The Storm God

Chapter 1461 Martial Emperor Excalibur! (Please subscribe!)

Qingshui Town.

The people laughed and laughed happily.

Little did he know that there were no less than a hundred monsters, wearing human skins, sneaking in majestically under the cover of the Tianshi Hall in Qingshui Town. These monsters moved in an orderly manner and had a clear division of labor. Some went to the residence of the government yamen, some hid in the important defensive areas of the city gate, and the other part sneaked into the branch of the Tianshitang.

These three important places can be said to be the top priority of the town. Once any major hidden dangers appear, the entire Qingshui Town will be as if it is not fortified, allowing the enemy to come and go freely.

And the most critical one is the Qingshui Town branch of Tianshitang.

To know.

This is not only a gathering place for celestial masters.

At the same time, there are also many kinds of monsters imprisoned inside. Although most of them are relatively weak existences, they can't stand the large number! If Tianshitang fails to let these monsters go free, and their hatred for the human race is used to make troubles, the consequences will be unimaginable!


For the guards who imprisoned the monsters, in the Tianshitang, no matter whether it is a branch or the headquarters, they all attach great importance to it, and dare not be careless in the slightest. For thousands of years, even though some monsters escaped from the Heavenly Master Hall by chance, they were only rare cases, and they were quickly captured by the Heavenly Masters without causing too much chaos.


To this day, even the head of the branch hall, the elder brother of the Tianshitang, has been replaced by Chi Tianba of the Yaozu, who has obtained a great right to speak in the Tianshitang, and knows many celestial masters. Hall of Secrets. In this way, the situation of Tianshitang will be very bad. Once the monster race starts to act, the situation of the human race can be imagined, and it must be precarious!

The most important thing is that not only Qingshui Town, but also most other towns are like this.


Even a metropolis like Shuntian Mansion, as well as more than a dozen dangerous places on the border defense line, have appeared because of the large-scale deployment of troops by the Grand Master of the National Normal University and the withdrawal of most of the defensive soldiers and masters. There were so many hidden dangers and loopholes that the Yaozu took advantage of the gap, took advantage of the loopholes, and lurked in without a hitch.

Only in Chang'an, the capital, because of the special geographical environment and the situation inside, the Yaozu did not successfully invade.

But these are not important.


The vast majority of towns were lost.

Chang'an in Kyoto seems to have become the existence of a polished commander!

Once the monsters attack on a large scale, all sides of the human race will be attacked, and if many towns are lost one after another, a large number of monsters will drive straight in and besiege the capital from all directions. Even if Chang'an's defense is invincible, and the monster clan can't get in, just besiege without attacking, I'm afraid everyone in Chang'an city will be besieged to death!


Yaozu moved very quickly.

Taking advantage of the time when Grand Master Sima mobilized soldiers and horses from all over the country to rush to Yunxie Mountain to ambush Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian and others in the hinterland of Emperor Ren's treasure, and when the four seas caused great chaos to the coastal areas of the mainland. It went very smoothly in the major cities and towns of the human race, the important borders, the dangerous passes... etc., and successfully buried the dark chess nails.

Just wait for an order.

Countless monster races that have already been fully prepared will rush towards the human race like a tide.

And all of this, the human race is unaware of it!

at the same time……

East China Sea.

The core area of ​​the Black Reef Sea Area.

Niugui Bakui refused to accept everyone's expectations, and after a lot of effort, he finally successfully took out the key.

He quickly swam back to Bai Xiaofei, and said with a smile: "Mr. Bai, this is the thing that Lao Song entrusted for safekeeping and protection. He once said that once this thing is taken out, the matter has reached an irreparable crisis , Did any drastic changes happen to the human race? Do you need our help from the East China Sea?"

This old cow has a warm heart, but he has a chivalrous spirit.

"I don't need it for now!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "You Donghai have just gone through the chaos of war, and there are still many things waiting for you to deal with. We will do our best for the situation on the human side. If you really need help, Uncle Song will not I'm being polite to you. But our top priority right now is to settle the matter of Emperor Ren's legacy!"


He got the key that Niu Gui Ba Kui handed over.

Bai Xiaofei used his mental strength to scan it carefully, and found that the material of the key was very special, it turned out to be a substance that he had never seen before. It is neither metal nor iron nor wood, but it has all the characteristics of the three, and it seems to be able to absorb all powers such as mana, inner energy, and spiritual power.

The key just fell into his hands.

He was surprised to feel that the energy in his body, even the spiritual power to detect it, was being absorbed crazily. It's as if a person who was crazy from hunger suddenly saw a delicious meal from the mountains, and the appearance of eating was so cruel. Moreover, his belly was astonishingly large, with Bai Xiaofei's strength, about one-tenth of his strength was absorbed in an instant!

"What a key!"

In this situation, Bai Xiaofei did not panic or fear.

It's only one-tenth of the power, if you feed it, you can feed it, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care at all, what makes him extremely excited is that there is a strange breath of life in this secret key, just like the spirit of the divine sword. While absorbing Bai Xiaofei's strength, the opponent is also feeding back a lot of information to Bai Xiaofei.

for example……

Where is the Martial Emperor's Excalibur!

That's right! It was the divine sword used by Emperor Wu to open up the deep valley with one sword!

According to the feedback information from the key, the key in Bai Xiaofei's hand is actually a fake, it's just the key to unlock the sealed Martial Emperor's Excalibur. And Emperor Ren's relic, that is, the practice method passed down by the human emperors of the Monster Hunt world, the source of all the skills and spells of the celestial masters, and its real key is the Martial Emperor Excalibur!

Without the Martial Emperor Excalibur, even if you are capable to the sky, it is impossible to obtain the inheritance!

The key to absorb Bai Xiaofei's power is a test in itself, if Bai Xiaofei is not strong enough to get the approval of the key, it is impossible to get the information feedback from the key, and naturally he will not be able to get the whereabouts of the Martial Emperor's Sword! This is the fundamental reason why Song Daitian possessed the secret key back then, but was unable to inherit the legacy of Emperor Renhuang!

The test of the key is just one of them.

After that, he still needs to be recognized by the Martial Emperor's Excalibur. Only by proving his own strength can he be qualified to use the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, and then inherit the Renhuang's legacy!

Although Song Daitian's strength is good, but compared to ordinary celestial masters, it is too ordinary for real practitioners. He is nothing more than an ordinary martial artist. And this kind of strength obviously cannot be recognized by the key. Even if he barely passes the first level, the next level of the Martial Emperor's Sword is absolutely impossible!


Even the mighty Emperor Ren.

Back then, he barely got the nod of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur and obtained the qualification to start the inheritance, but he didn't get the real approval of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, so that Emperor Ren couldn't use the Martial Emperor's Excalibur from beginning to end. Otherwise... with the Divine Sword in hand, let alone a single Grand Sima, even facing thousands of Grand Sima, it is not enough to strike with the Divine Sword!


After getting this information.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sighing, it seems that things are not as simple as he imagined, traps, traps, tests, approvals, one after another, in order to protect the inheritance of the emperors of the past, these people really worked hard. But that's good too, because the more this is the case, the more it proves that Renhuang's Legacy is definitely a good thing!

And as long as there are priceless treasures, someone is very interested!

And it is inevitable!


Putting away the secret key, Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly, looked at the western position of the sea with deep eyes, and muttered to himself: "Is the Martial Emperor's Excalibur in Xishuangmangfuling? It's far away from the coast of the East China Sea." , it seems to be very far away, it seems that I have to go back and forth again!"

And this time.

Song Daitian couldn't wait to come to Bai Xiaofei, and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Bai, how is it? After you got the key, did you get any important clues? According to my estimation, your strength is unparalleled, and you should be able to satisfy The request for the key is approved, right?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Then he said: "As you expected, I did get a lot of information, but now is not the time to talk about it. Next, I'm going to Xishuangmang Fuling, where fierce monsters often appear. The bandit Cao Mang also Xiao Xiao gathered here, it can be said that there are dangers everywhere, so you don't have to follow!"

It's not that he thinks that Song Daitian and others can't deal with the monster beasts there.

To be honest, with a pervert like Bai Xiaofei around, what kind of ghosts and goblins can act fiercely in front of him? The reason why Bai Xiaofei didn't let Song Daitian and others go was because of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur. According to the information fed back by the key, the power of the Martial Emperor's Divine Sword is unpredictable. It will destroy mountains and rivers and the earth. Even if it is just a sword pressure, it is extremely fierce. If the strength is not enough, it is very likely to be persecuted to death by the sword pressure!

Anyway, Song Daitian no longer needs to be the old driver to lead the way for the next thing.


For safety reasons.

It's better for Bai Xiaofei to go alone!

Even if there are any dangers and accidents, with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he can protect himself and escape anyway. If Song Daitian, Song Tianyin and others were added, then it might be possible. In case one is caught off guard, the rescue is not timely, and there is some casualty and bloodshed, it will be depressing and sad!

"All right!"

Hearing this, Song Daitian and the others were slightly taken aback, then nodded with a wry smile. Although Bai Xiaofei didn't say it clearly, they are not stupid, and they all understand that their own strength is low. During the trip to Xishuangmang Fuling, not only could they not bring Bai Xiaofei any help, they might even drag Bai Xiaofei down.

Instead of following Bai Xiaofei and being a fool, it's better to spare time and go to other things.

It can be regarded as indirectly helping Bai Xiaofei.

So far.

Song Daitian and others tactfully changed the topic.

Don't talk about it any more.


And just at this time.

Not far away, there was a faint dragon chant, and it was Bai Xiaofei's pet Xiaoqing who came.


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