The Storm God

Chapter 1447 Whale Demon Squad! (Please subscribe!)


In the hinterland of the vast and deep mountains.

In a temporary hidden cave, the new demon king sat on the throne, his face was cold and dignified, his brows were deeply frowned, as if he was thinking about something. But at this time, a small monster with the ability to fly, like a bee, suddenly flew in from the outside.

Incredibly fast.


The little demon came to the new demon king, and then quickly said in the language of the demon clan: "The news just came from the human race, saying that the army of the imperial court, whether it is the important land of the human race or the border defense line, has undergone relatively large changes. The vast majority of the masters, even the generals, have all been mobilized, and are currently heading towards the direction of Yunxie Mountain in the East China Sea, moving quickly!"

"Master Chi Tianba asks for instructions, do you want to take action?"


The new demon king was silent.

It wasn't until a moment later that he opened his eyes, and said slowly: "Let's act! According to my guess and the national teacher's guess, this large-scale change in the court should be related to the assassination case that happened in the palace before. Since it is the human race's own Civil turmoil, if I don't take the opportunity to do something, then I will be too sorry for this god-given opportunity!"

"Send my order!"

"Let Chi Tianba and other monsters gather their forces and secretly sneak into important cities such as the capital of the human race, Shuntian Prefecture, etc. If there is a chance, it is best to destroy all the defensive fronts of the human race. Even if they cannot be destroyed, they must investigate as much as possible , so as to contribute to our subsequent large-scale invasion!"

"There are still four sea areas!"


In the demon eyes of the new demon king, there was an extremely sharp cold light, and he said in a deep voice: "Order them to put down everything at hand, gather their combat power, and storm the coastal areas of the human continent. Once the opportunity is right, it will be time for our Monster Race to attack!"


The little demon led the way and left.


at the same time.

East China Sea.

The scenery here is beautiful and magnificent, with incomparable waves, and the vast blue sea is endless! Looking at the scenery of the sea and sky, Song Tianyin and others can be regarded as once again seeing the magnificence and vastness of the East China Sea. Being here, they instantly feel that they are as small as ants, and they are not worth mentioning!

"How far is it?"

Bai Xiaofei ignored the reactions of Song Tianyin and the others.

As the destination got closer and closer, he couldn't help feeling a little excited, and secretly said: "I'm going to meet the Dragon Sea Bull Ghost Bakui of the East China Sea soon, and the key clue to unlock the treasure left by the Emperor Renhuang in Yunxie Mountain is on the other party. Once you get it, you will be able to inherit the inheritance of the emperors of all ages."

Thinking of the unrivaled power of the Martial Emperor, Bai Xiaofei became very excited. He is full of curiosity and hope for the inheritance of the emperors of all dynasties. He doesn't know how his strength will improve after he obtains it? I guess it shouldn't be worse than Wuhuang, right?

after all……

My own foundation is extremely strong!


"It's about a few hundred kilometers away!"

"Xiaoqing, slow down!"


Along the way, Song Daitian was sensing the imprint on the Dragon King of the East China Sea. As long as there was a slight deviation, he would immediately remind Xiaoqing to correct his course. Now... Xiaoqing has flown thousands of miles away with everyone on board, and it is indeed not far from where the Dragon King of the East China Sea is.


When Xiaoqing heard this, she immediately slowed down so as not to fly too far. However, his speed is also very fast compared to other flying monsters. The distance of hundreds of kilometers is only a matter of minutes in front of him.

"right here!"


Song Daitian suddenly shouted.

Xiaoqing also stopped immediately after hearing the words. At this time, Song Tianyin and the others finally put away their sightseeing thoughts, looked at the surrounding sea area with a serious face, and asked doubtfully: "Is this right here? But... how do we find that Dragon King of the East Sea?" ?”

"Could it be possible to go into the sea?"


Everyone looked curious.

Even Bai Xiaofei was no exception, looking at Song Daitian with burning eyes, waiting for his reply.

"Need not!"

Song Daitian smiled, then patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me. We have a special contact method. As soon as I call him, he will sense it immediately. Just wait patiently. I This calls out the Dragon King of the East China Sea."


He immediately sat down cross-legged.

Then he pinched the Yin Jue with his hands, mobilized his mana, and started his own "Summoning Art".


Soon, his face changed.

From the self-confidence and confidence at the beginning, it turned into doubt and frowning in an instant, as if he was constipated and unable to poop.

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help asking curiously: "Uncle Song, what's wrong? Could it be that there was an accident?"

The others also had doubts on their faces.


Song Daitian stood up again.

Looking at the vast sea under Xiaoqing with a gloomy expression, he frowned and said, "I don't know what's going on! In the past, as soon as I called, I could receive the response from Ba Kui immediately. Even if there was a delay, it would not It took more than a minute, but my call just now seemed to have disappeared, and there was no response at all!"

"Such a situation has never been seen before!"


When it comes to this.

Even Song Daitian himself was puzzled.


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was startled slightly, rolled his eyes, and then said: "Could it be that we are too far away from him, and he can't sense your call? Or... this Dragon King of the East China Sea, who has already forgotten the relationship with you." Even if I sensed it, I deliberately didn't respond to you?"

"This is impossible!"

Hearing this, Song Daitian immediately shook his head and said: "I follow the Dragon King of the East China Sea because of my fateful friendship, and I am a brother who worships him! I know his temper and personality very well! It is absolutely impossible for him to forget his agreement with me. And there is absolutely no problem with this distance!"

"There must be something in it that we don't know!"

"No matter what, I believe him!"


A determined look on his face.

"All right!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't say anything more. However, this Dragon King of the East China Sea has to be seen, because the clue to the secret key is on him. If he doesn't show up, Bai Xiaofei and others will not be able to find the secret key, let alone inherit the treasure left by the Emperor Ren. .

Think here.

The light in Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly began to flicker.

It seems to be thinking about countermeasures.


But at this moment, the sea area under everyone suddenly experienced violent fluctuations, and billowing waves surged up, like a fountain, as if something was emerging from below. The attention of Bai Xiaofei and others was also instantly attracted by this sudden phenomenon.


Suddenly, a stormy sea exploded.

At the same time, one after another, terrifying figures also leaped out from under the sea water, and then surrounded them, trapping Bai Xiaofei and others in the middle.

Bai Xiaofei and the others looked intently, but saw these figures, all of them were huge, like giant whales, and there was another smaller figure standing on top of the huge figure, which looked very powerful, and in the hands of the other party, there was also a Holding a weapon made of a special substance, pointing at everyone, looking like a sword is on the verge of breaking out!

"This is... a siren?"

Song Tianyin and the others were shocked.

It's not that they have never seen monsters, but they have never seen monsters in the sea. And these sea monsters give them the feeling that they are more ferocious and powerful than the monsters on land, both in appearance and aura. This sudden encounter made them feel a little nervous and scared.


More doubts and bewilderment.

Xin said: "What's the situation? Isn't the Dragon King of the East China Sea one of his own? Why do these sea monsters point their weapons at us, as if they would kill us if they disagreed? Could it be... the bull ghost and the tyrant have betrayed us?" , like other monsters, they surrendered to the new monster king and became their enemies?"

Not just them.

Even Bai Xiaofei and Song Daitian were puzzled and puzzled at this time.

While everyone was wondering, among the large group of sea monsters around, a guy who seemed to be the leader spoke. It's just...the other party spoke the language of the monster clan, and Bai Xiaofei couldn't understand it at all. So I could only helplessly look at Song Daitian and the others, hoping that they would not have language barriers.


Things can be troublesome.

Fortunately, Song Daitian was still very powerful, he not only understood the other party's meaning, but also communicated with the other party. It probably means that we are our own people, have you misunderstood something? But the attitude of the other party is obviously a little disbelieving.

follow closely……

Following the order of the head.

The surrounding sea monsters immediately approached the crowd with their weapons in hand.

Looks like he's about to arrest someone!

"Uncle Song!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned and said, "What's the situation? What do they mean?"


Song Daitian sighed, and then explained helplessly: "Mr. Bai, these sea monsters are one of the guards of the Dragon King of the East China Sea - the Whale Demon Team. I told them that I am the brother of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, but they didn't believe it at all. And let us leave quickly, otherwise we will be violent!"

"What the hell is going on here?"

"During the more than ten years I was imprisoned, did some drastic change happen that I don't know about?"


In the end.

Song Daitian started talking to himself again.

Hearing the words, Bai Xiaofei frowned, and immediately shook his head with a wry smile, saying: "Uncle Song, it's useless to think so much now, since your summoning is useless, let's change my way. Just now I I wanted to say it, but I didn’t expect a group of sea monsters to appear suddenly!"

"But just right!"

"Since they are the guards of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, let's dig out the information we want to know from them!"

"Xiaoqing, do it!"


The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched, he chuckled and said, "Just don't kill me!"


Xiaoqing took the lead.

Immediately, he roared excitedly, the dragon's tail swung, and brazenly launched an attack on the surrounding Siren Squadron.


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