The Storm God

Chapter 1442 East China Sea Demon King! (Please subscribe!)


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback, and said in astonishment: "You mean..."


Song Daitian nodded affirmatively.

This was not a whim, but a deliberate decision.


Bai Xiaofei's strength is very high, it can even be said to be terrifying and abnormal.

Song Daitian can see with his own eyes how powerful Sima and General Zhang are. Even Emperor Ren, who has used the forbidden technique, cannot kill them, which shows that they are awesome and powerful. And Bai Xiaofei was able to escape from the hands of the two people safely and calmly, and even kidnapped Zheng Tao, which shows his ability.

Second, there is prophecy.

Song Daitian naturally knows what kind of person Hongyue is.

Since she believes that Bai Xiaofei is the person who prophesied, she must be right. And there is nothing wrong with Bai Xiaofei's ideals and goals. Whether it is Song Daitian or Bai Xiaofei, their goal is to work hard to promote a harmonious society where humans and monsters coexist. They have exactly the same beliefs!

Especially this last point is very important!


under comprehensive analysis.

Bai Xiaofei is undoubtedly the most suitable ideal target, far more in line with today's requirements than others! Of course... Song Daitian is also betting, putting all his hopes and bets on Bai Xiaofei, hoping that the other party can lead him and others to completely defeat the National Normal University Sima and others, and return the world to a bright future.

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei pretended to ponder for a while.

In the end, he put on a rather helpless look, shrugged his shoulders and said, "In this case, I would rather be respectful than obedient! My goal is to promote the coexistence of humans and monsters, and to build an equal and harmonious ideal society. The position of emperor Although I don't like it, I am willing to give up for the sake of my ideal!"

The implication.

It is to acquiesce to Song Daitian's suggestion, to accept the legacy of Emperor Ren, and to assume the position and responsibility of the emperor.

It looks like it's cheap and good-looking.


Song Daitian was speechless for a while.

Xin said: "Damn! This is the position of emperor. How many people can't get it in their dreams. Now let you inherit the great rule, what is your attitude?! Can you still have a good chat? If you are like this, if Let the National Normal University Sima and others see it, and they will definitely vomit blood with anger!"

shook his head.

Get the messy thoughts out of your head.

Song Daitian regained his serious attitude, and said seriously: "Okay! Since Mr. Bai agreed, then I will tell you the relevant information. I hope Mr. Bai will not let me down and disappoint the Emperor Ren." The trust in me, and the painstaking efforts left by the emperors of all ages!"

"rest assured!"

Bai Xiaofei said confidently: "You will never be disappointed!"


Song Tianyin and the others were also very conscious.

Seeing that the old man wanted to tell Bai Xiaofei about the legacy of the Emperor Ren, they all left the secret room silently, leaving only the two of them in the room. However, the little demon king Huba is an exception. This little guy seems to be relying on Bai Xiaofei, and refuses to leave no matter what.

Without any choice.

The two of them could only let him stay.

Anyway, this little guy is still very young, and he doesn't know the language of the human race. Even communicating with the monster race is still a bit difficult, but I'm not afraid that he will leak the news.

"Mr. Bai!"

After confirming that the environment is safe.

Only then did Song Daitian clear his throat, and said to Bai Xiaofei, "I'm not the only one who knows the location of Emperor Ren's legacy, Sima and others from the National Normal University also know about it, but they don't have the key to open the inheritance place." , so even if you know the location, you are helpless and powerless!"


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

This point, he did not expect at all, Bai Xiaofei thought that only Song Daitian knew about the Renhuang's legacy. Looking at it now, even if one obtains the key, there may be considerable difficulties in successfully inheriting the mantle of successive emperors!

He frowned and asked, "The key should not be with you, right?"

"That's right!"

Song Daitian smiled wryly.

Sighing: "Back then, I was afraid that I would not be able to defeat the pursuit of the National Teacher Da Sima and others, so I hid the key in the depths of [Yunxie Mountain], and let a very powerful monster take care of it, and then Let a celestial master with strange skills erase my memory!"

"In this way, I escaped the torture of words and deeds of the national teacher and others for so many years!"

"Erase memory?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being taken aback. Immediately, he looked at him in puzzlement, and said doubtfully: "Since this is the case, you should have completely forgotten the exact location where the key is hidden, so how can we find the key? did Other countermeasures?"


Song Daitian smiled when he heard this.

Then he explained: "The key lies in the monster I invited to guard! Before my memory was erased, I branded all the relevant clues on the other party. If you set the question, you can get the relevant information of the key!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback again.

While admiring Song Daitian's wit, he couldn't help asking a new question: "Where is the monster in charge of guarding? It shouldn't be near Yunxie Mountain, right? Otherwise, with the power of the National Normal University Sima and others, so Over the years, I’m afraid it has already been discovered and attracted attention?”

"Ha ha!"

"I really can't hide anything from you!"

"You guessed right!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei's thoughts were so meticulous, and he could see the key point in an instant, Song Daitian was surprised, but also felt extremely happy in his heart. You must know that Sima and others are cunning and treacherous, and they use all kinds of methods. To deal with such an existence, you have to be more insidious than them!

at first……

Song Daitian was also worried that Bai Xiaofei had more than enough force but not enough intelligence, and he would still suffer in front of the National Normal University Sima and others in the end. But now, after seeing Bai Xiaofei's repeated performances, he completely let go of his concerns, because Bai Xiaofei is far more terrifying than Song Daitian imagined!

With formidable strength and demon-like wit, he should be safe against Sima and others of the National Normal University!

So far.

Song Daitian felt relieved immediately.

He followed him and explained with a smile: "For the sake of safety, I let the monster be stationed near the East China Sea connected to Yunxie Mountain. Although there is the [East Island Station] of the imperial court, the East China Sea, the mainland, and Yunxie Mountain The connected coastline is extremely wide, stretching tens of thousands of miles away, it is simply not something that a small station can monitor!"


"The monster I arranged is the king of giant monsters in the sea! Its strength is incomparably terrifying, and it is even more powerful in the sea. The power it can display cannot be judged by common sense, even if it is a dozen or so of the same level. Monster beasts, or celestial masters, practitioners, besiege it together, and don't even think about taking advantage of it!"

"So you can rest assured about the security of the key clues!"


Speaking of that monster.

Song Daitian's face was filled with confidence and arrogance.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized, and secretly said: "Unexpectedly, the monster who is responsible for guarding the inheritance of Yunxie Mountain and the key clues is actually the king among sea monsters. No wonder Song Daitian has a plan in mind! With such a heavy identity, I am afraid it is fundamental You don’t need it to show up, just send some men to guard and monitor it!”

"Even if the National Teacher Sima and others were suspicious, they would never have thought that the real mastermind behind these monsters was actually the king of the sea monsters. And even if they knew, there was nothing they could do. It was the East China Sea! The sea monsters are the most rampant Not to mention the National Normal University Sima and others, even the demon king dare not easily set foot in the terrifying area!"

"If you are not afraid of death, just go out and wander!"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes sank.

After figuring out the key points, he stopped hesitating and said, "I understand!"

"In simple terms……"

"If you want to enter the inheritance place of Yunxie Mountain, you must first go to the East China Sea to find the king of the sea monster and get the clues to the key, right! In this case, let's hurry up and take advantage of the National Normal University Sima and the others haven't recovered from the chaos I created, so hurry up and get these things done!"

"Follow the inheritance of the mantle of the emperors of all dynasties, strengthen yourself, and finally have a showdown with the opponent! Before doing it again, you must first get rid of the soul-binding chains on your body, otherwise, with this thing, your safety is a serious problem. Great disease, if you are unfortunately killed by someone, then everything will be over!"

"The process may be a bit painful, be a ninja!"


The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei immediately mobilized his soul power, and raised the Soul Breaking Awl. The Soul Breaking Cone shone with a misty purple energy and brilliance, and it slowly rose into the air, like an elf, hovering in front of Song Daitian, with the tip of the cone shining coldly, with a look that is ready to go at any time. Hands-on posture.

"bring it on!"

Song Daitian was fearless, gritted his teeth and said, "I can bear it!"

"call out!"

The Soul Breaking Cone smashed instantly.


The tip of the cone that shone with cold light violently hit the soul-binding chain, immediately causing a huge shock and shock to it and Song Daitian's soul that was bound and imprisoned. The next moment, amidst Song Daitian's miserable muffled groans, he flew upside down on the spot as if he had been hit by a high-speed train.


Blood spurted wildly.

Song Daitian's aura also wilted immediately.

Fortunately, although he was seriously injured, the soul-binding chains bound to his body were finally completely wiped out after the blow from the Soul-breaking Awl. Together with the soul-breaking cone, it was covered with cracks, and then shattered inch by inch, and finally disintegrated into countless dust, disappeared in smoke and disappeared completely!

follow closely……

Song Daitian's sluggish and weak aura began to erupt violently like a volcano, and became stronger and stronger.


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