The Storm God

Chapter 1450 Memory fragments! (Please subscribe!)

"This is……"

Bai Xiaofei's eyesight is extraordinary, after the initial astonishment, he looked intently, and quickly discovered the clues of the tsunami. In this sudden and shocking tsunami, there are still countless sea monsters hidden. Although they have different shapes, they all have fierce eyes, menacing, and make no secret of their murderous intentions. Obviously, the comers are not good!

The key is.

These sea monsters hidden in the tsunami.

The armor and weapon system worn on its body seem to be completely different from the armor and weapons of the East China Sea Kraken Legion. Most of the sea monsters in the East China Sea are made of coral and shellfish, which gives people a feeling of incomparable toughness. However, the armor and weapons of the sudden emergence of a large number of sea monsters are mainly made of ice, as if ice Like a soldier, it gives people a sense of coldness.


The other party was not a local sea monster in the East China Sea, and was most likely an external force.

And the other side.

However, Song Daitian heard the demonic words of General Crab, his expression changed drastically, and he said in shock: "What did you say? You said that it was the army directly under the Dragon King of the North Sea? Are they here to attack you? What's going on? Why did the Dragon King of the North Sea attack you?"

"Could it be..."

He vaguely thought of a possibility, and then his eyes were filled with disbelief, and at the same time, his already tangled brows couldn't help but become tighter, almost tangle up, and he couldn't help but He muttered to himself: "It's really a leaky house and it rains all night!"

"All the unlucky things, all the fuck's gone!"

"This shit!"


Not just him.

When Song Tianyin and others around heard Song Daitian's words, their expressions changed drastically, as if they couldn't believe it.

Even Bai Xiaofei is no exception.


He was depressed.

Is it easy to get the key clue? Why is it completely different from what I expected! Let alone the Dragon King of the East China Sea who is sleeping and dormant, what the hell is catching up with the large-scale attack of the Kraken in the North Sea area. With such luck, there is probably no one else, right? !

Although Song Daitian didn't finish his words.

But everyone is not a fool. After thinking about it for a while, they quickly understood the connection.

First, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was injured and had to fall into a deep sleep to recover from his injuries, followed by a large-scale invasion in the Beihai area. In such a situation, even a fool can guess that the injury of the Dragon King of the East China Sea must not be delayed with the Beihai area. Relationship!


Maybe the Dragon King of the East China Sea was overshadowed by the Dragon King of the North Sea.

Otherwise, why the opponent didn't come early or late, but waited for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to fall into a deep sleep and recover from his injuries to attack, this was obviously a good calculation. To make it clear is to take advantage of your illness to kill you, and not give you any chance to resist!


"Let go of me, I have to notify everyone immediately and defend!"

"Otherwise the East China Sea will be over!"


General Crab begged bitterly.

Seeing that the Beihai army's tsunami army was approaching, how could he care about dignity? At this moment, the safety of Donghai is the most important thing. If he can exchange his dignity for a glimmer of life in Donghai, he can only wish for it!


Bai Xiaofei looked away.

Staring at General Crab, he asked curiously, "Hasn't the Dragon King of the East China Sea fallen into a deep sleep? How can you shrimp soldiers and crab generals alone be able to resist the tsunami army in the North Sea? According to my observation just now, whether it is in terms of numbers or high-end combat In terms of strength, it is several times more than yours, what defense do you have?"

According to the observation just now.

Bai Xiaofei discovered that the tsunami legion in the North Sea had at least tens of thousands of sea monsters, and they were all the best of the elite. None of them was inferior to the sea monsters led by the big crab. Some of the sea monsters were even stronger than Above the big crab.

Who is the big crab?

That's the general of these sea monsters. His ability is comparable to that of a swordsman like Song Daitian. If he didn't encounter a pervert like Bai Xiaofei, he would definitely be the top existence among the human celestial masters. But among the opponent's tsunami army, there are dozens of such guys!

The strength of the invading forces in the Beihai region can be seen!

It's almost all out!


Hear Bai Xiaofei's words.

That General Crab's expression turned awkward, apparently it was Bai Xiaofei who asked him. He also knew that his own strength was not enough, but he stuck his neck and gritted his teeth and said, "Huh! So what? Even if we die, we will not surrender. The new demon king is cruel, so we are just ghosts." , and will not give in!"


He spoke demonic language.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't understand at all, so he had to trouble Song Daitian to translate it.

After listening to Song Daitian's translation, Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and didn't say anything to General Crab, and let him go as he said. Then he said to Song Daitian: "Uncle Song, the language barrier is a big obstacle! How about it, you can relax, I will copy the knowledge about the language of the monster clan from your conscious mind!"


Song Daitian couldn't help but startled when he heard the words.

He never imagined that Bai Xiaofei actually had such an ability, he could directly learn and master other people's knowledge or abilities directly from their minds, this is simply a godlike method! Surprised and shocked, Song Daitian didn't hesitate, nodded directly, and agreed: "Okay!"

Bai Xiaofei was kind to him in saving his life.

Even Song Daitian's son was saved by Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian didn't know how to repay this kindness.


Can help Bai Xiaofei.

Song Daitian naturally wished for it and was very happy.

Not to mention the language knowledge of the Yaozu, it is estimated that even if Bai Xiaofei wanted all the skills in his mind, Song Daitian would not say a word.

"Mr. Bai!"

Meditate and concentrate, after relaxing the consciousness.

Song Daitian patted his chest and said to Bai Xiaofei: "I'm ready, come on!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Immediately, he unceremoniously entered Song Daitian's consciousness.

With Song Daitian's strong cooperation, coupled with his own huge spiritual power, Bai Xiaofei copied and duplicated all the knowledge he felt about the language of the Yaozu very easily. But just when Bai Xiaofei was about to quit, he suddenly discovered a trace of memory fragments.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

He stayed for a while, and then studied it seriously, but was surprised to find that this fragment of broken memory was actually Song Daitian's memory about the location of the key that was erased back then. Presumably, the other party was not skilled enough, so the erasure was not very thorough, so that there were still some memory fragments in Song Daitian's mind.


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested, and secretly said: "Since I found out, then look for it, maybe you can piece them together, and know the location of the key directly from it, so you don't have to look for Shenshui Hibernation The Dragon King of the East China Sea."

Do whatever comes to mind.

He sprang into action immediately.

In Song Daitian's consciousness, the incomparably huge mental power launched an incomparably detailed directional search and search. And quickly put all the memory fragments together. But to Bai Xiaofei's disappointment, these fragments are too fragmented, and they are not complete.

If you compare Song Dai Tianyuan's memory to a jigsaw puzzle. So now, the memory fragments collected by Bai Xiaofei are nothing more than the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that have been completely torn apart, probably less than one-tenth of the whole, and there are still pieces here and there, not coherent at all!

Wanting to find out the exact location of the key from such fragmented information is simply whimsical!


"It seems that we still have to find the sleeping Dragon King of the Eastern Sea!"

"I'm really working hard!"


Bai Xiaofei was immediately depressed.

Immediately, he resolutely withdrew from Song Daitian's conscious world, and his consciousness returned to his body.

All of this is a long story, but in fact it is just a matter of a blink of an eye, and the total time does not exceed a few seconds. And when Bai Xiaofei's consciousness returned to his body, he sorted out the information a little bit, and he immediately became proficient in the language of the monster clan and learned about the memory fragments.

"That's all!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly.

Looking at the approaching tsunami on the opposite side and the troops directly under the Dragon King of the North Sea, he said secretly: "The most urgent task now is to find a way to resist the large-scale attack in the North Sea area, otherwise the East China Sea will fall, and the bull ghost and tyrant will definitely not fall. What a good end, when the time comes, the clue of the key will be completely over!"

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei turned his eyes and looked at General Crab, who was hastily arranging troops and dispatching troops. Then he said: "Hey, big crab, we can help you block here, you should hurry back and call for more soldiers and horses to come over. With your strength alone, you are like a mantis' arm!"

"If possible, it's best to wake up your dragon king, Niugui Bakui, we need his help in some matters! And such an important battle situation, we also need him as the leader to personally preside over it. You know, a group of dragons without a leader is a taboo for military strategists ah!"

"As for the injury, you can come to me, I have a way to quickly heal your East China Sea Dragon King's injury!"

"Go ahead, do as I tell you!"


An indisputable tone.


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