The Storm God

Chapter 1457 Hunt the Dragon King! (Please subscribe!)


Looking at the golden carp demon who was fighting with the dragon king of the East China Sea, Niugui Bakui, a certain dragon was drooling, looking very hungry and eager to eat. As for the Golden Carp Demon, as the Dragon King of the North Sea, his strength is unpredictable. Even though he is now fighting fiercely with Niugui Bakui, he always pays attention to the surrounding situation.

after all……

There are no bull ghosts and bullies here.

There is also a very terrifying human being. If you don't pay more attention, you might be slaughtered.

But now, a certain dragon from not far away was staring at it, and the Dragon King of the North Sea naturally felt it. Suddenly, his back felt cold, and the soul of the dead froze. There was a slight deviation in the movement and strength of his one-armed sharp spear.

"Smelly fish!"

Niu Gui Ba Kui immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue.

While seizing the opportunity and beating the dog in the water, he still said that he was not forgiving. He laughed and mocked: "Fighting with Lao Tzu, you still dare to lose your mind and die sincerely, right? Well, today is also a rare and good day." , since you are determined to deliver food to our Donghai, then I will grant you!"

"Eat me with a halberd!"


With the trident in his hand, he danced wildly and domineeringly, like a storm, continuously bombarding the Dragon King of the North Sea. This is not over yet, Niugui Bakui has also given full play to his own advantages. While the trident is attacking, his dozens of huge tentacles are also attacking and harassing the golden carp monster with claws and claws!

Poor golden carp demon!

One arm was chopped off by Niugui Bakui before, and now only one arm remains.

Using a sharp spear with one arm to fight against the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he was already at a disadvantage, but now he was disturbed by Xiaoqing, and then he was attacked by Niugui Bakui with more feet than himself, and the battle was immediately disrupted In a hurry, he lost again and again, and was chopped off by the opponent with many horrible scars in a blink of an eye.

And they are all the kind that can be seen deeply.

In an instant, the blood carrying rich aura and inexplicable power filled an area of ​​hundreds of meters with the flow of sea water.

"smell good!"

After Xiaoqing saw the blood.

Immediately, like a hungry wolf that has been hungry for ten days and a half months, suddenly saw the best lamb, his eyes widened in an instant, full of excitement and excitement, as if he wanted to rush up immediately, The appearance of the golden carp demon being devoured alive frightened the majestic Dragon King of the North Sea, his heart trembled, and his whole body trembled, so as not to throw out the sharp spear in his hand.


"What the hell is that monster? Why do you look at me like you're looking at food? I'm not a real carp, I just look like it. Could it be... the culprit that caused me so much stress and fear? Instead of that terrifying human?!"

"The current situation is extremely bad for me, I have to find a chance to escape!"


This moment.

The Golden Carp Demon, the Dragon King of the North Sea, was completely panicked.

If it's just bull ghosts and bullies, he is confident that he will never lose to the opponent, even if the opponent is stronger than himself, so what? With the huge hidden danger of backlash from dormancy and dormancy, as long as he can persevere, the opponent will definitely lose in the end! What's abominable is that horrible human seems to be on the side of the East China Sea!

Bai Xiaofei's ability is so strong, the golden carp demon has seen it with his own eyes, it is simply the reincarnation of the Martial Emperor!

No matter how arrogant the Dragon King of the North Sea was, he didn't think he had the slightest chance of winning against Bai Xiaofei. What's more, beside Bai Xiaofei, there is a monster who doesn't look weak at all, and treats himself as a thing in a frenzy, plus a bull ghost who is not weaker than himself...


Isn't this bullying the demon?

What a fart!


Seeing Bai Xiaofei and others getting closer to the battlefield under the bubbles of mana condensing, the Dragon King of the North Sea felt a chill in his heart. There is no desire to fight at all, and my mind is full of thoughts about running away. Niu Gui Ba Kui was also aware of this situation, how could he let the Golden Carp Demon go so easily?

He kept attacking the opponent crazily, as if he wanted to take the opportunity to completely leave the Dragon King of the North Sea behind.


Wishes are beautiful.

But the reality is extremely cruel.


Just when the Dragon King of the East China Sea was about to go all out and use a big move to maim the Golden Carp Demon on the spot, and then deal with him properly, suddenly, countless blood shot out from the Bull Ghost Bakui. His majestic and burly body, like the dry land exposed to the sun, instantly cracked countless cracks, as if it was about to explode at any time.

The billowing blood was sprayed wantonly from these cracks, as if they didn't want money.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"God helps me too! Dead cow, I never thought that your dormant backlash would break out at this time. It's great! I don't need to do it myself for such a serious trauma and backlash. Enough to kill you!"

"Unlucky child, you just stay here and wait to die!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Seeing such a situation.

The Dragon King of the North Sea was immediately overjoyed. While looking up to the sky and laughing, the sharp spear in his hand also took advantage of the situation to fight back. When he shook his hand, there was an extremely dense shadow of the gun, carrying the billowing energy, fluctuations, and layers of sea water impact, towards the tormented by backlash. The almost immobile Niu Gui Ba Kui attacked frantically!

And after hitting this blow.

No matter what the effect is, the golden carp demon can cause heavy damage to the bull ghost and tyrant, and then turn around and run away. The speed of escape is so fast that it jumped out a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye! With the defeat of the Dragon King of the North Sea, the surviving Krakens of the North Sea Tsunami Legion also lost their will to fight in an instant, and began to flee one after another.

this moment.

The North Sea's invasion of the East China Sea can be described as a complete failure!

Except for some of the Krakens on the East China Sea who came forward to pursue and defend against the opponent's counterattack, most of the rest of them surrounded them, forming a huge encirclement circle, encircling the cows that were being bitten back. Gui Bakui, surrounded by the middle position, while the sea monsters were worried, but they were powerless and helpless.


"You will be fine, you have to hold on!!"

"Quickly think of a way!"


Hundreds of thousands of sea monsters, entangled and worried to death!

And at this time, Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian and the others arrived at the scene belatedly in the mana bubble, and landed on the ceramic-like Donghai Dragon King Niu Gui whose body was full of cracks and gaps, which seemed to explode at any moment. In front of Ba Kui, there were expressions of disbelief and shock, as if they were also shocked by the situation in front of them.


Bai Xiaofei was an exception.

Others don't know the battle situation between the two dragon kings in the bottom of the sea, but he is extremely clear and understanding.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei is quite surprised and curious about the backlash effect on Niugui Bakui at the moment. He never expected that the backlash that abruptly interrupted the Dragon King's slumber would turn out to be like this, it was simply unbelievable, beyond his imagination and cognition.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei coming.

The first one to speak out was not someone else, or the sea monsters of the East China Sea, but Xiaoqing.


Seeing Xiaoqing's salivating and impatient expression, Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "I know! Go! Do your best, the other party is the Dragon King of the North Sea after all, and he still has a special magic weapon spear in his hand." , it seems to have an absolute suppressive effect on the Sea-Monster, you must be careful, if you can't do it, don't force it, everything is safe!"


Hearing this, Xiaoqing nodded cheerfully, expressing her understanding.


Immediately used his posture and jumped out.

Xiaoqing's speed was equally incredible, and she disappeared in front of all the monsters in the blink of an eye. In such a situation, Song Daitian and the others and the sea monsters were suddenly stunned and curious. Song Tianyin couldn't help asking: "Mr. Bai, Xiaoqing is in a hurry, what are you doing here?"


Bai Xiaofei explained with a smile: "Of course it's hunting! For Xiaoqing, the Golden Carp Demon of the Dragon King of the North Sea is an incomparably sumptuous meal, as well as a treasure of heaven and earth that can provide huge energy and evolution speed. Right now, the other party is receiving Injured and fled, it is a good time to hunt, and when Xiaoqing comes back, he should go one step further!"

An incomparably flat tone.

It seems that such a thing, someone has long been accustomed to it.


Song Tianyin and the others, especially after they understood what Bai Xiaofei was saying, the surrounding East China Sea sea monsters were all shocked and astonished when they heard the words, and they said with great fear in their hearts: "Damn it! Isn't it?! The Dragon King of the North Sea, whose strength is unfathomable, and the Golden Carp Demon who controls hundreds of thousands of sea monsters, in front of Xiaoqing (that monster), is actually just... a food-like existence!"

"I'll be good!"

"What kind of monster is this pet next to Mr. Bai (this human being)?!"

"This is too scary!"


Regardless of how stunned and shocked the surrounding people and sea monsters are.


Bai Xiaofei was curious.

Arriving directly in front of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Niu Gui Ba Kui, a pair of eyes were fixed on him. At this moment, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was covered with countless cracks, unable to move, and almost lost consciousness. The situation, inside and out, was scanned carefully.

After pondering for a while, he quickly relaxed his brows.

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei looked suddenly enlightened, and followed closely, under the watchful eyes of Song Daitian and others, as well as hundreds of thousands of sea monsters in the East China Sea, who were extremely concerned and nervous, someone directly stretched out his palm, without saying a word, and slapped him right on the head. It's on the top of the bull ghost's heavenly spirit cover!

"North Dark Divine Art!"



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