The Storm God

Chapter 1440 Why Don't You Dare! (Please subscribe!)

Soul-breaking cone!

Weapons, artifacts, and treasures that specialize in breaking souls, note: only limited to the peak of the mortal realm, disposable items. Price: 30 million energy value!

Such a price is not cheap!

at the same time……

This is one of the four major breaks.

The other three are the Cone of Breaking, the Cone of Breaking Formation, and the Cone of Destruction. Cone, as its name suggests, respectively break spells, large formations, and destroy everything! If the four are purchased together, the package price only needs 100 million energy points, which can be 20 million cheaper.

"It's 20 million cheaper!"

Bai Xiaofei hesitated for a moment, and then decisively spent 100 million energy points to buy this four-destroy package.

As the saying goes, "If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard!"

Buy it first!


After the energy value is paid.

The four major broken packages were instantly distributed to Bai Xiaofei's dimensional space.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't wait to summon the Soul Breaking Awl, but saw that it was only the size of a palm, and it looked like an oversized nail as a whole. Severe feeling. Bai Xiaofei held it in his hand and studied it for a long time, but he didn't understand it!


"As expected of the crystallization of wisdom of the soul civilization, it is really awesome!"

"It even comes with instructions!"


Bai Xiaofei was wondering how to use this thing.


An obscure message.

As if something came out of nothing, it immediately surfaced in the depths of Bai Xiaofei's soul consciousness.

This is exactly how to use the Soul Breaking Awl!

"Is the power of the soul propelling it?"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized, and said to himself: "I said that motivating mana is useless. It turns out that the power of the soul is needed to mobilize it, and the consumption is extremely subtle. The power can also be freely controlled according to the user's will, like an arm and a finger. It's a pity that it's a one-time consumable, and I can't copy it out!"


"This thing specializes in the soul, and it's impossible to defend against. It hurts when hit, and it hurts when rubbed. It's definitely the best choice for Yin people!"

"It seems that I will work hard to cultivate the power of the soul in the future!"


Bai Xiaofei said regretfully.

Now, although the strength of his main body has basically caught up with the Mu Dun clone and the Zhenjin clone, both the clone and his main body have a fatal shortcoming, that is, the power of the soul. With powerful ghosts, or powerful enemies with the spirit attack technique, Bai Xiaofei will be a little bit blind!


Bai Xiaofei possesses the Nine Spirits and Star Art.

This is the supreme soul-cultivating secret book. After cultivating to the peak level, even the masters of the immortal level can easily be killed, and even form a large array of galaxies and spirits to form their own star universe, dominate the destiny, and incarnate the way of heaven , It can be said that it is awesome to the extreme.

But it's a pity that Bai Xiaofei has only cultivated to the third level of the first stage of life soul - forming a life soul. The second force behind has only been developed about half. Although the power of the soul has increased, it still cannot compare with the power of Bai Xiaofei's physical body!

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't work hard to improve his soul power, but that the follow-up development and cultivation of the Nine Spirits and Star Art requires too much soul power! And in the ordinary world of time and space, there is no extra soul power, unless Bai Xiaofei becomes a devil, kills innocent people indiscriminately, and then practices magic skills to sacrifice all the living souls of these people!

Doing so would hurt the harmony of nature, and it would definitely affect Bai Xiaofei's meritorious deeds. At that time... Although the soul realm has increased, it will lose the power of merit, and it will even affect one's own fate and luck. From a long-term perspective, this is obviously extremely unwise, and it is tantamount to killing the chicken and picking the egg.

The only feasible way is to hope that one day, one can enter a special space-time world, such as the god of death, such as the world of mythology and immortality, etc. In such a world, not only is there sufficient aura, but also the acquisition and improvement of soul power is very easy. The most important thing is safety, there are no hidden dangers!

The hard part is...

Bai Xiaofei's luck is not very good, he has never encountered such a world so far, so his soul realm is improving very slowly. Otherwise, it is rare to grow up, develop your own second strength, and you won't even be able to deal with a mere soul-binding chain!


Helplessly sighed.

Bai Xiaofei withdrew his thoughts, and shifted his gaze from the Soul Breaking Awl to Song Daitian who was opposite him. At this time, the father and son no longer choked up or wiped away their tears. They both had expressions of gratitude and joy. After going through so many hardships, they could finally live together without any worries.

He noticed Bai Xiaofei's gaze.

Song Daitian and his son looked at each other, then walked quickly to Bai Xiaofei, gave him a big gift, and said sincerely: "Mr. Bai, your great kindness, our father and son will never forget it, from now on , our life is yours, but you have been ordered to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, and we dare not obey!"

"Get up!"

Bai Xiaofei quickly helped the two of them up, and said with a wry smile: "What are you doing? You're out of touch! I saved you, but it's just a coincidence, even if there is kindness, there is no need to do this! If you really want to repay me , then work hard to promote the coexistence of humans and demons!"

"This is my greatest ideal and goal!"


Someone said with a deep meaning.


Song Daitian was shocked when he heard the words.

Excitedly said: "Mr. Bai, to tell you the truth, this is not only your ideal and goal, but also the lifelong wish of our Song family! It's a pity...we are incompetent, we have never been able to achieve this goal, and we were even almost beaten Extermination of the clan, if it weren't for Mr. Bai's help, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

"Stop talking about this!"

Bai Xiaofei laughed, then waved his hands, and quickly changed the subject: "Uncle Song, when I was arranging the equipment just now, I accidentally discovered a special magic weapon, which may be able to untie the soul-binding chains on you. Do you dare to give it a try?!"

"Why don't you dare!"

Song Daitian straightened his neck, and said forcefully, "Mr. Bai, life and death are destiny, just come!"


On the contrary, it was Song Tianyin who was worried and concerned, for fear that something might happen to Song Daitian. He had just found his father back, and his joy was still slowing down, but he didn't want to see Song Daitian more than once before he watched his father step into the gate of hell again with joy and sorrow!

"don’t worry!"

Song Daitian laughed loudly, and then comforted Song Tianyin: "Tianyin, I'll be fine, you have to trust Mr. Bai! Mr. Bai is definitely not an ordinary person, and it is very likely that he is the sage who can change the world in the prophecy , even if you can't untie this soul-binding chain, dad will just lose some souls!"

"No one can die!"


Seeing what his father said, Song Tianyin, who didn't know the danger in it, immediately chose to believe it foolishly, then nodded and said: "Father, since you insist, I can't stop you! Then I will watch from the sidelines. If you need help with anything, just call me!"


Song Daitian smiled and nodded.

Immediately, he turned around, looked at Bai Xiaofei firmly, and said, "Mr. Bai, before that, I think it's better to tell you something first, so that if something happens later, Emperor Renhuang will explain it to you." My mission is in danger!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately raised his brows, and said in surprise, "You're talking about the treasure left by the Emperor Ren?"


Now Song Daitian was confused.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, his eyes widened, and he said in a daze, "This...Mr. Bai, could it be that you already knew it?!"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and explained: "Uncle Song, you misunderstood, I just eavesdropped on the conversation of the National Normal University Sima and others, and I only knew about it, but the specific details, I But I don’t know anything about it, so I still need you to explain it!”

"I see!"

Song Daitian suddenly realized.

Immediately, his face darkened, he looked at Bai Xiaofei seriously and seriously, and said slowly: "Mr. Bai, then I will tell the whole story, the death of Emperor Ren, and the leftover treasures in detail. Let me tell you, I hope you can destroy the conspiracy of the national teacher and restore peace and tranquility to the world!"

"The cause of the matter must start from thirty-five years ago!"

"At that time..."


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