The Storm God

Chapter 1443 He is looking for a sword! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

Sensing the aura emanating from Song Daitian, Bai Xiaofei frowned, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, as I expected, this Song Daitian is far stronger than I imagined, with such aura, such aura, compared to Zhang Jing who is next to Sima of the National Normal University. General, it's just a step behind!"

What surprised Bai Xiaofei even more was...

A strong and powerful awe-inspiring sword intent began to pervade Song Daitian's body!

That's right!

It's the sword intent!

And it's also very powerful and terrifying.

If Bai Xiaofei's Heaven Severing Sword is compared to a laser that can cut everything, then... at this moment, the sword intent permeating Song Daitian's body gives people a sense of boundless vigor, Like a domineering fire, it seems to burn everything around it!

"It's actually the Xeon Sword Intent of the fire attribute!"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he saw this, his eyes were full of surprise and joy. He never imagined that in the world of Monster Hunting, besides celestial masters, he could meet a sword cultivator, and he was also a super sword cultivator with a high level. What a surprise!


If you think about it carefully, this seems inevitable.

You know, Song Tianyin's family has a family heirloom sword. This sword is not simple, it can be big or small, and it also has a very high fire attribute power. It is stronger than super monsters like Boss Ge and Chi Tianba. Once they are chopped or stabbed, they will die on the spot, which shows its power Awesome!

Song Tianyin, a half-hearted celestial master, can kill two monsters with it. The horror of this family-inherited sword is definitely stronger than that shown in the movie, but because Song Tianyin is too rubbish, it seriously affects It's just a function of it.

To have such a magical weapon, it can be seen that the ancestors of the Song family should be masters of swords!


Bai Xiaofei never expected it.

This so-called sword master does not refer to the magic weapon of the celestial master, but pure swordsmanship attainments!

So far, among all the sword masters Bai Xiaofei has encountered, Song Daitian can almost be said to be the most powerful and domineering sword master, sword master, and sword spirit besides Juggernaut, Wuming, and Xiongba. one already.

The key is……

Song Daitian's Sword Intent and Sword Qi actually carry the overbearing flame attribute, which is extremely hot, as if it wants to burn everything in the void, that's awesome! If you have a magic weapon with corresponding attributes in your hand, its power is terrifying, and I am afraid it will directly surpass Xiongba and others!

It was the first time Bai Xiaofei saw such a peculiar sword intent and sword energy!


Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help laughing.

Previously, it was Emperor Wu's domineering sword that opened up a deep valley stretching tens of thousands of miles. Later, there was the special martial arts and martial arts of General Zhang Sima, and now, from Song Daitian, there appeared a never-before-seen The strange sword spirit and sword energy, Monster Hunting, Monster Hunting, how much do you still have that I don't know?

And then……

Bai Xiaofei thought of the Renhuang Legacy.

That is what Song Daitian said in his mouth, the inheritance of the mantle of the emperors of all dynasties, the source and beginning of all the skills of the celestial masters throughout the ages! He couldn't help but muttered to himself: "Perhaps... Only when I get in touch with that inheritance can I really solve these mysteries?"


Just as Bai Xiaofei was muttering to himself.

On the opposite side, the sword intent on Song Daitian's body finally climbed to its peak state, and then began to return quickly, reverting to the ordinary state before. Just like a sword returning to its scabbard, it hides all sharpness and murderous intent, waiting for the master's call.

"Uncle Song, congratulations!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "The strength has returned to the peak, and we have one more master who can hold the field. In the future, I believe that with the help of Uncle Song, I will be more relaxed Some. The only fly in the ointment is that I still lack a handy weapon!"


When it comes to weapons, Song Daitian couldn't help but sighed, and said helplessly: "Our Song family does have a family heirloom weapon, but it's with my mother. But Yongning Village was destroyed, and my mother doesn't know where she is now. , otherwise with [Burning Kong Sword] in my hand, even if I am facing Sima and others, I will be able to deal with them!"

A look of regret.

It's not that he feels sorry for not having a sword in his hand, but that he is worried about his own strength and cannot fully exert it!

To know.

It's an eventful time.

What I and others are facing is the national teacher Da Sima and others who have mastered the power of the imperial court. It is the time when he is needed to contribute, but because he does not have a family heirloom sword, he cannot fully display his strength Come out, how can you tell him not to be depressed?


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly when he heard this.

Looking at Song Daitian, he said: "Uncle Song, I have a lot of weapons here, you might as well choose one from me and use it first, although it may not be as good as your family's magical weapon - the Burning Sword, but it is always worth it. It’s better than nothing, on our trip to Yunxie Mountain in the East China Sea, we are bound to meet obstacles from the National Teacher Da Sima and others, so you can’t use your bare hands!”

"you're right!"

Song Daitian smiled wryly and said, "I can only do this now!"


Bai Xiaofei summoned a weapon card.

All the sword-shaped cold weapons that he had refined before were presented to Song Daitian.

He said generously, "Uncle Song, you're welcome, just pick whatever you want!"

Song Daitian: "..."

This moment.

He was too shocked to speak.

At first, when Song Daitian heard Bai Xiaofei say that he had a lot of weapons, he didn't pay much attention, thinking: "No matter how many weapons you can have, if you die, there will only be dozens of them!"

But now...

When Bai Xiaofei's space card, no less than tens of thousands of sword-shaped weapons appeared in front of his eyes.

Song Daitian was immediately stunned.

"Oh My God!"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? There are so many sword-shaped weapons in this room, how many are there? Ten thousand, or twenty thousand? It's not just a lot, it's so many, okay! So With so many weapons, you can open dozens of weapon shops!"

"Where did you get so many weapons?"


Song Daitian looked at Bai Xiaofei as if he was looking at an alien.

Full of disbelief and puzzlement, he said: "So many swords, you use them all by yourself? Can you use them?!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded silently.

He said in a flat tone: "Uncle Song, to be honest, I have a unique skill called Wanjian Guizong, which can be used by me. As long as I want, I can really use these swords, although They are just some things I casually refined in my spare time, their power is not very strong, but it is better than the power of ordinary weapons!"


"There are also some swords with quite good attributes and quality. But because there are too many swords, there are about 70,000 swords in it, so I don't remember the specific ones. Uncle Song , you'd better look for it yourself."

"Whether you can find a suitable sword depends on your luck!"

"I can't help it either!"


Say the last.

Someone shrugged, curled his lips, with a helpless expression on his face.

Song Daitian immediately said: "..."


More than 70,000 swords!

You can use them all? !

There are so many swords in it that even I don't know the specific attributes and qualities!

my God!

Are you so afraid that you are joking with me!

I find it myself? !


This is simply looking for a needle in a haystack!

How to find it?

At this moment, Song Daitian's heart felt as if he was being trampled by a hundred thousand muddy horses galloping past, full of misery and desolation, extremely messy.

He has countless MMPs and wants to tell Bai Xiaofei.

But in the end...

Song Daitian still held back.

"That's all!"

"The overall situation is the most important thing, this difficulty is nothing at all!"

"Be patient and pass!"


He kept comforting himself.

Then he rushed into the weapon space card, and started the journey of finding a sword that suits his sword intent.


"Uncle Song, just look for it slowly!"

"I won't accompany you anymore!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled maliciously, then turned around and left the secret room silently. As a result, he hadn't walked very far when he came out, and ran into Hongyue who was rushing back. Hongyue immediately asked: "Mr. Bai, I heard that you rescued my junior brother. Is it true? Where is he now?!"


Someone nodded and said, "He's looking for a sword!"



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