and liked to eat flesh and blood!

Bai Xiaofei's so-called cutting off his rations means that he is just like Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan, not giving the little demon king Huba his flesh and blood, and only letting him eat vegetarian food!

Huba, the little demon king who is used to Bai Xiaofei's delicious feast of flesh and blood at the level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, has long since been raised. If you make him a vegetarian, this is tantamount to the most serious punishment for him!


Bai Xiaofei hit a sweet date with a stick and said, "As long as you are obedient, everything is easy to talk about!"


A flash in the hand.

A crystal-clear mysterious ancient fish suddenly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's hand. The little fish was still alive, but was imprisoned in the void of the palm by Bai Xiaofei's magic power, unable to break free.

"Huba! Huba!"

Seeing the Xuangu fish, the little demon king Huba's eyes lit up immediately, and he became energetic immediately, like a cat. He was excited and excited, waving four tentacles-like arms, and looked like he wanted to eat fish very much. look.


Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "If you want to eat it! Then take it and hide aside and eat it. Don't let your mother and the others see it, or I won't be able to help you!"


Handed Xuanguyu directly to Huba.

Huba immediately hugged Xuanguyu, with a guilty conscience, hurriedly ran to the corner of the secret room, and began to feast on it.

And taking advantage of the free time now, Bai Xiaofei browsed the space-time shopping mall, wanting to see if there is any treasure that can release the soul-binding chains on Song Daitian.

To know.

Although Song Daitian is only a four-dollar celestial master, his true strength cannot be judged by the level of a celestial master, but should be divided by the category of a practitioner. Just because his soul is imprisoned now, he has continued to practice for more than ten years. Judging from being tortured so much, and still having such great strength now, Bai Xiaofei estimated that if Song Daitian fully recovered, he would be able to stand up to half of the national teachers at least!

Of course, such an important combat power cannot be wasted. We must find a way to use it!


After browsing and searching for a while, Bai Xiaofei finally found a treasure with a very high price-performance ratio among the countless products --- the Soul-breaking Awl!


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