The Storm God

Chapter 1460 What a f*ck! (Please subscribe!)

Vinyl Seas.

Although this place is not as deep as the Grand Canyon, the sea pressure is so strong that it can crush many people and demons to death. But the surrounding area is pitch black, and the terrain is extremely complicated, even more labyrinth than a maze. Even with the eyesight and ability of the monster sea monster, it is difficult to see things here and distinguish the direction.

Only some extremely special marine life can come and go freely here. It is also because of this that Song Daitian and Niugui Bakui will hide the important clues and seals of the key here, otherwise, in other places, accidents of this kind will inevitably happen in the past ten years, if the clues are really lost No, they have nowhere to cry!

Not much gossip.

After coming here, Bai Xiaofei snapped his fingers.

The next moment, he condensed an incomparably bright mana light bullet. The destructive but not dazzling brilliance instantly illuminated a range of hundreds of meters around like a small sun. This made everyone with insufficient eyesight finally be able to clearly see the tip of the iceberg in the Black Reef Sea Area.

"It's spectacular!"

"Such a scene is like a natural maze!"

"It can be described as uncanny workmanship!"


Song Tianyin and the others were immediately amazed.

Such an incomparably magnificent scenery, in the past, it is estimated that they would never have seen it in their entire lives.

"How far is it from the destination?"

Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention to Song Tianyin's and others' reaction at all. His only thought now was to find clues to the key. After going through so much, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to make any more troubles. And Niugui Bakui's answer did not disappoint him, saying: "It's about a kilometer ahead, there is an obvious sign there, and it's easy to find!"


"You lead the way!"

"let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei's words cannot be doubted.

Niugui Bakui nodded, and together with Song Daitian, walked ahead to open the way, Bai Xiaofei was in the middle, Song Tianyin and others were in the back, and a group of people quickly swam towards the depths of the natural labyrinth of the Black Reef Sea Area. The terrain here is complicated, if not for the old driver Niugui Bakui leading the way, ordinary people, or sea monsters, let alone looking for clues to the key, it would be very difficult to get out of here smoothly .


They are fast.

Within a few minutes, a group of people saw from a distance that there was a pointed coral hill like a tower in front of them. The Dragon King of the East China Sea pointed to the hill and said, "The clue to the secret key is under the Needle Mountain! However, we have set up an enchantment and a trap on the Needle Mountain, and any person or monster who approaches will be attacked. .”

"Wait here for a while, I'll come as soon as I go!"


The voice just fell.

Niu Gui Ba Kui left the team alone.

At the same time, he also showed his own weapon in his hand, it was the trident that could suppress the ability of ordinary sea monsters. Bai Xiaofei observed intently, and found that the trident of the Dragon King of the East China Sea was like a signal tower at the moment, releasing a special signal wave, which reflected the needle mountain in the distance, and seemed to be matching and connecting.

this time.

Things are going much better.

No accident happened, Niu Gui Ba Kui soon approached Needle Mountain. Then under his black-box operation, the towering mountain of needles trembled violently, and quickly transformed into a huge and magnificent coral flower in the shape of a lotus under the astonished eyes of Bai Xiaofei and the others. And in the center of the flower, there is a golden treasure box placed upright.

It is clear.

The clue of the key should be hidden in the treasure box.

Seeing the treasure box, Bai Xiaofei and the others' eyes lit up immediately, but they didn't rush over there in a hurry, but patiently waited for the signal from Niu Gui Ba Kui.

At this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was not in a hurry to get the treasure box in the middle of the coral flower, but stood on the spot, pinched the seal formula with his hands, his body was full of monster power, and the trident in his hand was waving vigorously like a dancing god. It seems that some kind of special ceremony is going on. And following his behavior, the huge lotus-shaped coral flower began to decay rapidly.


When the coral flowers wither completely.

The golden treasure box placed at its core suddenly flashed with golden light, and with a "click", it was opened slowly by itself.



With the opening of the treasure box, a cloud of incomparably pitch-black, evil-looking, domineering black smoke shot out of it suddenly.

The big cloud of strange smoke that came out was like a fierce ghost and evil spirit, with noses and eyes, teeth and claws, and a fierce appearance, but the time of existence was very short. Like snow, it quickly faded and dissolved, and disappeared.

See here.

Song Tianyin and the others couldn't help trembling in their hearts, and secretly said: "What a vicious scheme!"

Now, how can they fail to understand that if this treasure box is snatched by others, without knowing the mechanism, if they open it rashly, they will definitely be attacked by this fierce ghost and evil spirit. And breath, the strength of this fierce ghost and evil spirit is extraordinary, and it is estimated that there are not many people and monsters who can defend against it!


Bai Xiaofei's abnormality is an exception.

As everyone knows, even the abnormally powerful Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but gasp after seeing the strange smoke, his eyes were full of shock and fear. Because...he has already seen the origin of the strange smoke. The other party is neither human nor demon, but a kind of evil spirit like a ghost, and it is also a very powerful kind!

Even with the strength of Bai Xiaofei's soul, if he is caught off guard and is attacked and attacked by the opponent, although he will not die on the spot, he will still suffer great damage! The most important thing is that these injuries are not related to the physical body, but directly to the power of the soul!

As for the soul, it is Bai Xiaofei's shortcoming!

Even a freak with a strong soul like Bai Xiaofei couldn't resist the opponent, which shows how powerful and powerful this evil spirit is.

Change to an ordinary person, or a demon.


It is no exaggeration to say something.

Once you encounter this evil spirit, you will definitely end up being tortured by instant killing and blood!

Bai Xiaofei knew that Song Daitian was thoughtful and meticulous in his work, but he never expected that the other party's level of care would be so outrageous. With the treasure box in hand, it is estimated that everyone will be careless, but Song Daitian just took this opportunity and set the deadliest trap in the treasure box!

This is simply a ruthless and vicious move to draw fire from the bottom of the pot!

And most importantly;

This is not their last resort!

After the evil spirit dissipated, I saw Niu Gui Ba Kui, the seal formula changed again, and the movements of Tiao Dashen also changed a style. At the same time, the treasure box flashed with golden light, and it was immediately sealed tightly , Countless mysterious and unpredictable runes, like tadpoles, densely covered its whole body.


In the unbelievable eyes of everyone.

Seeing that the trembling, violently frantic golden treasure box shrank suddenly, it directly turned into a weird key pattern with six corners! Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Damn it! What an exquisite and unparalleled design! Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous treasure box itself is the secret we are looking for!" key, spoon!"

"The so-called clues in the box are all fake!"


Someone is immediately amazed.

Song Daitian and Niugui Bakui's various protections for the key, as well as the heavy design of the agency's traps, can be said to be admired and sincerely convinced!

This is the first time even Bai Xiaofei has seen such a coquettish and ghostly operation!

There is simply no one left!

one word -

It's so cute!


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! It's the beginning of the month, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, recommendations, rewards and support, Wuyou is very grateful! 5.1 is here, worry-free living here everyone Happy Labor Day! Go out to play, everything goes well, all wishes come true, good luck, good luck, always eat chicken! mwah!

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