The Storm God

Chapter 1453: The Martial Emperor is Reborn! (Please subscribe!)


General Crab exerted all his strength.

Regardless of its own consumption and side effects, it accelerated crazily and sank towards the underwater grand canyon where the Dragon King of the East China Sea was dormant. The Dragon King of the North Sea led the tsunami army to attack in a large scale. This is not a joke. Maybe the East China Sea will become the opponent's pocket, so the general crab dare not neglect in the slightest.

along the way...

He naturally ran into a lot of acquaintances, but General Crab has no time to talk to them now, and simply said, "The Dragon King of the North Sea led the Tsunami Legion to attack on a large scale. Quickly organize troops, open the defensive formation, and call The warrior is ready to fight, I will go to the Grand Canyon to wake up Lord Dragon King!"

Then it continued to sink toward the bottom of the sea without stopping.

You know, that is a grand canyon with a depth of more than 60,000 meters. Even with the strength of the crab general, it will take a certain amount of time to reach it, and what he lacks most now is time. Even a second of delay might lead to the defeat and death of the entire battle situation, so he certainly didn't dare to stop.

And those sea monsters who are familiar with them.

Seeing that General Crab looked extremely anxious, with a serious and serious expression on his face, he didn't seem to be lying, and even the Dragon King of the East China Sea was forced to wake up, so he immediately believed the other party's words. Following General Crab's orders, he began to hurry up with troops.


After a moment of hard work.

General Crab finally arrived at the deepest underwater Grand Canyon in the East China Sea, and he was exhausted enough, his demon power was extremely depleted, coupled with the terrifying sea pressure here, the heavy pressure made General Crab look as if he had been boiled, his whole body turned red , panting heavily, and looked at the guards in charge of guarding the sleeping Dragon King with bewildered faces and dazed eyes!


Seeing General Crab's distressed appearance, one of the guards couldn't help asking: "You are not training recruits in the guard regiment, why do you have time to come here? I don't know that this is the place where Lord Dragon King sleeps and recovers from his injuries. There is no special matter, if you enter without permission, you will be punished!"


Heng Wuji is in a hurry now.

He really wanted to quickly tell the guards about the above, but now he was breathing so hard that he couldn't even speak fluently. He stumbled and said it several times, but he didn't understand it. Seeing this situation, one of the guards became impatient, and directly ordered: "Okay, this time we don't see it, you should go quickly!"


This guard took Heng Wuji's current appearance as fear and terror!

I thought to myself, General Crab might have stumbled here because of something, and then thought of punishment, but I was afraid of becoming like this. Now that the other party has realized his mistake, let him go for now. After all, the East China Sea is now in an extraordinary period, and it is time to employ people!


Heng Wuji took a deep breath.

After I calmed down a lot, I quickly informed the guards of what happened on the sea, and then asked: "Brothers, the situation is so serious that it is critical. With the situation in the East China Sea, we have no choice but to wake up Lord Dragon King!"


"The group of monsters has no leader. Once they are defeated, the tsunami legion in the North Sea will drive straight in and invade all areas of our East Sea. At that time, with the personality of the Dragon King of the North Sea, he will never let the Lord Dragon King go. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better Join forces with that extremely powerful human!"

"Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!"


He analyzed it solemnly.


And after listening to Heng Wuji's words, several guards were also in trouble.

They looked at me and I looked at yours, and they couldn't make up their minds for a while. It's not like they didn't know the situation outside was extremely tense and embarrassing, but waking up the Dragon King was really no small matter. At least it will interrupt the recovery of Lord Dragon King's injury, that's all. If it catches up with the critical moment and causes Lord Dragon King's backlash, it will be very bad!

This risk is as great as the safety of the East China Sea, and it is reasonable for the guards to hesitate.

at last……

One of the guards stood up, staring at Heng Wuji with burning eyes, and asked, "Heng Wuji, do you really believe in those human races on the sea? Especially the human who swore to heal all the wounds of Lord Dragon King? He is just a mere human, why should he say such big things?"

"That's right!"

When the other guards heard the words, they immediately expressed their concerns: "What if he lies!"

"That's right!"

"You should gather the troops first!"

"If we really can't defend ourselves, the Beihai tsunami army is really going to hit our royal city. We have no choice but to wake up Lord Dragon King again. But right now, the opponent has just arrived, so you just want us to wake up Lord Dragon King, this is too long, will his demonic ambition destroy his prestige?!"

"Is there any brother who is the master of the Dragon King?"

"How did I not hear it being said?"

"Me too!"


Seeing the guards talking non-stop there, just not taking the real brother, Heng Wuji felt so depressed, secretly said: "What the hell, what time is it, still thinking about these messes, what's going on up there, I don't know? That's the tsunami army of the Dragon King of the North Sea, and it's the kind that comes out in full force!"


"How the hell do you defend? What you said is easy, go if you have the ability!"

"If you defend yourself, you're awesome!"


He took a deep breath.

After calming down my furious emotions and exhausted demon power, so that I could better deal with these guards and sea pressure, I gritted my teeth and began to persuasion again. There is no way, this is his task, if the Dragon King of the East China Sea is not awakened, it will be useless to gather more sea monsters in the East China Sea!

Because every master of the sea region has a treasure.

This treasure has an absolute suppression effect on other sea monsters. As long as there is not too much difference in strength and quantity between the two sides, it is almost difficult for ordinary sea monsters to cause any actual damage to the Dragon King. Simply put, the only one who can deal with the Dragon King is the Dragon King.


Except for the celestial masters and practitioners of the human race!

Another point is that those humans on the sea are obviously coming for the Dragon King of the East China Sea. If the Dragon King of the East China Sea didn't show up, once he angered the other party, maybe the other party would jump to the Dragon King of the North Sea and join forces to deal with the East China Sea. Although they are few in number, they can't hold back and their strength is terrifying!

The tsunami army of the Dragon King of the North Sea is already very difficult to deal with. If those humans are angered again, let the two sides join forces...


Then the East China Sea is really about to be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Heng Wuji became very impatient. He tried to persuade the guards again and again, and used his sharp tongue. After a lot of effort, he finally persuaded the guards. Agreed to wake up Donghai Longwai. But if there is any accident, Heng Wuji will bear all the responsibilities!

"no problem!"

Hearing the conditions offered by the guards, Heng Wuji agreed without thinking, and then hurriedly urged: "For the sake of Donghai, even if it kills me, I will not hesitate! You should hurry up, Hurry up and wake up Lord Dragon King, if anything happens, I will blame it all!"

"We're out of time!"


Several guards looked at each other.

Seeing that Heng Wuji had already talked about this, they immediately stopped hesitating. Several people nodded to each other, and then stood in the eight directions of southeast, northwest, etc., cooperated with each other tacitly, and jointly cast a mysterious magic seal. After dispelling the sealing defense circle of the Grand Canyon, they began to try to wake it up. The Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Regardless of the situation on the Grand Canyon side.

Moments before that.

on the sea.

Horror, shock, dead silence...

On the surface of the East China Sea at this moment, the wind stopped, the waves stopped, and the short battle ended. The protagonists between heaven and earth seem to have all turned into Bai Xiaofei. Whether it is Song Daitian and others, or the monsters of the East China Sea Guard, or the horrific Beihai Tsunami Legion, everyone, the eyes of the monsters are all Focus on Bai Xiaofei's body!

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei's figure seemed to be the only color in the world.

At the height of the sun, all eyes are on!

that sword...

It amazed all the people and demons.

The strength and terror displayed by Bai Xiaofei made everyone, the monster, tremble with fear, feeling extremely astonished and unbelievable. With his own strength, he cut through the shocking tsunami that stretched thousands of feet, and defeated the famous tsunami army in Beihai with just one blow, almost completely crippling them!

Such an ability against heaven.

It almost made them all think of one person, that is the unrivaled god and man who once opened up a deep valley stretching tens of thousands of kilometers with one sword—Human Martial Emperor!

Could it be...

Is this person the Martial Emperor? !

Otherwise, how could he achieve such an inhuman and terrifying achievement! Although compared to the Martial Emperor's sword back then, Bai Xiaofei's ability to cut through thousands of feet of tsunami is not that outstanding, but for this era, this is already very shocking!


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