The Storm God

Chapter 1459 Black Reef Sea Area! (Please subscribe!)

East China Sea coast.

A large number of sea monsters, carrying the stormy waves, wantonly destroyed the coastal areas of the mainland. Countless buildings and facilities were completely destroyed, and there were simply no residents around, so there were not many innocent casualties. But that's the case, the Kraken's actions have also caused great trouble and damage to the East Island resident.

"Damn it!"

The highest officer of the East Island resident had a pale face at this moment.

He didn't understand, why so many sea monsters suddenly appeared, and they looked determined to make trouble, this is illogical! The most important thing is that these sea monsters look quite strange, especially the armor on their bodies, which is actually carrying a bone-piercing freezing air. This seems to be the exclusive equipment of the sea monsters in the North Sea area!

Why did the Kraken from the North Sea come to the East China Sea?

Could it be that something happened among the monster races in the four seas that we don't know about? For example, the alliance of the four great regions!

One thought here.

The chief executive's frown became deeper and deeper.

You must know that whether it is the East Island garrison or the defensive forces in other sea areas, all its large formations, armed forces, and already defending large formations are all set up specifically for the sea monsters in their respective sea areas. Monsters, like spring, summer, autumn and winter, are different, so the methods to deal with them are also different!

If the sea-monsters of the monster races in the four sea areas mix and join forces with each other, then the defensive power of the human race will almost be useless.

Although it is not powerless at all, it is more effective with half the effort.

it's not...

Facing the nearly 2,000 Krakens that swept across the sea.

On the Dongdao garrison, it can be said that a large defensive formation has been activated on the left and right, and even the personnel on vacation have all been called to defend, but the situation on the scene is still very not optimistic. Facing the ice-cold power of the North Sea Kraken, the human race didn't have any good defenses, they could only grit their teeth and suffer heavy losses.

Not long after the two sides fought, the major defensive positions, defense facilities and troops along the East China Sea, which were caught off guard, suffered successive defeats and were almost destroyed. The casualties continued to increase, and they had to retreat again and again. The defense system along the coast of the East China Sea was almost completely paralyzed. If it weren't for the Kraken's inability to go deep into the land, the loss of the human race would have been even more serious.


Just in the nick of time.

The many generals dispatched by the imperial court, as well as the troops led by the masters of the human race, some of them traveled faster, rushed to the vicinity of Yunxie Mountain in the East China Sea in time. Hearing that a large number of Krakens were making trouble in the coastal area, they rushed to support without stopping. With the addition of these new forces, the human race finally gained a firm foothold and gradually formed a confrontation with the sea monster.

And with the continuous expansion and joining of the human army and masters, the tsunami legions in the North Sea also began to suffer a large number of casualties, and the advantage was no longer there. At the same time... the sea monsters under the Dragon King of the East China Sea also put great pressure on him from behind, flanking him from front to back, and under the enemy's abdomen, these tsunami legions could only escape in embarrassment in the end.

On the side of the Siren of the East China Sea, they simply explained the civil strife to the human race, and then they each disappeared.

Only the human side was left in a mess.

lost heavily!


Regarding what happened in the East China Sea.

National Normal University Sima and others just don't care at all. The main purpose of their coming here is the treasure of the Emperor Ren in Yunxie Mountain, including the mobilization of generals and masters at the border defense line, all to guard against Bai Xiaofei and Song Daitian, and steal the treasure of the Emperor Ren when they are not paying attention .


They don't care about anything else!


After the Tsunami Legion was defeated.

These troops and masters who came to support did not stay longer, nor did they help them rebuild their defenses. Instead, they did not say any nonsense, and headed towards Yunxie Mountain directly, and rushed forward. It pissed off a group of loyal and courageous knights stationed in Dongdao!

Regardless of the situation at the Dongdao station.

In Yunxie Mountain.

National Normal University Sima and others have been waiting here for a long time.

With the arrival of generals, masters, and elite troops from all over the country, the entire Yunxie Mountain, under the arrangement of the National Normal University Sima, has already been sentry at every ten steps, and every post at every five steps. There are soldiers on patrol and inspection, and the defense is extremely strict, it is almost impregnable!

Mountain hinterland.

Inside a hidden and vast cave.

The Sima of the National Normal University, the False Renhuang, and other generals who rushed to the scene sat in a circle, discussing something, and it seemed that they were in a meeting. Then I heard Sima of the National Normal University ask in a deep voice: "General Li, has there been any unusual behavior around, or any personnel?"


General Li naturally knew what the national teacher meant, he just wanted to ask if he had any clues about Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian and others. But this is really not there. It's not that I am incompetent, but that everything around me is normal, and I haven't found any clues about them at all. General Li is also very helpless!

"National Division!"

He glanced at Da Sima cautiously, and then said, "Could we have guessed wrong?"

"Absolutely not!"

Da Sima looked determined.

He frowned and gritted his teeth: "The treasure left by Emperor Renhuang is here. Song Daitian and the others will definitely come back, but they don't know when they will come back and how they will come back! General Li, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I will My guess will never go wrong, I will tell you to cheer up and guard closely, and if you find any possible personnel or situations, report them immediately!"


General Li led the way.

Sima of the National Normal University and others continued to stay in the cave, discussing various defense matters.

at the same time.

East China Sea, in the deep sea.

After nearly half an hour of hard work, Bai Xiaofei finally absorbed all the backlash power in the body of Niu Gui Ba Kui, the dragon king of the East China Sea. Without the chaos caused by the power of running away, the body of Niu Gui Ba Kui quickly returned to normal. Of course, the injury has not changed, and even worsened because of it.


These are trivial matters.

After Bai Xiaofei casually took out some natural treasures and gave them to Niugui Bakui, all kinds of injuries, large and small, on his body were quickly restrained and healed. Although he couldn't heal instantly, all the injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. I believe it wouldn't take long for him to fully heal and return to his original state.

"Old cow!"

At this time, Song Daitian also came to Niugui Bakui. Seeing that his old friend was safe and sound, Song Daitian was naturally very happy. He patted his shoulder and said excitedly: "Thank God, you are finally okay! I haven't seen you for more than ten years, I miss you so much!"

"Old Song!"

Hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he laughed loudly, gave Song Daitian a warm hug, and said: "So you are here too! I'm so sorry, I was busy fighting and healing just now, so I didn't notice you! Seeing you like this, it seems He didn’t have any injuries at all, what? Didn’t the dead fish attack you before? This doesn’t seem like his character!”

While Niu Gui Ba Kui was excited, he also looked curious.

As an old enemy, he knows the temper of the Dragon King of the North Sea best. The Golden Carp Demon is arrogant and domineering, arrogant to the extreme. And since the other party came to make trouble, how could they easily let Song Daitian and others go? It's like a tiger switching to a vegetarian diet, a sow climbing a tree, and the sun coming out from the west!


Song Daitian shook his head and smiled, and explained: "Of course not! He wanted to kill us, but his skills were too low, and he was too frightened to make a move after being beaten by Mr. Bai with a sword. But these None of this is the point, the purpose of our coming here is to get clues about the key!"

"Old cow!"

"After so many years, what I entrusted to you, nothing went wrong, right?"

"Take us to have a look!"


A look of can't wait.

"What are you talking about!"

Niugui Bakui gave Song Daitian an angry look, and snorted, "My old cow is that kind of unreliable monster! Don't worry! I have been following your instructions to seal the key clues firmly." And hidden, apart from me, there is absolutely no second monster who knows!"


"I'll take you there!"

"follow me!"


Niugui Bakui finished speaking.

Then he began to wave back the sea monsters around him, let them do their own thing, responsible for arranging the aftermath of the battle, and other various tasks. And he led Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian and others to dive all the way to the bottom of the sea, and soon came to a very secret and deep dark sea area.

According to his introduction;

The clues to the secret key were sealed within this black reef sea area.


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! It's the beginning of the month, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, recommendations, rewards and support, Wuyou is very grateful! 5.1 is here, worry-free living here everyone Happy Labor Day! Go out to play, everything goes well, all wishes come true, good luck, good luck, always eat chicken! mwah!

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