The Storm God

Chapter 1445 Dispatch troops! (Please subscribe!)

the capital.

The imperial palace, in the palace of Emperor Ren.

In front of the false Emperor Ren, Sima walked up and down anxiously, with a sad and angry look on his face.

beside him.

Lying there was a bloody man covered in bandages.

This man was General Zhang who escaped from the explosion and collapse of the Zheng Mansion, and managed to recover his life with great difficulty.

that day...

Before Bai Xiaofei teleported away, he left no less than several tons of modified explosives in the secret room dungeon, plus the destructive power caused by the tens of meters deep below, the earthquake and collapse, etc., even A master like General Zhang almost died on the spot!

Fortunately, he has a defensive treasure on his body, otherwise, he would have been like those guards, all turned into pulverized flesh, and merged with the collapsed dungeon of Zheng's mansion, without distinguishing each other!

But even so.

General Zhang still suffered very serious internal injuries, not to mention the severe concussion and severe damage to his internal organs, and more than half of his bones were shattered!

The most important thing is that General Zhang also paid for this with one eye and one ear, becoming a disabled person!

When the rescuers sent by the National Normal University Sima finally dug General Zhang out from a depth of tens of meters, General Zhang had already been in shock for a long time due to severe hypoxia!


Although General Zhang saved his life under the treatment of the imperial doctor, he was in shock for too long due to too much hypoxia, which caused irreparable and serious trauma to the brain tissue!

According to the analysis of the imperial doctors, even if General Zhang can wake up, he probably won't be able to fight anymore. Not to mention how terrifying his injuries are, the trauma to the brain tissue alone will most likely turn General Zhang into a vegetative state that cannot move!

One thought here.

Sima of the National Teacher was so angry that he couldn't bite his teeth: "Damn it! What is the origin of that kid? Not only did he kidnap Zheng Tao, but he also made General Zhang look like this. It's an unforgivable crime for you to lose my two generals!"


The False Emperor Ren was wearing a dragon robe with a majestic air. Although his face looked old and dying, his eyes were extraordinarily shrewd, full of ambition and anger, not at all like the eyes that people of this age should have.

It is clear……

This fake Renhuang not only has a fake identity, but also a fake appearance and age. His real appearance is definitely not like this!

Hearing the angry words of Sima of the National Normal University, the False Renhuang sighed helplessly, and then replied: "Don't mention it! I asked the people in the court to investigate carefully for a long time, but I didn't even find out a fart. As if it appeared out of nowhere, all major departments across the country don't have the slightest information about him, it's hell!"


Grand Master Sima seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and said: "During the battle before, I saw that he was wearing the seven-coin Celestial Master copper coin symbol issued by the Tianshi Hall to represent the status of the orthodox Celestial Master. If Shitang works on this aspect, there may be some unexpected gains!"

That being said.

But in fact, he also understands in his heart that Bai Xiaofei's celestial master level is simply a cover, and it can't represent Bai Xiaofei's real strength at all. It's just...they have no clue now, and finally found a way to investigate. Even if they know that there is little hope, they naturally have to try!

Just in case something can be found out!


False Emperor Ren nodded and said, "I'll send someone to investigate right away!"


He summoned two confidant eunuchs, conveyed his will, and ordered his various departments to search for clues in Tianshitang.

"What should we do next?"

Looking at the gloomy and uncertain-looking Grand Master Sima, the False Emperor Ren said: "At present, in the capital, there are only you and me, two masters at the peak level, and the rest of the group will fight in high-level battles." In the middle, there is no help at all, do you want to call the rest of the generals to prevent the other party from attacking again?"

His concerns were not without reason.

Bai Xiaofei's strength is beyond imagination, since he can infiltrate the palace once, he will naturally be able to have a second, or even a third time!

this time.

The other party intends to save people, and does not have the slightest intention to assassinate. Just like this, they can kidnap Zheng Tao, disable General Zhang, and cause heavy casualties on their side. If the next time the other party directly rushes to assassinate come here?

The consequences...

It's unimaginable!

The high-end combat power on my side is far away, and the defensive power in the capital can be said to be extremely empty. Whether it's for the overall situation or your own safety, you have to guard against it!

at this point.

Naturally, Sima of the National Normal University also understood.

However, upon hearing this, he shook his head, and then said with a gloomy face, "They probably won't come!"


False Emperor Ren was puzzled: "Why?"

"Because of Song Daitian!"

Speaking of this name, Sima's eyes flashed coldly, full of resentment and anger, he said: "Not long after he was rescued, I completely lost the connection with the soul-binding chain. If I expected it to be correct, it should have been broken by someone using strong means!"

"I don't care about Song Daitian's life or death, but he has an important clue to the Renhuang's legacy. Without the restraint of the soul-binding chain, I believe he will soon return to the peak state."

"By the time……"

"I see!"

False Emperor Nito is not an idiot.

People who can sit in this position are naturally not stupid. Hearing the words, he suddenly realized, and said, "You mean, after Song Daitian recovers, he will act immediately and target the treasure left by Emperor Ren?!"


Grand Master Sima nodded and said solemnly: "If it were me, I would do this. Soldiers are extremely fast. Before the capital side can figure out their origins, the other party will definitely attack Yunxie Mountain. Renhuang's legacy is taken away, and by the time we realize it, it's already too late!"

"What does your lord mean?"

Renhuang said tentatively: "Immediately send heavy troops to guard Yunxie Mountain to guard against the attention of Song Daitian and others attacking it?!"

"This is just one of them!"

Sima narrowed his eyes and ordered: "The treasure left by the Emperor Ren is in the depths of Yunxie Mountain. We don't have the key, and they don't have the treasure. There must be a deadly battle between the two sides!"

"The opponent's strength is unpredictable, we should not underestimate it, especially that Bai Xiaofei! The key point is that we don't know how many people they have, so we must prepare for the worst!"

"Ordinary soldiers and troops alone can't stop them at all. If you want to gain an advantage and defeat the opponent, you can only use all your high-end combat power!"

Speaking of which.

The tone of Sima of the National Teacher suddenly sank, and then he said to the false Emperor Ren in an unquestionable tone: "Pass on my order, let all the generals, as well as the cultivation masters with the strength of the eighth-level celestial master, all rush to Yunxie Stationed on the mountain, and set up traps and ambushes! This time, I want the other party to come and go!"


"Transfer all the generals and experts there?"


Upon hearing this.

The False Emperor was stunned.

He looked at the Grand Master Sima in disbelief and said, "My lord, I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate? You know, how many of you generals are stationed at the border gates of Tianzhu Valley, if they are all transferred away, Once the Yaozu know about this situation and take advantage of it to attack, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

There is another sentence.

He didn't dare to say it face to face, but held back in his heart, "I'm afraid you are crazy! For an inexplicable treasure left by the Emperor Ren, you don't even care about the safety and stability of the entire country, is your brain being blocked?" The other party was broken?"

"This is simply suicidal!"

"No problem!"

However, regarding the worries and worries of the fake Emperor Ren, Sima of the National Normal University looked indifferent, and said coldly: "Jiangshan and other things are trivial matters, and the treasure left by the Emperor Ren is the most important thing! As long as you can get It, let alone the territory of the human race, even the territory of the monster race, will completely become ours!"

"The power and strength of Renhuang's relics are far beyond your imagination and cognition, even if I tell you, you won't understand!"

"In short..."

"You don't need to ask, just follow my orders obediently, I know what I'm doing!"


The false Emperor Ren was silent.

In the final analysis, he is just a younger brother, and Sima, the National Normal University, is the real master behind the scenes. The boss has said so, what can he do as a younger brother?

Of course, he was obedient and obedient, and quickly followed the boss's order, dispatched troops and sent heavy troops to guard Yunxie Mountain!

And at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei and the others finally assembled and prepared, and then took Xiaoqing and flew all the way towards the East China Sea.

Their goal is the Demon King of the East China Sea!


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