The Storm God

Chapter 1455: Overlord Appears! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei teleported back to Xiaoqing.

Song Daitian hurriedly jumped over and asked curiously: "Mr. Bai, why don't you chase after him? The Dragon King of the North Sea should not have left yet, so he is just waiting for an opportunity in the nearby waters? It seems to be heading towards the bottom of the East China Sea and the coast, what should we do now?"

Among this group of people, Bai Xiaofei is a well-deserved core figure, even if Song Daitian has any ideas, he has to ask Bai Xiaofei first.

"No need!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

Then he sighed and said: "That carp is not slippery, he doesn't dare to go on the road at all, he just hides and hides, chasing him is a waste of time, and the purpose of our coming here is not him. As for the other sea monsters, then It's none of our business, the chaos at the bottom of the East China Sea, I believe Donghai will naturally solve it by itself!"

"As for the sea monsters in the coastal area..."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly laughed darkly.

The eyes were full of hope, and the corners of the mouth raised: "Let them make trouble, the more trouble the better! In this way, the power of the East Island garrison will be attracted and delayed by them. When the time comes, we will come back from the Dragon King of the East China Sea." After getting the clue of the key, it can also reduce a lot of pressure, and the other party is obviously helping us!"


Song Daitian was speechless immediately.

Because what Bai Xiaofei said, although a little unreasonable, is an indisputable fact.

Even if he wanted to intervene, there was nothing he could do!

after all……

The Dragon King of the North Sea brought too many sea monsters.

Although more than half of them were killed by Bai Xiaofei with a single strike, there are still about thousands of sea monsters that survived. And these sea monsters are all powerful people, and they are all masters who are not easy to deal with. Whether it's the group at the bottom of the East China Sea, or the Kraken going to the coast of the mainland, Song Daitian and the others are definitely not something that Song Daitian and the others can compete with!

not to mention;

They also have tasks to do.

At least Song Daitian himself can't leave, because he is the brother of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. When the Dragon King of the East China Sea shows up in a while, Song Daitian has to go out in person to get clues about the secret key from the other party, and whether it is Song Tianyin or Bai Xiaofei doesn't have the face and ability!

And the strength of Song Tianyin and others is too humble!

Even if Bai Xiaofei agreed with them to stop the sea monster of the Dragon King of the North Sea, Song Daitian would not rest assured that his son, daughter-in-law, senior sister and others would take risks!


The most important reason is that the current situation has not deteriorated to an unimaginable level. Otherwise, with Song Daitian's personality of caring about the world, even if Bai Xiaofei disagrees, they will not let the Dragon King of the North Sea lead many sea monsters to act recklessly.

Regardless of what Song Daitian and others think.


However, Bai Xiaofei found the Siren Warrior of the East China Sea Guard Group, and he asked unceremoniously as soon as he came up: "Who is that, let me ask you, your general crab is going to the place where Niu Gui Ba Kui sleeps, and the soonest you need How long? Also, the Krakens in the Beihai area have already arrived at your door, why don't you see any reaction?"

"Such a reaction speed, is it too slow?"


Someone has a look of displeasure.

I beat them to death for them, but the other party didn't even show any signs of it. Isn't that too chilling?


The sea monster was stunned for a long while.

It seemed that Bai Xiaofei hadn't recovered from the shock caused by Bai Xiaofei, until Bai Xiaofei was about to get impatient, he finally came to his senses, and then quickly replied: "Well... if it's fast, it will probably take less than a moment. Well, as for the reaction speed of the East China Sea troops, this..."

He hesitated, with a face full of confusion and embarrassment, as if he didn't know how to explain it.


He didn't need to explain this question.

Because of Bai Xiaofei's enormous spiritual power, he quickly sensed the abnormal changes in the sea water. Those remaining Krakens who dived into the bottom of the East China Sea, intending to cause chaos in the East China Sea area, had just rushed about half way, and the troops of the Dragon King of the East China Sea began to surge out from various places on the bottom of the sea.

When the two sides met, naturally there was no nonsense, and they just started fighting.

Although the armies on the East China Sea side are numerous in number, their strength is uneven, ranging from high to low, and of varying quality. Against the surviving tsunami army in Beihai, they didn't have much of an advantage. After all, they were originally the elite of Beihai's elite, and after experiencing Bai Xiaofei's terrifying sword strike, all those who survived were tenacious!

This is like a group of ordinary soldiers going to the forest to encircle and suppress a super special soldier. If you want to successfully capture and kill them without paying any price, that is just a dream!

The Krakens on the East China Sea quickly realized this.


It's too late.

In just a moment of confrontation, these North Sea sea monsters responsible for causing chaos in the East China Sea cost the lives of no less than a thousand sea monsters in the East China Sea, while the casualties of their own sea monsters were only a few dozen . Dozens are exchanged for thousands, such an astonishing ratio, it is pitifully small!


This is just the beginning.

After the Krakens on the East China Sea reacted and launched a targeted deployment and siege operation, relying on the huge advantages of territory and numbers, as well as the help of countless magic weapons and large formations, the individual strength advantages of the North Sea Krakens, Of course, there was nothing left in an instant, and they were quickly killed one by one by the army of the East China Sea, forcing them not to gather together and resist in groups.

The East China Sea army is like an extremely thick wall, advancing step by step, layer by layer. The Krakens in the North Sea area, even if they resisted in a group and their strength increased greatly, they completely lost their advantage at this time. They were completely useless against the big wall of the East China Sea. pushed out to sea, and other areas.

And this situation.

Soon it was also sensed by the sea monsters of a hundred or so East China Sea Guards floating on the sea.


They bid farewell to Bai Xiaofei.

They turned around one after another and joined in the battle against the North Sea Kraken.

At this moment, the tsunami army brought by the Dragon King of the North Sea was completely defeated. First, more than half of them were wiped out by Bai Xiaofei's sword, with heavy casualties, and the army was routed. Now they split their forces into two, trying to deal with the East China Sea and the human coastal defense line. In the end, the army that had reacted from the East China Sea beat them to the ground and retreated again and again.

Even if they achieved amazing results on the coastal defense line of the Terran Continent, for the Krakens of the North Sea, they were defeated after all!

The defeat was a mess and it was out of control!


Seeing the Krakens under him.

One after another, the armies gathered by the East China Sea jointly defeated and besieged them, causing the strength of the few surviving tsunami legions to shrink rapidly. The Golden Carp Demon, the Dragon King of the North Sea who was hiding in the dark, finally couldn't sit still. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't seem to have any intention of intervening in this battle, he gritted his teeth, holding a special magic weapon spear, and finally chose to make a move.

And with the golden carp monster joining the battle.

The battlefield situation in the sea was turned upside down once again, and the mighty East China Sea army was abruptly blocked by the golden carp monster! That's right! It was blocked by him alone, the North Sea Dragon King who was facing the wheat awn, under the siege of hundreds of thousands of troops in the East China Sea, he had an absolute advantage, and with the power of a monster, he forcibly blocked the opponent's encirclement and suppression of the tsunami army's footsteps .

Not only that.

The remaining Krakens of the Tsunami Legion also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

The tables turned again!


Sensing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being taken aback on the spot, frowned slightly and said, "Interesting! The spear held by the Golden Carp Demon, the Dragon King of the North Sea, seems to be a very special treasure. The monster race in the world has a heaven-defying suppressive effect, and they have resisted an army of hundreds of thousands of sea monsters with their own strength!"

"These are good shows to watch!"


Someone watched it with gusto, and his interest greatly increased.

Even if the situation on the East China Sea side fell into a disadvantage again, and he was beaten back and forth by the Beihai area, causing heavy casualties, he had no intention of making a move at all.

As for Song Daitian and others?

All right!

Look at the blank expressions in their eyes.

It seems that a group of people are completely unaware of all the battles that take place in the sea.

"Dead fish in the North Sea!"

The battle situation in the sea was stalemate for a moment.

And just at the critical moment when the East China Sea army suffered successive defeats, the casualties continued to increase, and they were about to be thrown into chaos by the North Sea Kraken, and the defensive formation could hardly hold on any longer, a rough roar full of infinite anger, but Suddenly it came out from the deep sea: "Hugh is crazy! If you have the ability to fight with me for 300 rounds!"

at the same time.

A burly and domineering majestic figure.

Also from the deep sea, with a movement speed faster than roaring and roaring, he went straight to the position of the Dragon King of the North Sea, and burst out.

The person who came was the Dragon King of the East China Sea—the bull ghost and the king!


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! It's the end of the month, please ask for a monthly ticket, recommendation, reward and support, Wuyou is very grateful!

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