The Storm God

Chapter 1446 East Sea Dragon King! (Please subscribe!)

The environment in the world of Monster Hunt is very special.

for example……

The ratio of sea to land.

In the real world, the sea accounts for about 70%, and only 30% is land, with a ratio of 7:3. But in the world of Monster Hunt, this ratio is completely untenable! The area of ​​the land and the area of ​​the sea have reached an astonishing ratio of 9:1.

It is precisely because of this that the beauty of mountains and rivers is created!


How could Emperor Wu open up a huge valley stretching tens of thousands of miles with his sword? You know, the circumference of the entire earth is only about 40,000 kilometers. If you really want to convert it according to the real area and environment of the earth, the earth may have been split in half by the Emperor Wu long ago!

It can be seen from this.

The planet here is definitely not the earth!

It is a completely empty fantasy world, which is very different from the small worlds that Bai Xiaofei conquered before, such as Elysium Space, King Kong World, and the Four Famous Arresters. It can be regarded as a completely independent different world, but a large part of the culture is close to certain history of China!

This world is far more vast and gigantic than Bai Xiaofei imagined!

And the human race and the demon race.

He is the only intelligent creature in this world!

The human race is dominated by the emperor's power, while the demon race is headed by the demon king. And in the sea, there is also a king. It's just that this sea monster king, compared with the monster kings on the mainland, is far behind in terms of strength and influence!

simply say.

It's like the difference between a prince and an emperor in the world.

There are only four sea areas in the world of Monster Hunt, namely the East, West, South, and North Seas. In each sea area, there is an absolute king. Although they are somewhat detached, similar to local land emperors, they are still under the jurisdiction of the mainland monster kings in essence.


Is it obedient to the contrary?

That depends on their own wishes and moods!

In the previous era of the old demon king, the king of the world, everyone surrendered. This is not surrender in the superficial sense, but the kind of surrender from the heart. Now that the new demon king has overthrown the rule of the old demon king and set up another banner, it is unknown what the attitude of the king of the world will be.

At least……

The sea monster king in the East China Sea is not like the new monster king at all.

Belonging to the typical affinity faction!


He will not cooperate with Song Daitian either.

And the target of Bai Xiaofei and the others this time is the king of the East Sea, nicknamed "Dragon King of the East Sea", the overlord and bully!

The East China Sea is tens of thousands of miles away from Shuntian Mansion. If you choose to travel by land, it will take a lot of time, and it is very easy to be chased and intercepted by the official forces of the imperial court. However, if you choose to take the extremely fast Xiaoqing, if you fly away from the sky, it will be completely different.

in this world.

Things that can fly are still very rare.

Except for some monsters with wings, or some special monsters, most monster races are unable to fly. The human race is even more miserable. Only when the level reaches the level of eight money celestial masters or above, or take special transportation, such as hot air balloons, can the wish of flying be realized.

But even so.

Their flying speed and battery life are still far inferior to those of the Yaozu!

Not to mention comparing with Xiaoqing.


At the point of empty line.

Bai Xiaofei and the others had an absolute advantage and opportunity, directly throwing away more than a dozen streets from the monster race and the human race. Don't say that there is no surprise now, even if it attracts the attention of both parties, Bai Xiaofei and others are not afraid at all, they will come up if they have the guts, and see if Xiaoqing abuses them to call them father!

"Go east from here, go straight all the way!"

"Don't worry, fly faster and boldly. Even if there are some deviations, it's not a big problem. Anyway, the end of the mainland is the East China Sea area. When I get there, I can follow the mark to find the location of the bull ghost. I don't have to worry about making mistakes. , or get lost!"

"You are the driver, you have the final say!"

After hearing Song Daitian's words, Bai Xiaofei nodded, and immediately told Xiaoqing to act according to what the other party said. Xiaoqing understood, the huge body of hundreds of feet suddenly twisted and moved, the figure looked extremely graceful, and the speed also suddenly accelerated a lot, directly reaching the level of 3 times the speed of sound!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the sky, bursts of sonic booms were heard immediately, resounding through the heavens and the earth!

Song Daitian and others were astonished.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about how everyone reacted anymore.

Because he wants to use mana to form a protective shield against the supersonic wind around everyone. Otherwise, at Xiaoqing's terrifying speed, people with low strength like Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan will be blown away on the spot. If it hadn't been blown away, it would probably be shivering from the cold, or even fainted due to severe hypoxia!

Think here.

He was depressed and speechless for a while.

At the beginning of the action, Bai Xiaofei once said that he would let Song Tianyin and other people with lower strength enter his own space card, and then release the other party and others after arriving in the East China Sea. But these guys are good, saying that they haven’t tried high-altitude long-distance flying, so they have to go up to feast their eyes and enjoy the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers!


They got what they wanted.

However, Bai Xiaofei was forced to become everyone's nanny, and had to spend mana to form a shield to protect the safety of Song Tianyin and others. Not only that, even Xiaoqing didn't dare to make too many moves, lest she make too much and knock them down, and then she will be the one who will be in trouble!

In such an atmosphere, everyone flew towards the East China Sea at high speed.

During this period.

Everyone has also encountered a flying monster.

It's just that Xiaoqing's strength and aura are too strong. The flying monsters he met seemed to be hiding from the plague. He didn't dare to get close at all, and ran away from a distance, for fear that the other party would take a fancy to him , Chase over and turn yourself into a big meal in the other party's mouth!

The journey was safe and sound.

After flying at high speed for about an hour.

Bai Xiaofei and the others finally came to the end of the continent, and saw the incomparably blue East China Sea!


The sea area of ​​this world is very small.

The four sea areas add up to only about one-tenth of the entire planet. But even so, the sea is still the sea, and its vastness and breadth are still so incomparable. At a glance, you can't see the edge at all. Layers of waves, one after another, under the blowing of the sea wind, continuously rush towards the shore, which is called a surging!

"Is this the East China Sea?!"

After seeing the vastness of the East China Sea with his own eyes, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly surprised. He also thought that the East China Sea, which was only one-tenth and one-fourth of the planet's area, should look more delicate, far less magnificent than the sea he saw on Earth.


This is not the case.

The majesty and vastness of the East China Sea even surpassed any sea he had seen on Earth!

Immediately, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized, and smiled bitterly in his heart: "I took it for granted too! Why did you compare this world with the earth again? This is not the earth at all! The planet where the Monster Hunt world is located is based on the area of ​​the continent. In terms of conversion, at least it must be dozens of times the size of the earth!"

"Same reason..."

"Even if the total area of ​​the four oceans is only one-tenth of the planet's, it is still not comparable to the Earth's oceans!"

"The base of the planet determines everything!"


Someone is full of emotion.

At this time, Song Daitian began to concentrate and sense the traces of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Niugui Bakui.

Not for a while.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

His face was overjoyed and he said, "I found it. It's at the bottom of the sea about 3,000 kilometers southwest of this place!"

Bai Xiaofei immediately ordered: "Xiaoqing!"


Xiaoqing nodded.

Immediately, with a movement of everyone, they quickly flew to the southwest.

at the same time.

The East Island station not far from here.

"Jingle Bell!"

A sudden and piercing ringing of the bell suddenly resounded throughout the entire garrison, attracting the attention of countless people, and causing the officers in the garrison to suddenly change their expressions: "This ringing... is that an extremely powerful sea monster has entered the land area. Within, everyone, go and check the situation!"


Everyone took action.

However, after they had been busy for a while, they were astonished to find that there was no trace of any powerful sea monsters invading near the coast of the East China Sea. Never met one!


"I didn't find anything, what's the situation?"

"Is it a false alarm?"


A group of people were suddenly confused.

What they don't know is that this is not a false report, it's just that the direction of their investigation is completely wrong. The alarm of this ringtone actually did not come from the entry of the Kraken, but from within the mainland, entering the defense warning range of the coastline from the direction of the mainland, and going straight into the depths of the East China Sea!


It's not that they are stupid, their brains are not working, and they can't think of this.

But since ancient times, there has never been an example of a monster on land entering the sea. Because land monsters and sea monsters are two completely different types! Sea monsters can land on land and act on land for a short time, but monsters on land cannot enter the sea!

This is a law that everyone knows!

"Go back!"

After careful investigation several times left and right, but still did not find any clues, the highest officer of the Dongdao garrison had no choice but to retreat. At the same time, he ordered: "Now is a very special period. The imperial court will send many important people here in a few days to cheer me up. If something goes wrong, no one should think about it!"

"Do you understand?"



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