The Storm God

Chapter 1449 Tsunami Corps! (Please subscribe!)

The monsters in these monster legions have different shapes, some are similar to big crabs, some are similar to lobsters, some are similar to sharks, octopuses...the list goes on and on, but they all have the same one. The place, that is, they are all wearing unknown coral-like or shell-like armor.

It looks very tough!

Not only that, but compared to the whale monsters that appeared before, these auras and strengths are obviously stronger. Especially the three of them can almost catch up with Song Daitian's cultivation base. Even if the rest of the monsters are not as good, but the difference is not too much. There are hundreds of monsters like this appearing in front of everyone together. The pressure can be imagined And know!

Not to mention Song Tianyin and other less powerful people.

Even Song Daitian, the brother who worshiped the Dragon King of the East China Sea, felt frightened at this moment, for fear that things would get worse. Seeing this, he hurriedly used the language of the monster tribe, and shouted at the surrounding monster army: "Don't get me wrong, we have no malicious intentions! I am the brother of your East China Sea Dragon King Niugui Bakui, and we are here..."


He hasn't finished talking yet.

Seeing a crab-like general on the other side who looked like a leader, he interrupted in a cold voice: "Stop talking nonsense! Dare to attack the guards of our East China Sea Monster Clan. No matter what reason you have, it is a felony! Come on, put They were all captured, and if they resisted, they will be shot to death!"


The soldiers of the monster beast legion around.

Hearing this, he immediately gripped his weapon tightly and surrounded Bai Xiaofei and the others aggressively.

And in this situation, even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't understand the language of the monster clan, it doesn't matter anymore, because any fool can see that the other party is not kind. Without Song Daitian explaining and translating, Bai Xiaofei immediately understood the other party's meaning, sneered and snorted, "It seems... no matter how much you talk, it's better to do it!"


Xiaoqing knew Bai Xiaofei's intentions.

Therefore, without Bai Xiaofei's orders, he roared directly, and at the same time, his aura soared, his aura continued to rise, obviously he was ready to fight. It's just... Song Tianyin and others are on his back at this moment, Xiaoqing dare not make too much movement, otherwise he might have already charged up.

"You guys get out of here first!"

Bai Xiaofei said suddenly, and such words undoubtedly made Song Tianyin and others wonder: "Leave here? Where are you going? Are you going to give up?"

Only Song Daitian knew what Bai Xiaofei meant.

He was very depressed.

Secretly said: "Nimma, this is the rhythm of determined action! How did things turn out like this!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about everyone's reaction, as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately used his telekinetic power, wrapped everyone except himself with telekinetic power, and sent them away from Xiaoqing's back, including Song Daitian. Then immediately took out a thing from the dimensional space.

This thing is small and exquisite, it looks a bit like a half apple, it was thrown by Bai Xiaofei casually, and then it grows in the wind, and it becomes a hundred times bigger in a blink of an eye, like a small island, it is so strange that it is suspended in this way It flew into the air, shocking everyone present, as well as the sea monsters around.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's mental power was also removed at this moment.

Under the effect of gravity, Song Tianyin and others immediately fell on this small island in the sky transformed by Bai Xiaofei, all of them were stunned and stunned. And until now, no matter how stupid Song Tianyin and the others are, they have already understood Bai Xiaofei's plan.

It was because they were too obstructive, so they left everyone aside, so that Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing could fight the monster army to their heart's content!

So far.

Song Tianyin and the others immediately felt guilty and nervous.

They all looked at Song Daitian next to him, thinking that Song Daitian would stop Bai Xiaofei's crazy behavior for the sake of his brother Donghai Dragon King. Unexpectedly... Song Daitian had a look of helplessness on his face, and sighed: "Now that things are up to now, Mr. Bai can only do it."

"These guys..."

"If they don't eat oil and salt, they deserve to be beaten!"


Speaking of which.

Someone suddenly looked depressed.

Obviously, the behavior of the other party also made Song Dai feel bad. What was supposed to be a simple matter, but for the other party to make it so complicated, who would not be angry? As for whether it will affect his relationship with the Dragon King of the East China Sea? Song Daitian was not worried about this at all.

he believes...

Bai Xiaofei is not a reckless person, even if he fights with these monsters, he will not kill him. Although he may beat the sea monsters in front of him until his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, even his own mother can't recognize him, but as long as he doesn't make trouble If there is a murder case, it won't matter much!

Dragon King is not such a stingy guy!

not to mention……

This matter itself is the fault of the other party.

Regardless of the thoughts and reactions of Song Daitian and others here. On the surface of the sea, Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing had already confronted the Siren Legion directly. The two sides come and go, no one is soft-hearted, it is just a swordsman meeting, and the fight is so fierce!


Over there of the Kraken Legion.

He has already exerted his full strength, and he is merciless in every way.

But Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing are not. Most of them started beating each other furiously, venting their anger and depression, and teaching each other a lesson. They didn't use all their strength at all! Otherwise... Although these monsters are powerful, they are far from enough to look at in front of Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing!

To use an image metaphor, these siren officers are like lions and tigers, and general monsters are other small animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, etc. The stronger ones are wild boars, foxes, Like wolves, lions and tigers, as the overlords of the jungle, naturally have absolute authority over them.


They are far from enough in front of Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing. Because compared to lions and tigers, Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing are dinosaurs in ancient times, and they are also the kings of carnivorous dinosaurs, similar to Tyrannosaurus Rex! Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Lion and Tiger? Hehe, it is clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak!

In the face of absolute strength, quantitative advantage is no longer important.

It's just because of Song Daitian's relationship with Donghai Dragon King Niugui Bakui, as well as other reasons such as clues to the secret key of Renhuang's legacy, Bai Xiaofei was merciful. Otherwise, as long as Bai Xiaofei is willing, it will be a matter of minutes if he wants to destroy the sea monsters of the opponent.

But even so.

The speed with which Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing dealt with these sea monsters alone is still astonishingly fast. No matter how strong the opponent is, whether it's one or several of them rushing over, in front of Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing, there is almost no one-round enemy, one for one second, one pair for two seconds!

Less than a few minutes.

The Sea-Monster Legion, which was aggressive and mighty just now, was beaten to a cripple by Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing, lying in disarray on the surface of the sea, routed, what a miserable situation! Of course...they were miserable, but they just looked miserable, but in fact they didn't suffer too much trauma, not to mention none of them died!

Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing were very measured in their strikes, they only picked those places where the nervous system was sensitive but would not cause any harm, such as joints and other parts, and that's how they got their current appearance. Otherwise...the monsters of the Kraken Legion would probably all be like the monsters of the guards, spitting blood and sluggish, seriously injured!


A bruised nose and swollen face are naturally indispensable.

A big battle is over.

"It's really enjoyable!"

Both Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing sighed.

They haven't played so happily for a long time. Don't look at the Siren Legion being abused by them easily, but in fact, the strength of these Siren is still quite strong, even Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing They all used four or five points of their real strength, otherwise, if they were ordinary people, they would have been wiped out by the opponent long ago!

Allowing Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing to use four or five percent of their real strength, it can be seen that these sea monsters are still of a certain level, and they are worthy of being the direct army of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It's a pity...they just ran into these two perverts, Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing, and it's only reasonable for them to be abused.

"come on!"

Bai Xiaofei grasped it, and directly captured the crab-like sea monster.

He was about to hypnotize the other party, and then asked something out of his mouth, but at this moment, a wave of incomparably turbulent waves suddenly broke out in the northern area of ​​the sea. The scale of these waves was huge and terrifying. The posture of the day is like a tsunami!

"What's the situation?"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei and the others couldn't help being startled again, looking at the huge surging tide, all of them were full of astonishment and bewilderment. Only the crab general who was photographed by Bai Xiaofei suddenly changed his face when he saw this, and said in horror: "No! This is... the army directly under the Dragon King of the North Sea—Tsunami Legion!"

"They took advantage of the Dragon King's deep sleep to attack aggressively..."

"This is bad!"


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