The Storm God

Chapter 1451 Destroy it with one sword! (Please subscribe!)


Above the vast East China Sea, surging and stormy waves are surging into the sky! In the huge tsunami that almost covered the sky and swept across thousands of feet, most of the elite in the Beihai area were hidden. And among them... In addition to many sea monster generals, the Dragon King of the North Sea——Golden Carp Demon is also included!


"Last time, the dead cow saved his life. This time, with the help of Lord Demon King, he almost came out of the nest. I must kill him!"

"Break my arm, and I will let you die without a place to bury you!"


The look of anger on the Golden Carp Demon's face.

At this very moment, he was sitting high on a specially built ice chariot, the chariot drove the sea water, and the speed was extremely fast. Surrounded by a group of monsters, it is full of style. It's just that...the majestic North Sea Dragon King's left arm is empty, which looks very awkward!

He certainly wasn't born that way.

Not long ago, the Dragon King of the North Sea and the other kings of the two seas invited the Dragon King of the East China Sea to discuss important matters. In fact, they set up an ambush and wanted to kill the bully ghost to gain control of the East China Sea. However, Niu Gui Ba Kui is too strong, and he has an extremely domineering treasure on his body.


Not only was it escaped.

The Dragon King of the Three Seas was even severely injured by the desperate move of the Dragon King of the East Sea.

Even though the Dragon King of Beihai had an arm chopped off by Niugui Bakui, it was actually quite light. You know, the two dragon kings of South China Sea and West Sea almost died on the spot. Although they survived by relying on strong capital in the end, they were also seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep.

After this battle.

The one who benefited the most is undoubtedly the Golden Carp Demon, the Dragon King of the North Sea.

With the two dragon kings sleeping, under the instruction of the demon king, the North Sea Dragon King successively conquered the South China Sea and the West Sea, and then became the only overlord of the three seas, and his power became unprecedentedly powerful. Only on the East China Sea side, because they are too afraid of the strength of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Niu Gui Ba Kui, they have not yet launched an attack.

And now...

The Terrans are in civil strife.

The Demon King launched an operation and ordered the Four Seas to assist him.

The Golden Carp Demon, which has received a lot of funding, has further improved its strength and power, and its self-confidence has naturally also rapidly expanded. After receiving the report from the spy sea monster that Niugui Bakui, the dragon king of the East China Sea, had also fallen into a deep sleep because of his serious injuries, the Dragon King of the North Sea immediately had no scruples and immediately led his troops to attack.

this time.

He vowed to kill the Dragon King of the East China Sea with his own hands.

Then completely conquer the East China Sea area, and then complete the unification of the four seas, becoming the master of all sea areas, the strongest second only to the demon king!

Thinking of the future scenery, the golden carp demon couldn't help being excited, and the two dragon whiskers floating around his mouth almost raised to the sky, trembling with excitement. And at this moment, a turtle-like sea monster suddenly stepped forward to report: "My lord, there seems to be a situation ahead!"


The golden carp demon immediately came to his senses.

Then he followed the direction pointed by the turtle and sea monster, looked intently, and soon saw Bai Xiaofei and the others on the opposite side, as well as General Crab and other sea monsters. Seeing this scene, the Dragon King of the North Sea couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and asked in confusion: "Hey, isn't that the general of the East Sea's dead cow's guard, Heng Wuji? Why is he there?"


"He even led hundreds of sirens and formed a defensive formation, as if they were preparing to resist us."

"Could it be that they expected us to come?"


The golden carp demon's doubts didn't last long, he quickly recovered the excitement and complacent expression just now, and said in a cold voice: "Hmph! Even if we expected us to come, it's just a few hundred sea monsters who want to block my approach." Tens of thousands of elite tsunami legions? It’s just a whimsical fantasy, a daydream!”

"not to mention……"

"The dead cow in the East China Sea has fallen into a deep sleep and dormancy, and it is not easy to wake up. Even if it is awakened halfway, it will suffer a great backlash. Without the dead cow in charge, the dragons in the East China Sea will have no leader. Even if all the sea monsters are gathered together Together, it’s just a bunch of mobs!”

"Ignore them, just rush over!"

"Kill without mercy!"

The Dragon King of the North Sea ordered.


The demons obey orders.

The aura on his body suddenly became more violent and cold, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, full of excitement and anticipation.


Regardless of what the Tsunami Legion here does.

the other side.


After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, the guard sirens headed by General Crab were all stunned. Seeing Bai Xiaofei's confident face, they wondered, where did this human being get the confidence to deal with the troops directly under the Dragon King of the North Sea - the Tsunami Legion!

Didn't wake up from the dream? !


Thinking of the way I waited for the monster to be easily trampled by the other party just now.

These sea monsters couldn't help being a little shaken, and secretly said: "This human and mutant monster, a powerful pervert, abuses us like a joke, maybe... if they use all their strength, they can really resist Beihai The Dragon King's Tsunami Legion may also be there!"

So far.

And look closer and closer.

And the other party has already shown their weapons, waiting for the Tsunami Legion to kill.


"I hope what you say is true!"


General Crab pondered for a moment, finally gritted his teeth, and chose to believe in Bai Xiaofei. Then...he ordered his subordinates to stay and follow Bai Xiaofei and others to deal with the tsunami army in Beihai. And he himself plunged into the bottom of the sea.

Do not misunderstand!

He didn't escape, but went to rescue soldiers.

Of course, the most important thing is that General Crab has a special status, and only with his endorsement can better publicity and mobilization effects be achieved. Especially in the Grand Canyon of the Sea, the guards who are responsible for guarding the dragon king of the East China Sea, Niugui and Bakui, are sleeping and recovering from their injuries. It is no wonder that ordinary people believe you!

If anyone can gain their trust and easily interrupt the Dragon King of the East China Sea's deep sleep, then they will not accompany him as the bodyguard. But General Crab is different! As the boss of the East China Sea Guard Corps, no matter in terms of status or strength, he has a considerable say in the entire East China Sea!

It is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for General Crab to persuade the guards and wake up the dormant Donghai Longwai!

Regardless of the whereabouts of General Crab.

above the sea.

The overwhelming power of the Tsunami Legion finally gradually approached Bai Xiaofei and the others. The distance between the two sides is now less than a hundred feet away. The turbulent and endless waves rose up from the sky, as if mountains were pressing down on them. Bai Xiaofei and others, as well as the hundred sea monsters in the East Sea, were as insignificant as ants in front of it!

"my God!"

Song Tianyin and other people with lower strength were shocked at this moment. They had never seen such a terrifying scene before. If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei, a pervert, everyone would still have some confidence in their hearts. It is estimated that a group of people would have turned around and ran away in fright.

And the Krakens of the East China Sea Guard Corps performed even worse.

Although they knew that Bai Xiaofei was powerful, they had never seen Bai Xiaofei exerting his full strength. On the contrary, they had a deep and incomparable understanding of the terrifying power of the Tsunami Legion. If the difference in the number of people is not very large, they may not be afraid, but now...

Hundreds to tens of thousands!


How do you beat this bitch? !

Seeing that the tsunami legion that covered the sky and the sun was about to attack overwhelmingly, although these sea monsters were still gritted their teeth and tried their best to stick to their positions, their legs were being crushed one by one. I was so frightened that I almost trembled like a vibrator.

"Mr. Bai!"

At this moment, a top swordsman who is as strong as Song Daitian can't help but swallow his saliva at this moment, and then asked Bai Xiaofei uncertainly: "Can you really deal with the tsunami army of the Dragon King of the North Sea? How sure is it?" ? If you are not sure, why not us..."

The implication is that if you can't do it, you can withdraw!


He is not cowardly.

What Song Daitian really worried and cared about was his son.


Bai Xiaofei knew what he was thinking.

Hearing this, he just smiled lightly, then shook his head indifferently, and said confidently: "Uncle Song, although these shrimp soldiers and crab generals look mighty, they are actually not worth mentioning, especially this shocking tsunami , it just looks more bluffing, let me destroy it with one sword!"


He thought about it.

Zhenjin Feijian was summoned instantly.

With the sword in his hand, Bai Xiaofei's aura and aura suddenly changed. In an instant, the sword energy soared to the sky, and the raging sword intent seemed to split the world, it was tyrannical and tyrannical! Song Daitian was shocked to find that Bai Xiaofei was like a peerless sword drawn out of its sheath at this moment, showing its sharpness. And it seems to be integrated with the whole world, giving people a sense of mystery and mystery!

"Is this..."

Seeing this scene, Song Daitian's eyes widened immediately. Seeing Bai Xiaofei soaring into the sky and rushing towards the tsunami army on the opposite side, his eyes were full of shock and envy, and he murmured: "...the legendary realm of harmony between man and nature? Such a strong artistic conception! It's so terrifying Sword Qi!"

"Is this the true strength of Mr. Bai?"

"It's really strong!"


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