The Storm God

Chapter 1456 Fighting in the sea! (Please subscribe!)

"finally come!"

Seeing that domineering figure, Bai Xiaofei was shocked immediately.

After waiting for so long, the Dragon King of the East China Sea finally showed up. I saw this Bull Demon Overlord, with a burly and sturdy body, about one foot high, with a bull-headed upper body, two powerful arms, and knotted muscles all over his body, full of explosive power. way.

And his lower body.

But there are more than a dozen huge tentacles that are hideous and dazzled. These tentacles are thick and big. There are countless suction cups and barbs on each tentacle. , the total area of ​​these tentacles is about twice as large as the upper body of Niugui Bakui, making it look very domineering.

This moment.

Niu Gui Ba Kui is like a cannonball, shooting straight from the bottom of the sea, holding a trident in his hand, and a dozen huge tentacles, squirming backwards crazily, forming a violent and waveless thrust, urging the owner of the body to move at an amazing speed. It rushed towards the Golden Carp Demon, the Dragon King of the North Sea, very quickly, with raging flames and a menacing approach.

At the same time, on the way of the East China Sea Dragon King Niu Gui Ba Kui's impact, the trident in his hand suddenly shook, followed by waves of invisible special waves, which spread wildly around the sea. Wherever he went, the suppressing effect of the long spear in the hands of the Dragon King of the North Sea on the ordinary sea monsters in the East China Sea disappeared in an instant.

The power of the two seems to neutralize each other.


"Great, it's Lord Dragon King!"

"It's saved now!"


Seeing the appearance of Niu Gui Ba Kui, the sea monsters on this side of the East China Sea were overjoyed, and their spirits were greatly lifted. In an instant, the downturn that had been defeated just now was thrown out of the sky, and immediately became lively and vigorous again. Immediately, without saying a word, they immediately turned their guns and turned their backs on the elite Tsunami Legion who were chasing after themselves and other monsters, and launched a counterattack again!


"Master Dragon King is here, so there is no need to be afraid of their suppression!"

"Shoot them back!"

"Come on!"

It all happened so suddenly.

Poor Tsunami Legion's remaining less than 2,000 sea-monsters survived. Never thought that the battle situation would undergo such a huge change one after another. In the end, they didn't react, and were beaten again by the sea-monsters of the East China Sea. Unprepared, the loss was heavy for a while, and the number of casualties continued to increase.

"Dead cow!"

The Golden Carp Demon, the Dragon King of the North Sea, was also taken aback.

His eyes jumped wildly, his face was full of disbelief, and he thought to himself: "This is impossible! Isn't he in a dormant sleep? How could he appear here so soon? Isn't he afraid of interrupting his recovery and being backlashed by the power of the Grand Canyon?" , and lose your life?!"

After being surprised.

The golden carp demon gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "It's fine if you come! Suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, no matter how strong the dead cow is, it is bound to suffer a certain degree of backlash. Right now, it is time to get rid of him. This is a great opportunity, as long as the dead cow dies, the monsters in the East China Sea will be leaderless, and they will no longer be able to resist the suppressing effect of my Northern Territory sharp spear!"

"By the time……"

"Let's not talk about the East China Sea, the entire Four Seas will be in my pocket!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Think of the excitement.

The Dragon King of Beihai was shocked suddenly, and couldn't help laughing out loud.


Facing the Niu Gui Ba Kui rushing towards him.

The golden carp demon does not retreat but advances, its body swings up and down, like an extremely flexible loach, it shoots towards the Dragon King of the East China Sea!

The speed of both sides in the sea water is extremely fast.


The two dragon kings collided heavily.


Spears and halberds intersect.

There was a burst of violent roaring sound.

All of a sudden, the energy shot out, the sea was turbulent, and the huge shock wave turned into a substantial ripple of water, sweeping across a range of hundreds of meters. Wherever it passed, it could be said that there was no grass growing. No matter which side the sea monster was, once it was unfortunate, If it is affected, there is only one end, and that is to turn into a handful of blood on the spot, and the dead can't die anymore!

The huge shock wave almost shook the sea water away, and even formed a huge vacuum in the position of the two dragon kings.

Seeing such a situation, the surrounding sea monsters, no matter those from the East China Sea or the North Sea, were all taken aback, thinking: "Is this the power of Lord Dragon King? It really is so strong! Even the aftermath of the battle is like this It is better for us to be as far away as possible, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond and lose our lives in vain!"

Both parties retreated here in a tacit understanding, avoiding the two dragon kings far away.

Regardless of how the Krakens on both sides of the surrounding react.

How fierce the battle was again.

On the scene...

The Golden Carp Demon and Niugui Bakui have each entered a state of rage. The two demons have long had estrangements and feuds. After the last planned ambush, they are even more enemies when they meet each other, and they are extremely jealous. After the two monsters exchanged a blow, neither of them could do anything to each other, and then without saying a word, they fought again.

Look at this posture.

It seems that each of them has an attitude that they must beat each other to death.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The strength of the two monsters is between equals, one is recovering from an injury, but is missing an arm. And the other was forced to interrupt the dormancy, and was bitten by the body, with scruples in his heart, and did not dare to use all his strength. To put it simply, it means that there is no difference between each other, and the two sides come and go, and the battle is so intense that it is evenly matched.

The only unlucky ones are probably the other marine life in the sea. Wherever the two monsters fought, countless sea creatures were all affected by the fish in the pond. They were shocked by the terrifying battle on the spot, shattered into blood and debris, and then were hit so hard that they didn't know where they fell. It's really pitiful.

on the sea.

The sea that had already calmed down.

All of a sudden, the waves rose and fell, and the turbulent waves rose up and ran furiously continuously, making Song Tianyin and the others bewildered.

"what 's wrong?"

"The surface of the sea was fine just now, why is it churning again all of a sudden?"

"Could it be that the Kraken army is coming again?"


Everyone was puzzled.

Only Song Daitian seemed to sense something.

His face changed, and then he quickly sat down cross-legged, focused on sensing and summoning the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and then said with ecstasy in his heart: "I got in touch! Sure enough... I guessed right! The bull ghost and Bakui have awakened! What? He Now I am fighting to the death with the Dragon King of the North Sea, the backlash injury in my body is getting more and more serious, and I am about to be unable to suppress it?!"


"The situation is not good, I have to find a way to help him!"


Withdraw the induction.

Song Daitian got up immediately, and quickly told him what he knew: "Mr. Bai, we must help him, otherwise, if the backlash in Niugui Bakui's body breaks out, he will most likely be killed by the Dragon King of the North Sea on the spot." Damn, when the time comes, there will be no Dragon King of the East Sea to resist the suppression of the Dragon King of the North Sea, it will be terrible!"

"don’t worry!"

Unexpectedly, a certain person looked indifferent, shook his head and said: "I have already scanned the situation of Niu Gui Ba Kui, and it is not as serious as he said. He is purely fooling you, nothing more than I just want to use our strength to quickly drive away all the forces of the Dragon King of the North Sea!"

"Not in a hurry!"

"Let me take a good look and see how exciting the strength and battle of these two dragon kings will be!"

"If he really can't do it, I will naturally take action!"

"A rare opportunity!"


The look of waiting to see a good show.


Song Daitian was dumbfounded when he heard the words.

My heart said, I rely on it! It turns out that you already knew that Niugui Bakui was coming, no wonder you kept closing your eyes and smiling slyly since just now. I thought you were thinking about countermeasures, but it turned out that you were secretly watching a good show! Nima is still in the mood to watch a show at this time, I am also drunk!

There is probably no one else but you!


Song Daitian was secretly depressed and speechless.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei snapped his fingers, and the next moment, two huge bubbles suddenly appeared, enveloping the two of them, Song Tianyin and the others, and then, under the dumbstruck and astonished eyes of everyone, , sank towards the bottom of the sea at an extremely fast speed.

As for Xiaoqing?

He is a mutated dragon, which is originally a fetish of water. When you arrive at the sea, it’s like you’re at your own home. How can you use air bubbles for oxygen supply and anti-stress! Drilled directly into the bottom of the sea, and sneaked faster than Bai Xiaofei and others! After a while, he arrived at the vicinity of the fierce battle between the two dragon kings first, his eyes glistened with excitement!

"What a strong strength!"

Watching the two dragon kings fighting in the sea, Xiaoqing couldn't help but licked the corners of his mouth excitedly, and said to himself: "If I swallow that golden carp demon, I wonder if it will increase my evolution speed?"

"It really seems to try!"


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