The Storm God

Chapter 1448 Sleeping and dormant! (Please subscribe!)


Xiaoqing's speed is unparalleled.

The surrounding Whale team didn't even have the time to react, and was sent flying N far away by the huge dragon tail swept by Xiaoqing. Of course... this is the result of Xiaoqing keeping his hand, otherwise, with Xiaoqing's mutated flood dragon strength, a blow with 100% strength would have smashed them, these sea monsters, into pieces!

"Oh My God!"

Song Daitian covered his face with his hands, with a look of unbearable heart, not daring to see what happened to the Krakens. Although he knew that Bai Xiaofei had let Xiaoqing keep his hand, he still knew how powerful Xiaoqing was. Even if they keep their hands, it is estimated that those sea monsters will not end well.

as expected.

But all the whale monsters that were swept by the tail of the little green dragon were all listless now, with a serious injury, vomiting blood, and a sluggish appearance, which was not the same as the majestic and domineering appearance just now. The whale monster team with more than a dozen heads was beaten into a cripple by Xiaoqing's tail, and they were defeated!


"Who are these guys? They are so strong. Our Whale Demon team can't even hold back a round!"

"I can't believe it!"


This moment.

The Krakens can be described as shocked and horrified. The way they looked at Bai Xiaofei and the others changed in an instant. It no longer had the arrogance, rudeness, and contempt just now, but instead it was full of fear and fear. Of course... There is also deep anger and shame!

As the guard of the Dragon King.

How noble their identities are, how could they have suffered such a big loss in the hands of a monster of unknown origin and a group of humans.

How can you tell them to bear such a shame? !

"Send the signal!"


Following the orders of the head of the siren.

One of the sea monsters immediately got into the bottom of the sea, as if asking for help. And the sea-monsters around gathered together one after another. Although they didn't escape, they were afraid of Xiaoqing's strength and didn't dare to step forward again. Just confronting Bai Xiaofei and the others from such a distance, waiting for the arrival of the siren army.

It's not that they have no backbone and courage, but that the strength Xiaoqing showed just now is really too fierce!

Immediately suppress them!


Xiaoqing's size is too big! The whale demon is only more than ten feet long, but Xiaoqing is a hundred feet long!

In front of Xiaoqing, they were just like a group of children, extremely delicate. There is such a big gap in strength and size, how do you tell them to fight?


See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei frowned.

He didn't have so much time to waste with the other party. Since the other party couldn't come over, he waited for someone to rush over.



Xiaoqing understood immediately.

Carrying Bai Xiaofei and others, he rushed towards the Kraken on the opposite side like lightning. Those sea monsters were terrified and wanted to die, and they were about to fight desperately, but they heard Bai Xiaofei suddenly said: "If you don't want to die, just stay there for me, we don't have any malicious intentions, I just want to ask you something!"


The Krakens couldn't help but startled.

And after this moment of hesitation, Bai Xiaofei and the others also came to the other party smoothly.

Xiaoqing stood still, the dragon body of hundreds of feet turned into an encirclement circle, surrounding all these sea monsters, to prevent them from escaping. Bai Xiaofei stretched out his palm, and grasped it in the void. The next moment, the siren above the whale demon was immediately captured by Bai Xiaofei in front of him.

"I ask you!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, and the hypnotic and suggestive abilities of his thoughts were activated, and he asked, "Why are you attacking us? Where is the Dragon King of the East China Sea? Why didn't he respond to Uncle Song's call? Did he not hear it, or...he also talked to other people?" Like a monster, he became the lackey of the new Demon King?!"

Although this sea monster is strong, but in terms of mental strength, it is very mediocre.


almost instantly.

He was hypnotized by Bai Xiaofei.

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's shout and question, the sea monster immediately honestly revealed everything he knew!


It is the language of the demon race.

Bai Xiaofei didn't understand, so he could only look at Song Daitian.

However, Song Daitian's expression became more solemn after listening to the siren's explanation. Sensing Bai Xiaofei's gaze, he immediately explained: "I misunderstood all of us! According to what the sea monster said, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Niu Gui Ba Kui, was seriously injured before, and now he is in a deep sleep to recover from his injuries, so he cannot Answer my call!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback, unexpectedly, there were such twists and turns. Immediately he asked curiously: "He is the Dragon King of the East China Sea, how did he get injured? He still has to rely on deep sleep to recover from his injuries. It seems that the injuries are not serious. What's going on?"

"have no idea!"

Song Daitian shook his head, and said helplessly: "This siren is just a small captain of the whale monster. He was not present when the Dragon King of the East China Sea was injured, so he doesn't know the specific details. However, according to my speculation, It should be an attack from other sea kings!"

"after all……"

"The dragon king of the East China Sea, Niugui Bakui, is the overlord of the East China Sea. He is extremely powerful. In addition, he is on his own territory. It is impossible for ordinary monsters, especially monsters on land, to be his opponents. Only the same It is the monsters in the sea that can make up for the advantage gap between the two sides!"

"you mean?"

Bai Xiaofei is not stupid, he was immediately moved when he heard the words, and suddenly said: "The monsters in other sea areas surrendered to the new demon king, and then saw that the Dragon King of the East China Sea disobeyed his rule, so let the kings of the other sea areas come to the East China Sea to fight against the bull ghost Ba Kui ambushed and suppressed?"


Song Daitian nodded.

Immediately he frowned and said: "Among the four seas, only the East China Sea has the most extensive border area with the mainland, and is also the one with the most abundant products. Many weapons among the monster clan are mostly from the East Sea. Niu Gui Ba Kui is a friendly faction, if he does not submit to the new demon king, it will definitely have a great impact on him!"

"If I were the new Demon King, I would try my best to eradicate him and replace him with my own!"

"Only in this way can we maximize our own interests!"


Speaking of which.

He suddenly had a look of helplessness on his face.

The Niugui Bakui was dormant, and with his ability, he couldn't be summoned. And it is obviously impossible to go deep into the sea and find the other party in person. Not to mention oxygen and breathing problems, the terrible sea pressure in the deep sea alone is an extremely deadly problem!

not to mention……

The place where Niugui Bakui sleeps and recuperates is also known as the deepest underwater canyon in the East China Sea, which is more than 60,000 meters deep.

It is as difficult as climbing the sky to get in there!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was also helpless.

If he can use all the technological means, the 60,000-meter-deep seabed is of course nothing to him. But who let his technological means, because of special missions, most of them were sealed. So now Bai Xiaofei can only rely on his own ingenuity and other means.

Looking at the siren hypnotized by himself.

Bai Xiaofei's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately said to Song Daitian: "Uncle Song, ask him if he knows the exact place where Niu Gui Ba Kui is sleeping, if he doesn't know, who will know, since we can't contact the Dragon King, If you can’t enter the bottom of the sea, let the sea monsters wake up the Dragon King by themselves!”

"As long as the Dragon King wakes up, all problems will be solved!"


Unexpectedly, Song Daitian shook his head immediately when he heard the words, and said: "Dragon King's deep sleep is no small matter, especially when he recovers from his injuries, he will usually send his most trusted subordinates to be in charge of guarding, otherwise, if there is an accident, he will be disturbed. The consequences could be disastrous."

"This point, all the monster races know, they can't help us!"

"Not always!"

Bai Xiaofei was extremely confident.

He smiled confidently: "Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't. My mind power is not vegetarian, otherwise you think this sea monster is really obedient, and they will answer whatever you ask? It’s not due to my mind power! Since I can hypnotize them to recruit them truthfully, I can also let them do things for us!”

"Psychic power?"

Song Daitian and the others were suddenly horrified.

They were surprised just now, and thought that this sea monster was too spineless, and they simply asked and said something, without blood at all. It turned out that Bai Xiaofei did something secretly! What kind of spiritual power can actually control people's minds, it's simply unimaginable!

And just when everyone was shocked and thought about it.


On the surface of the sea, there was another turbulent wave, followed by groups of huge and hideous figures, which emerged from the sea one after another. It was the rescue team summoned by the sea monster who had dived into the bottom of the sea before. The East China Sea monster guard army formed by all powerful monsters!


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