The Storm God

Chapter 1444 Returning to the sect with ten thousand whips! (Please subscribe!)


There are more than 70,000 swords of all kinds in Bai Xiaofei's arsenal, but Song Daitian didn't spend much time, even less than an hour, he found the sword that perfectly suits him, far more than Bai Xiaofei imagined. Much less time is required!

But it makes sense to think about it.

You must know that any swordsman who has advanced to a certain level in swordsmanship will have his own sword heart. When the sword heart moves, the sword will and the sword energy will burst out. Basically, all high-quality swords will have their own sword heart. The reaction, especially the sword weapon that suits the opponent's sword intent, will be more like Maxima meeting Bole!

Song Daitian's kendo state is very extraordinary, so he naturally awakened his sword heart. And the sword-shaped weapons that Bai Xiaofei refined are all non-existent. Although they are not as good as peerless swords, the Fire Lin Sword and other magical weapons in the world of wind and cloud, they are also far superior to ordinary high-level spiritual weapons. Naturally not a problem.

If there were not too many swords in the arsenal, it is estimated that Song Daitian's speed would be even faster!

"Is this the sword you found that suits you?"

Inside the secret room, Bai Xiaofei, Hongyue, Boss Ge, Song Tianyin and others gathered together again. Seeing the sword in Song Daitian's hand, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a look of surprise and doubt flashed in his eyes, not because the sword chosen by the other party was awesome.

On the contrary...

This sword is very ordinary.

Its only ability and characteristic is that it is made of vibrating gold and ultra-huge alloy. It is indestructible and sharp. It is supplemented by super-additional techniques, which endow it with the power of flames and can greatly increase the user's sword energy. Power, the upper limit is about twice.

So attribute.

Although it looks good, compared with other sword weapons, it is not enough at all!

for example……

One of the swords is called Juque.

It is made of Uru metal, a magic metal from Marvel Asgard. It is second only to Zhenjin in terms of strength, but it is far superior to Zhenjin in terms of enchanting and amplification effects. After enchanting, It can allow the user to exert a huge force of nearly tens of tons, and it takes the path of pure strength with no sharp edge and no workmanship.

It's awesome!

The sword Song Daitian chose was small and light, as thin as a cicada's wing, and its only abilities were flames and amplified sword energy.

Compared with Juque Sword and other swords of the same level, or even higher.

It can be said to be inconspicuous!


Song Daitian smiled calmly, and said: "Mr. Bai, the higher the sword is not the better, only the one that suits you is the strongest. Otherwise, even if you hold a mighty sword, you won't be able to use it." It may unleash its full power and even injure itself!"


He shook the sword in his hand.

The raging flames rose instantly, and the scorching high temperature immediately raised the temperature in the secret room by a lot. Song Daitian's face was full of satisfaction, and he said: "This parallel sword may not be the best in your arsenal, but it is the most suitable for me! My ability can only be fully exerted on it , and even become stronger!"

"Of course I know that!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and said speechlessly: "My swordsmanship attainments are not inferior to yours, so how can I not understand such a superficial truth? I'm just surprised that the sword that suits you is actually the best among all my hand-practicing works. It's just one bad one!"

Song Daitian immediately said: "..."


Hongyue and others around.

After seeing the sword in Song Daitian's hands, everyone's eyes lit up, like a moron seeing a peerless beauty, almost turning green. After several people looked at each other, Hongyue took the lead and asked Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai, we also lack some handy weapons. Can you think...?"

The meaning is obvious.

I also want to be like Song Daitian, upgrade my equipment to the next level, and change the shotgun to the cannon!

Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't like these low-level weapons, he thinks they are all tasteless, and they are treated as accessories of Wanjian Guizong, but Hongyue and others are different. These weapons, even the lowest level ones, are so powerful, if they are a little higher level, wouldn't they be even more perverted? !

They can be said to be coveted!

If he can get a suitable weapon from Bai Xiaofei's arsenal, then his strength can definitely be doubled online!

"This is not possible!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head without hesitation.

Seeing this, Hongyue and the others suddenly looked depressed and disappointed, full of despondency. Although they didn't have much hope at the beginning, Bai Xiaofei refused so simply, without even thinking about it. Such a completely different attitude towards him inevitably made them feel a little chilled.

"The weapons here are all sword weapons!"

But just when everyone was discouraged and disappointed, they saw Bai Xiaofei smiled charmingly, and said quietly: "And none of you are swordsmen who practice swordsmanship, so none of these weapons are suitable for you, even if you choose them, I can't pick out a weapon that suits you, it's a waste of time and emotion!"


He waved his hand.

The golden light shone more than a dozen times in a row.

Immediately afterwards, in front of everyone, more than a dozen huge golden space cards appeared.

These newly summoned cards are the same as the previous cards, all marked with the symbol of the weapon, but the styles are different from each other. The one that Song Daitian entered was carved with swords, but the cards that Bai Xiaofei summoned later had all kinds of swords, guns, shields and halberds!


Bai Xiaofei glanced at the stunned crowd.

He grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, then pointed to the dozen or so space cards around him, and said with a smile: "These weapon arsenals are different, there are eighteen types of weapons in them, and the number of weapons in each arsenal is no more than that of swords. There are few weapons in the library, I believe it should be able to meet your needs, and find a weapon that suits you!"

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand generously.

Then he said proudly: "Go! Pick whatever you want! As long as it suits you, no matter how many pieces, it's all yours!"


This moment.

Hongyue and the others were all dumbfounded.

From just now when Bai Xiaofei shook his head and refused, now he has thrown out more than a dozen arsenals at once, waiting for others to choose at will. It all happened so fast and changed so suddenly that it felt like they fell from heaven to hell and then back to heaven again!

"Oh my God!"

After a long while in a daze.

They recovered from the shock and disbelief one by one.

follow closely……

He hurriedly thanked Bai Xiaofei.

Everyone rushed into the space cards suitable for their arsenal in a hurry, and began to carefully and carefully select weapons. They are not like Song Daitian, who have the heart of the sword, and the weapon will automatically sense the sword intent and sword energy when it moves. If they want to find a weapon that suits them, they can only try one by one!


There are tens of thousands of weapons in it!

Experiment one by one, how long will it take to find the most suitable weapon for you? !

Thinking of this, Hongyue and the others felt like crying without tears!

They suddenly found out.


More choices may not be a good thing! For example, now, they have so many choices, so many that they hardly know how to choose! As soon as they saw the dazzling array of weapons emerging endlessly, they would have the urge to bang their heads against the wall!

"Find it!"

Everyone swallowed hard.

Then he gritted his teeth, bit the bullet and started his own treasure hunt.

After all, it was they who asked to upgrade their own weapons, and now Bai Xiaofei generously agreed to let him and others choose at will, without limiting the number, even if they were crying, kneeling, or even crawling , They also have to find out the weapons that suit them!

Otherwise, this face will be a shame!

Inside the secret room.

Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan looked at each other.

Then the two of them hugged the little demon king Huba, and after seeking Bai Xiaofei's consent, they also walked into the space card one after another.

In the whole room, only Bai Xiaofei and Song Daitian were left again. Song Daitian stared blankly at the dozen or so huge space card arsenals in the secret room, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, then asked Bai Xiaofei in a daze: "Mr. Bai, are the weapons in these arsenals supposed to be You made all of them yourself, right?"

He was puzzled.

Where did Bai Xiaofei get so many materials!

Even if the other party is a local tyrant, it's a bit too rich! If all the weapons in these arsenals are added up, there must be at least a million, right? With such a quantity, even the court's arsenal might not have as many weapons as he alone!

Simply incredible!


Bai Xiaofei nodded proudly, with a complacent look on his face.


Seeing this situation, Song Daitian couldn't help swallowing his saliva, glanced at the representative symbols on more than a dozen space cards, followed his eyeballs, and said: "Mr. Bai, I can still understand the swords before, after all You have a trick called Wanjian Guizong, and you can use Wanjian to attack, but these weapons..."

"Be good!"

"Could it be that you still have the unique skills of returning to the clan with ten thousand hammers, returning to the clan with ten thousand shields, and returning to the clan with ten thousand whips?"


A look of curiosity on his face.


Hearing this, a certain person's self-satisfaction burst instantly, and then turned into a deep embarrassment, his face was extremely dark, and he coughed violently.


"What is this all about? Are you still playing with the whip?!"

"Thank you for thinking it out!"


Bai Xiaofei was almost choked to death by someone's brain hole.

It's not that his thinking is too filthy, it's mainly because the word "whip" is so easy to mislead people's minds! Otherwise, if you switch to other things, such as returning ten thousand knives to the sect, ten thousand guns returning to the sect, Bai Xiaofei will never do this! But Song Daitian came back to the clan with a thousand whips!

You cow!

I took You!


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