The Storm God

Chapter 1441 It's You! (Please subscribe!)

Following Song Daitian's narration, a shocking secret and the concealed truth were gradually revealed to everyone.

Thirty-five years ago.

Emperor Ren's body is abnormal, his life span has almost reached the limit, and he has to rely on panacea almost every day to maintain his vitality.

At this time, it was the time when Sima of the National Normal University entered the court as an official and showed his limelight. Seeing that Da Sima was very capable, Emperor Ren entrusted all affairs of the court to the national teacher to take care of them.

at first……

Everything is going smooth.

The teachers of the country are working diligently to manage the country, and the successor of Emperor Renhuang---Gu Xi, nicknamed Emperor Xihuang, is also receiving the training and inheritance of Emperor Renhuang step by step, and he is making rapid progress. It may not take long. Then he can inherit the orthodoxy, ascend the throne as the emperor, replace Emperor Ren as the fourth emperor of the human race, and lead the human race!

Who knows...

Accidents will happen.

On the way out for training, Gu Xi was ambushed and attacked by the demon clan. Although he managed to escape and escaped, he was reduced to a cripple because of his injuries.

As for a useless person, it is naturally impossible to become the successor of Emperor Ren. Knowing that he has no possibility of recovery, Gu Xi finally couldn't bear this cruel reality and chose to commit suicide!

After Gu Xi's death, Emperor Ren was furious and sent people to investigate the matter carefully. Gu Xi's experience and actions have always been kept secret, and only a few people knew about it. In the end, he was ambushed and attacked by the monster clan. There must be something ulterior in this conspiracy!

And the person in charge of the investigation is Song Daitian!

This investigation lasted for five years. After such a long period of unremitting strict investigation and unannounced visits, Song Daitian finally lived up to his expectations and found out the truth of the matter out of the impossible.

turn out to be……

All of this is a trap carefully designed by the remnants of the Xishan Celestial Master camp that was once wiped out by the imperial court!

The most important thing is that the death of Gu Xi is just the beginning, and there are even more terrifying plots and calculations behind it!

After learning these.

Song Daitian didn't dare to neglect, and hurried back to Beijing, intending to report everything he found to Emperor Ren!

But on the way back to Beijing, he was intercepted endlessly and nearly died.

"There must be an inner ghost in the court!"

Song Daitian was horrified, so he changed his strategy, disguised himself, and after two years of hard work, he finally rushed back to the capital from outside the Great Wall and sneaked into the palace.

And when he finally met Emperor Ren and told him his information, Song Daitian was horrified to find that it seemed too late for him to come back!

The current Emperor Renhuang is no longer the original Emperor Renhuang, but a fake one. He himself was framed and imprisoned.


In the prison, Song Daitian met the real Emperor Ren, and only then did he learn that all of this was done by Sima of the National Teacher, and he was the remnant of the Xishan Celestial Master camp back then!

The other party did this, firstly, for revenge, and secondly, to complete the unfulfilled wish of the Xishan Tianshi camp -----

Dominate the world!

If Emperor Ren hadn't held the key to the inheritance of the emperors of all dynasties, Sima, the Grand Master of the State Teacher, would have killed Emperor Ren long ago!

Song Daitian was also able to save his life because Emperor Ren deceived Sima, saying that Song Daitian had the key to unlock the key, otherwise, a mere first-rank imperial guard would not be worthy of the great Sima's attention.

And the reason why Emperor Ren wants to keep Song Daitian is because Song Daitian is his only remaining confidant! The rest of the big internal guards, or confidantes, have already been killed by the Grand Master Sima!

If Song Daitian is not saved, Renhuang will really have no hope at all!

After Renhuang handed over the secret about the emperor's inheritance to Song Daitian, he used the forbidden technique - the power of returning to heaven, and broke through the blockade of the prison with his terrifying strength, escorting Song Daitian to escape safely.

Emperor Ren was already close to the state of exhaustion, and he used the forbidden technique again, and suffered extremely serious injuries in the fight with the National Normal University Sima and others, so he ran out of strength after a short time And died.


When he was about to die, Emperor Ren also pulled a large group of people behind him. He blew himself up and killed many confidantes of the Grand Master of the National Normal University, causing heavy casualties to the Grand Sima of the National Normal University, and seriously delayed the opponent's pace of unifying the world.

This is also one of the main reasons why when Bai Xiaofei fought against him, Da Sima had only General Zhang by his side.

Because most of the people have been blew themselves up to death by Emperor Renhuang as a backstop. The remaining people were either placed in important positions, couldn't escape at all, or were not qualified to enter Da Sima's inner circle.

Closer to home.

After this time, Song Daitian naturally became a wanted felon by the imperial court, and even the people close to him were also affected by Chi Yu.

Such as the red moon!

During the escape, Song Daitian made his wife stronger, and had a crystallization of love with her, that is, Song Tianyin, but Song Daitian's wife died shortly after giving birth to Song Tianyin.

that's all……

Song Daitian and Song Tianyin fled all the way, hiding their names, and finally came to Yongning Village, and made a group of kind-hearted monsters, and deeply realized the feasibility of the coexistence of humans and monsters.

And after Song Tianyin grew up a bit, the imperial court seemed to have found Song Daitian's trace.

In desperation, Song Daitian had no choice but to leave Song Tianyin behind, and let him and a group of villagers pretending to be monsters live in Yongning Village in peace, while he embarked on a journey of further escape.


It didn't take long to run.

Song Daitian was spotted by the National Normal University Sima's weakness, and used a group of kind-hearted monsters as bait to design and arrest them.

Emperor Ren is dead.

And Song Daitian was the only person who had contact with Emperor Renhuang, and he was originally his confidant, so the National Teacher Da Sima had reason to believe that the inheritance of the emperors of all dynasties, the so-called treasures of Emperor Renhuang, must be in Song Daitian.


After arresting Song Daitian, they immediately launched torture to extract a confession, but it was a pity that Mao didn't use it. No matter what method they used, Song Daitian just didn't say anything!

Hard-spoken to death!

The Grand Master of the National Normal University was so angry that he wanted to smash Song Daitian's body into thousands of pieces, but because he wanted to obtain the treasure of Emperor Renhuang, he had to throw a mouse trick, which can be described as bitter and depressed.

As a result, so many years have passed, and they have exhausted almost all means until Bai Xiaofei rescued Song Daitian, and the National Teacher Sima and others failed to pry a word from Song Daitian!

at last……

Song Daitian looked at Bai Xiaofei very seriously, and said: "The so-called benevolent emperor's relics are actually the mantles and inheritances, as well as magic treasures and other gods brought by the emperors of the past dynasties. The beginning of the origin of the master's skill!"

"No matter who gets it, they will gain incomparable power and become a tyrannical existence like Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, and even surpass them and become stronger!"

"The Celestial Master camp in Xishan was exterminated by the Emperor Ren because of coveting the power of this inheritance, and had unruly intentions and actions. Now they have made a comeback, stole the power of the imperial court, and almost ruled the world. We must We must elect a new emperor to inherit the mantle of the previous emperors, completely defeat the remnants of Da Sima and other Xishan celestial master camps, and restore peace to the world!"

Speaking of which.

Song Daitian paused slightly.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei with scorching eyes, then glanced at the little demon king Huba who had already eaten up the Xuangu fish and was secretly looking over here in the corner.

After a good while, he finally said firmly: "Mr. Bai, you are the one who is recognized by the senior sister as the prophecy, and I also have great confidence in you. Even the little demon king, the son of the prophecy, has a relationship with you." The great connection shows that this great responsibility belongs to you!"


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