The Storm God

Chapter 1458 Don't dare to refuse! (Please subscribe!)

Niu Gui Ba Kui's current situation is actually very simple, just like a rubber man with a cut open wound. If he wants to repair the wound, he can only re-inject rubber to fill the gap in the cut wound. And the special energy in the Grand Canyon is the so-called "rubber".


Any repair has a process.

After the rubber is injected, it also takes some time to buffer, so that the rubber that fills the gap in the wound is the same as the main body. Once interrupted in the middle, the newly injected rubber may not be solidified enough, resulting in softening or other phenomena.

And the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The current situation is somewhat similar to being full.

Niugui Bakui absorbed and injected too much "rubber" from the Grand Canyon. During the battle just now, he frequently used big moves and wasted a lot of power, so the backlash effect is not obvious, but as time goes by, His own energy is becoming more and more unstable, his injuries are getting worse, and the backlash is naturally getting stronger, so that now it has caused the conflict of the "rubber" in his body to run wild.

It's like a balloon that is constantly inflated, let alone injured, even if it is not injured, it will burst sooner or later.

The simplest solution is to calm the energy of rampage.


Bai Xiaofei's Beiming Divine Art can absorb and dissolve almost any power, as long as he absorbs the energy of the rampage in Niugui Bakui's body, the harm of its backlash can be minimized. Although it is impossible to completely remove the hidden dangers in its body and the damage it has suffered, it is undoubtedly the simplest and most efficient method at present.

The current situation is critical, and the life of the Dragon King of the East China Sea is at stake, and a moment's delay cannot be tolerated.


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to explain.

Let's do it first.


"Human, what are you doing!"

"Let go of your hands!"


And Bai Xiaofei's behavior obviously caused many sea monsters to misunderstand, thinking that Bai Xiaofei was going to do something bad to the Dragon King of the East China Sea. After all... Everyone remembers Xiaoqing's previous behavior clearly. Even the Dragon King of the North Sea is food in the eyes of the other party. What evil intentions!

Hundreds of thousands of sea monsters, the crowd was excited, and they were about to rush over to protect the bully ghosts and bullies. It was really amazing.

Song Tianyin and the others were immediately frightened.


There are some exceptions.

For example, Song Daitian, he believed in Bai Xiaofei very much.

So, seeing the surrounding sea monsters so excited, they all wanted to rush up to stop Bai Xiaofei. He quickly stood up and defended Bai Xiaofei: "Everyone calm down, Mr. Bai is trying to save him, but the method looks a little scary, please believe me, I am the brother of your Dragon King, we will not hurt him!"

Of course, relying on his own words will not have any effect.

Fortunately, General Crab, who had dealt with Bai Xiaofei and others before, also stood up. General Crab is the head of the East China Sea Guard Corps. Both in strength and reputation, he is far superior to Song Daitian, a strange human race. The effect of standing up for Bai Xiaofei's platform is naturally different.

The hundreds of thousands of Krakens finally calmed down.

Although there are still many sea monsters who have disbelief and doubts, but the Dragon King of the East China Sea is in the hands of human beings right now, and I dare not act rashly when I wait for the monster to throw a mouse. And with the guarantee from General Crab, they had more or less a solid foundation in their hearts.

"Just give them some time!"

"It's okay if the other party is really saving the Lord Dragon King, otherwise... if the Lord Dragon King has any troubles, I will risk my life and make these humans pay the due price!"


All the sea monsters secretly said in their hearts.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of sea monsters chose to calm down and wait and see patiently.

And Bai Xiaofei did not disappoint the expectations.

After a while.

The backlash symptoms on Niugui Bakui's body have obviously weakened a lot.

Seeing this, almost all the sea monsters believed Bai Xiaofei and the others, and there was no doubt or hostility in their eyes anymore, and they all looked surprised. Looking forward to Bai Xiaofei being able to cure Lord Dragon King as soon as possible, it is best not to leave any future troubles and side effects!

And this time.

The consciousness of the Dragon King of the East China Sea also began to gradually wake up.


He dazedly opened his eyes.

Looking blankly at Bai Xiaofei who was pressing his palm on top of his head, he asked in confusion: "Human, who are you? Hey, how about the backlash and injuries on my body... Did you save me? Thank you so much! Although not I know who you are, but I, Lao Niu, have remembered this kindness, and I will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire in the future, but I have orders, so I dare not refuse!"

All right!

This is still a very loyal old cow.

"Do not talk!"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and then reminded Niugui Bakui with a serious face: "You are not completely out of danger in your current situation. If you don't maintain a calm mood and act recklessly, there is still a possibility of rebounding and going berserk. Since You're already awake, so that's great, run your exercises quickly, and speed up my absorption!"

The runaway energy in Niu Gui Ba Kui's body is very cruel and domineering, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sustain the majestic Dragon King of the East China Sea so much that his body would almost burst into pieces. Although Bai Xiaofei's Beiming Divine Art is extremely miraculous, it is not easy to absorb too much at the moment, lest he also absorb the other party's energy and spirit.

But after the other party woke up, the situation was different.

As long as Niugui Bakui runs his exercises and keeps his mind on his mind, Bai Xiaofei can safely increase the absorption power of Beiming Divine Art, and absorb the violent energy in his body as soon as possible. Thereby completely eliminating and eradicating the danger of backlash. Without the worries of backlash and other injuries, it is completely Xiao K's thinking.


The Dragon King of the East China Sea is not stupid either.

Although he doesn't know the origin of Bai Xiaofei and how he saved him, he understands that the other party will definitely not harm him, otherwise he wouldn't need to try his best to save him. Just do everything according to the other party's instructions. Is it more serious to suffer a loss than to die from backlash?

That is obviously impossible.

After finishing speaking, Niu Gui Ba Kui immediately focused his attention, and silently operated the exercises he had practiced to match Bai Xiaofei's methods. And then... He was horrified to discover that the violent energy in his body, like a long whale absorbing water, had all gathered at the top of his head, and then was completely absorbed by the human palm.

He couldn't believe it.

The backlash disease of dormancy and dormancy, which has plagued the Yaozu for countless years, was solved so easily by humans.

"My God, how is this possible?!" At this moment, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was completely stunned. It's no wonder, it's as if a terminal illness in the human world was suddenly overcome by another creature, if it were you, I believe you would also be dumbfounded, with an incredible expression on your face.

Regardless of the reactions and thoughts of the Dragon King of the East China Sea here.

On the other side, Xiaoqing, who wanted to eat the golden carp monster so as to enhance her own strength and evolution speed, finally caught up with the North Sea Dragon King and other sea monsters. Given the hostile relationship between the two parties, since they have caught up, there is no need to talk nonsense, just do it!


"You dare to chase after me single-handedly, you really don't pay attention to me. Give it all to me!"

"I'm going to cut him into pieces!"


Following the order of the golden carp demon.

The remaining less than a thousand sea-monsters from the Tsunami Corps immediately besieged Xiaoqing in a frantic manner, clearly intending to bully the few with the more. It's a pity... They didn't know at all that what they were facing was not a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, but a ferocious dragon!

Unlike the golden carp monster, the bull ghost and the bully monster, although they are honored as the dragon king by many sea monsters, they actually have nothing to do with dragons. But Xiaoqing is different. You know, he turned a snake into a dragon, and he also has a mutant dragon that seems to be the blood of Yinglong!

This is a real dragon clan, and it is still in the sea. For a Dragon Clan, the sea is like their own back garden. On the territory of the dragon clan, delusional to deal with a real dragon clan? Hehe... This is simply playing tricks, pure courting death!


Seeing that Xiaoqing was not in a hurry, he opened his mouth and let out the sound of dragon chant that shocked the whole world.

Under the effect of its ability, the surrounding sea water instantly became extremely violent, like a crazy beast, ferocious and wild. Those sea monsters who were besieging him, hadn't rushed halfway, they were all swept away by the tyrannical and domineering currents, and they didn't know where they went.

Just now, the North Sea Dragon King, who was full of monsters and powerful, arrogant and rampant, only two or three big cats and kittens were left around him in a blink of an eye, and he almost became a bare commander!

The power of the dragon clan's ability to control water can be seen.

"This, this is impossible!"

Seeing this scene, the golden carp demon was immediately frightened and dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at Xiao Qing flying towards him, his eyes were full of horror and disbelief, and he said tremblingly: "What kind of monster are you? The ability to control water is actually better than the elite of our sea monsters!" , is more than a hundred times stronger, how is this possible! You, you must have used some rare treasure artifact!"


Xiaoqing couldn't understand what the golden carp demon was saying at all.

He didn't bother to listen, because to him, the Dragon King of the North Sea was a delicious feast with all the flavors and tastes! Let me ask... do you talk to food, or care about the other person's feelings? Anyway, at this moment, Xiaoqing's only thought is to quickly devour this incomparably fat golden carp demon!

All others stand aside!


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