The Storm God

Chapter 1454 Run away! (Please subscribe!)

"Oh my God!"

"Even seeing it with your own eyes is unbelievable!"

"so amazing!"


After a long while.

Only then did Song Tianyin and the others recover from the shock. However, their eyes were still wide open and their chins were drooping. Looking at the figure of Bai Xiaofei suspended in the sky between the sky and the earth, they felt that the incomparable stalwart was like an unattainable mountain, leaving them with a life-long difficulty. Obsolete impression!

at the same time……

The sirens of the guard group not far from them.

At this time, they behaved even more carelessly, each of them looked like they were staring out of their eyes, the shock and horror in their hearts were simply insignificant. Thinking that they were waiting for the monster just now to fight against such a terrifying human being, they felt a shiver of liver and extremely lucky.

Facing such monstrous human beings, it is simply unbelievable that he and other demons can survive!


They are not stupid either.

At this moment, how could the demons not understand that in the previous battle, Bai Xiaofei didn't use all his strength at all, he was just playing with them, otherwise...with their strength and numbers, how could they just Leaving a whole body of flesh and blood wounds, but still alive?

don't you see;

Even the Tsunami Legion, whose strength is dozens of times stronger than theirs, was chopped to pieces by Bai Xiaofei's sword!

I really want to thank that human being for not killing me!

The Krakens thought.


Almost a sea of ​​scarlet blood.

The tsunami legion led by the Dragon King of the North Sea is already falling apart at this moment. More than half of the tens of thousands of elite troops were beheaded by Bai Xiaofei on the spot, coupled with the force of the strong wind that followed, they were even more mutilated to the unsuspecting, and the casualties were quite heavy.

up to now.

The arrogance and momentum of the Dragon King of the North Sea can be said to have been completely crippled by Bai Xiaofei. The huge military power that once stretched thousands of feet has disappeared at this moment, only thousands of sea monsters are left, mixed with countless corpses, rising and sinking, one piece to the east, a pinch to the west, floating in the swimming pool. On the surface of the sea, the face is full of horror and fear.


Until now, these sea monsters have not recovered from the terrifying scene just now.

Only a very few sea monsters regained their sanity.

For example, the Dragon King of the North Sea.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Looking at the tsunami legion that he was the proudest and most powerful in the past, he was now like a drowned rat, being tortured to pieces, causing heavy casualties and countless deaths and injuries. The golden carp demon almost crushed his back teeth. He looked at the figure in the sky furiously, his eyes were full of murderous intent and anger!


"What is the origin of that damned human being, and why is he so powerful! He even gave my tsunami army to...Damn it! No wonder the dead cow in the East China Sea didn't show up, and only sent a hundred or so sea monsters to guard it It turned out that it was not arrogant and arrogant to deal with us, but because of that terrifying human being!"

"We were fooled!"


This moment.

The golden carp demon was startled and angry, but helpless.

The strength Bai Xiaofei showed was really terrifying! Cutting the tsunami with one sword, destroying all monsters, who can match such an ability? In addition to the new demon king whose strength is also unfathomable, these big monsters who call themselves the Sea Dragon King, although they have a big name, are also demon kings or something, but their strength is not even worthy of being supported by others!

"How do you fight this?"


And at this moment, the turtle sea monster suddenly swam over.

At this moment, he no longer had the calmness and self-confidence just now. The monster's face was full of horror and fear, and he said with trembling anger: "The human beings are so terrifying, they even smashed our Tsunami Legion into pieces with one sword." After seeing such a miserable state, I never imagined that the Dragon King of the East China Sea would collude with humans and leave us and other monster compatriots in ruins, this is simply devoid of conscience!"

"Right now we are suffering heavy casualties, and the enemy army is powerful, and we are even more afraid that there will be ambushes and traps sooner!"

"It's better..."

The words stopped here.

Although it was not finished, the meaning could not be more obvious. To put it simply, he was cowardly, completely terrified by Bai Xiaofei, and wanted the Dragon King of the North Sea to quickly order a retreat to preserve his strength, so as not to be wiped out and completely ruined here. There is a saying in the human race: "Keep the green hills, and don't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

This truth.

How could the golden carp demon be ignorant?

It's just that, being beaten so miserably now, it's too embarrassing to do nothing and just run away in such a desperate way, right? If it spreads out, my name as the Dragon King of the North Sea will completely become the laughing stock of all the monster races, even the human race. How can you be called the Golden Carp Monster in the future? !

not to mention……

He still came with a mission.

Apart from the Golden Carp Demon's own private business to unify the East China Sea, the real purpose of the Golden Carp Demon's trip is to disturb the coastal border defenses of the East China Sea region and make the human race so busy that they have no time to take care of the chaos in the interior. If it can't be completed, the plan of the new demon king will fail. Even if he escapes back, the new demon king probably won't let him go!

One thought here.


The Dragon King of Beihai immediately shook his head fiercely, and resolutely refused: "We have lost so many of our fellow clansmen, how could we just turn around and run away without doing anything? If word spreads, will the majesty of my Dragon King be lost? How can we unify the world? How can we face the new demon king? And we still have missions!"


What else did the turtle and sea monster want to say.

However, before he finished speaking, the golden carp demon waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay! I understand what you mean, but I have made up my mind, so you don't need to say any more! Pass my order, the enemy is too powerful , Don’t fight recklessly, let me dive into the bottom of the sea, some will attack the territory of the East China Sea Monster Clan, and the other will rush towards the coastline to carry out the tasks entrusted to us by the new Demon King!”


"Don't fight recklessly with that human being. If the other party pursues or obstructs you, the task is the most important thing. If you can hide, you can hide. If you can't hide, just adopt a guerrilla strategy for me. At all costs, delay the other party's footsteps and fight for other people of the same race. Time! Right now, the territory of the East China Sea can no longer be taken care of, the primary goal is to complete the mission!"

"do you understand?"


Seeing that the Dragon King was determined.

The turtle sea monster sighed secretly, knowing that there was nothing to be done, so he didn't say anything more, nodded and took the order and left.

But at this time, Bai Xiaofei was holding Zhenjin Feijian, and rushed towards the golden carp Yaofei. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not understand the principle of capturing the thief first and capturing the king. After finding out where the Dragon King of the North Sea was, he took action without any hesitation, intending to end this sudden chaos as quickly as possible.


The ideal is full, but the reality is skinny.

Although Bai Xiaofei's speed was fast, the Golden Carp Demon's reaction was not slow. Seeing Bai Xiaofei coming straight towards him, it seemed that he was planning to catch the thief and the king. The North Sea Dragon King's expression changed, and he plunged headlong into the sea without any morals. He left all his subordinates alone and fled towards the bottom of the sea crazily.


The majestic Dragon King of the North Sea left all his subordinates at this moment and ran away in despair!


Bai Xiaofei was immediately depressed, and secretly thought it was a pity.

At the same time, the thousands of sea-monsters left behind by the golden carp monster, not only were not disappointed with their king, they even launched actions one after another under the mobilization and orders of the turtle sea-monster, or went deep into the bottom of the sea until Go to the territory of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, or sneak all the way, planning to raid the coastline defense of the human race.

In order to protect the Dragon King of the North Sea, some sea monsters chose to stand in front of Bai Xiaofei, blocking and attacking him.

"Go away!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly, just as he was depressed, he snorted coldly, and could not help but sweep across with his sword. Although it was just an ordinary sword, not the heaven-shocking giant sword just now, it was also blessed by the sword energy of the Heaven-Zipping Sword. It was extremely powerful and terrifying.

"Puff puff!"

Blood spattered, wreckage filled the sky!

Those dozens of sea monsters who tried to block and attack Bai Xiaofei were smashed into countless pieces by Bai Xiaofei's sword intent and sword energy in a blink of an eye, and died a miserable death!


Bai Xiaofei's figure still stopped.

The Dragon King of the North Sea ran away, and the surviving sea-monsters around, except for the one who stayed behind to block and delay Bai Xiaofei, most of the rest also sneaked into the sea and went to carry out their own tasks. Faced with such a situation, it is no longer possible for Bai Xiaofei alone to handle it completely.


The main reason was that Bai Xiaofei didn't want to go into the water.

After all, his target was not these sea monsters in the first place, but Niu Gui Ba Kui, the dragon king of the East China Sea, who had the key clues about Yunxie Mountain Renhuang's legacy. The current crisis in the East China Sea has basically been declared resolved, so there is no need for Bai Xiaofei to waste his time and energy chasing the sea monsters in the North Sea.

Hurry up and contact the Dragon King of the East China Sea to be king!


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