The Storm God

Chapter 1452 Sweeping thousands of troops! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei rushed out alone.

Seeing this, Huo Xiaolan and the others immediately widened their eyes, with expressions full of disbelief.


More still worried!

Song Tianyin hurriedly asked Song Daitian, "Father, Mr. Bai... why did he rush over alone? This is too reckless! What should we do now, should we go up and help him? It's just...there are too many enemies Well, with our strength alone, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you much!"

This moment.

He felt so useless.

Never before has there been such a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness.

Song Tianyin secretly vowed that if he could survive today by chance, he must practice hard in the future and try to make himself stronger as soon as possible. He had had enough of this powerless, helpless situation where he could only close his eyes and wait for death, and he didn't want to experience such pain and torture again in the future!

I want to control my own destiny!

Not only him, Huo Xiaolan, Hongyue and others beside him, even Song Daitian, all of them are thinking like this! In the past, they thought that although their strength was not the best, it was not bad, at least they still had the power to protect themselves. Now, however, they realize they were wrong.

And it's completely wrong!


What a joke!

Faced with tens of millions of tsunami legions attacking, who dares to say that they have the power to protect themselves?

That's just bragging!


Bai Xiaofei was an exception.

This guy, whose strength is unpredictable, is so perverted that he can't be described by common sense at all.

At this moment, although everyone was extremely worried and doubtful about whether Bai Xiaofei would be able to resist the tsunami army in the North Sea region by himself, but it was out of trust in the prophet and other inexplicable thoughts. In the end, everyone strengthened their beliefs and believed that Bai Xiaofei would definitely succeed.


Bai Xiaofei is not a prophecy!

"Let's take a look first!"

After recovering from the astonishment, Song Daitian didn't explain to everyone how terrifying and domineering Bai Xiaofei's state of swordsmanship was. For our own plans, the only thing we can do is to wait here and watch carefully!"


Everyone was silent.

Song Daitian was right. At this moment, the Tsunami Legion was less than a hundred feet away from them. Even if he wanted to escape, it was already too late. Competing the speed of escape with the sea monster in the sea, this is obviously playing tricks, and you are overestimating your capabilities! Coupled with the fact that the opponent has many demons and is powerful, they can't beat them again and again. The only thing they can do now is to pin their hopes on Bai Xiaofei!

They believe.

Bai Xiaofei is by no means a brainless person.

The other party must have their own reasons and reliance for doing this, otherwise it would be pure suicide!

Is Bai Xiaofei such a person?

Obviously impossible!


Xiaoqing's performance was also very calm.

All of this fully explained that Bai Xiaofei must have nothing to fear when he flies out alone!

With this in mind, the tense and worried expressions of Song Tianyin and others immediately eased down. Then pairs of eyes, full of curiosity and anticipation, were firmly fixed on Bai Xiaofei, expecting that Bai Xiaofei would bring them a wonderful and unforgettable show, as well as more surprises and surprises!

But the Krakens of the East China Sea Guard Regiment, who belonged to the same camp as them, were different. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei dared to charge and attack the Tsunami Legion alone, at this moment, almost all the sea monsters had only one thought in their minds—"God, that human's head is convulsed, and he is rushing to die!" !"

"The opposite is the famous Tsunami Corps in the Beihai region!"

"The strong gather to cover the sky and block out the sun!"

"He actually..."

Regardless of how the people and monsters here react.


Bai Xiaofei's actions were grandiose, without any cover-up.

Therefore, the Tsunami Corps naturally discovered Bai Xiaofei's actions immediately, and they were all stunned and puzzled. After the initial astonishment, the golden carp demon laughed "haha" and said, "I'm really laughing to death! Is that human being tired of living? A mere person, unexpectedly Dare to charge and attack us?"

"It's like a mantis' arm is like a car, and he is overconfident!"


Smiling so proudly.

The eyes of the Dragon King of the North Sea were full of contempt and disdain, and when he was about to smile, the turtle sea monster next to him said: "My lord, this person dares to stand alone. In my opinion, he is not mentally ill. Just relying on something! Perhaps... this may be an ambush set by Dong Hai, just to be cautious, I suggest giving him a try!"


The golden carp demon nodded, waved his hand and said, "Sure, Prime Minister Turtle, I will leave this human to you!"

"The rest of the troops, move on!"


All the monsters should be together.

Immediately, amidst the tsunami that covered the sky and the sun, a long spear condensed by countless seawater suddenly appeared. This long spear is incomparably solid, as if it were solid, and it is more than ten feet long. It is covered with water vapor, and there is a faint chill that pierces the bone marrow. As soon as it appears, it is like an arrow that leaves the string, and it is aimed at Bai Xiaofei. The electric shot is coming!

Obviously, this is the temptation that Prime Minister Gui said.


Facing the meteor-like attacking spears, Bai Xiaofei flew towards them alone, as if he had never seen them. Not only did his flying speed not decrease in the slightest, but he also did not dodge or dodge. , head on. The countless people and demons around him who were paying attention to him were dumbfounded, and countless jaws dropped in shock!

The spear is fast.

But Bai Xiaofei's head-on speed was as fast as lightning!

Seeing that the two sides were about to collide with each other, at this moment, the crowd and demons were shocked to find out that Bai Xiaofei suddenly laughed at such a critical moment.


"A mere move of mana mixed with a spear condensed by sea water and cold air, just want to test the bottom of my buddies? Isn't it too small to look down on me? That's fine! Since you want to see my true strength, then I will satisfy you and show it to you." Take a look, so that you can know that buddies come out to hang out, it's not for nothing!"

"Total Annihilation!"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei's gaze suddenly froze.

In the next moment, all the power in his body was condensed, and then released without reservation, like a soldier who had received an order from the supreme commander, the endless spiritual energy in the void quickly condensed into a handle around Bai Xiaofei's body in the blink of an eye The shocking giant sword. The giant sword was majestic and domineering, and with the movement of Bai Xiaofei's swing, it carried unparalleled power, and directly slashed across the air towards the oncoming spear and the tsunami army!




The seawater spear finally hit the shocking giant sword.

However, its figure of about ten feet is a bit too delicate compared to the domineering figure of the giant sword more than a hundred feet high. It's like hitting an egg with a shot put the size of a basketball. Without holding on for even a second, it shattered and disintegrated on the spot. Under the sweep of the giant sword, it directly turned into countless sea water and completely disappeared into nothingness.


At the same time, the trend of Bai Xiaofei's shocking giant sword continued unabated, and even the speed of slashing and slashing became faster and faster. In the end, it directly surpassed the speed of sound, causing bursts of sonic booms, once again for his own. The attack added endless power, carrying endless wind and aura, and angrily blasted towards the tsunami army on the opposite side!

this moment.

The distance between the two sides is already less than thirty feet.

One zhang is about three meters three, about thirty zhang, which is about a hundred meters. Such a distance may not be short for ordinary people. But... Whether in front of the rapidly marching tsunami legion, or the shocking giant sword cutting horizontally at supersonic speed, 100 meters is not a distance at all, it is almost an instant of effort!


Before all the people and demons had recovered from the instant defeat of the sea spear, Bai Xiaofei finally got his wish and slashed at the tsunami legion that covered the sky. . Immediately after... Song Daitian and others, as well as countless sea monsters, saw a scene that they will never forget!


The overwhelming turbulent waves are well-known in the four seas, the prestigious tsunami legion, tens of thousands of sea monsters hide in it, and the endless tsunami that stretches thousands of feet jointly set off, but at this moment, Bai Xiaofei's shocking giant sword, as if cut It's like tofu, and it was cut into two pieces with one sword lazily with ease!

And the North Sea Krakens hiding in the tsunami suffered heavy casualties, more than half of them were killed by Bai Xiaofei's sword! Their fate was just like a tsunami, they were directly chopped off by the lazy waist, and a large piece of intestines and viscera flowed in an instant, dyeing the originally extremely blue sea area into an extremely miserable scarlet color in an instant!

This is not the end!

After the shocking giant sword slashed horizontally, more violent and domineering wind and energy followed.

The power of these two forces is no less than the slash of the shocking giant sword, and even worse. After all, the Tsunami Legion has no support from the overwhelming tsunami at this moment, and it is completely exposed in front of everyone. At this moment, facing two forces like a tornado and a hurricane, it is like a little white sheep waiting to be slaughtered, with almost no power to fight back!




The tornado hit violently, and the huge waves shook the sky.

In an instant, the sky was turned upside down, and the endless turbulent waves, like wild beasts, began to act wildly in the sea area where the Tsunami Corps was located, showing their ferocious and ruthless domineering side, and slapped the Tsunami Corps, which had already suffered heavy casualties, They were in disarray, they were in disarray, and they screamed like hell!

Just now, the Tsunami Corps, which was powerful and mighty enough to overwhelm Bai Xiaofei and others, is now being crazily slaughtered and ravaged by the turbulent waves that should have been controlled by them. describe? It's just too horrible to see to the extreme!


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