The Storm God

Chapter 1463: Paradise of Bliss! (Please subscribe!)


In a secret cave.

Penny, Fat Ying, and a group of unidentified monsters are gathered together at this moment, and it seems that they are also in a meeting. And Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, Voldemort Fire Demon, who was just taken in before, has shrunk in size, lying in a corner not far away like an old man, sleeping soundly, not in shape at all!

on this...

Although the demons were dissatisfied, they just frowned slightly and didn't say much.

Who made them stronger!

bear with it!

Just pretend you didn't see it.

"you sure?"

One of the monsters looked at Penny and Fat Ying in surprise, frowned and said, "Where did you get the news? If it's just a guess, we can't take this risk. There are so many, we can't afford to compete with our power, which is far less than 1% of the other party!"

turn out to be……

Penny and Fat Ying got the news from nowhere, saying that the new demon king is gathering troops and secretly infiltrating into the human realm, thus letting go of his foundation in the demon tribe. Such a great opportunity is a great opportunity for the old demon king and his old party to counterattack. If it succeeds, the foundation of the new demon king will be destroyed, and the opponent will be attacked by the enemy.

At that time, there will be no need for the monsters to exert any power at all. The force of the human race alone is estimated to be able to defeat all the evil forces such as the new demon king, so as to restore the monster race to a bright future. As for this proposal, most of the monsters present were naturally skeptical and disagreed.

They think it's too risky!

Even if the news is true, with the cunning personality of the new demon king, it is impossible to be unprepared, and with the weak strength of the old demon king and the old party, even if they all go, the possibility of success is unlikely to be great. To put it bluntly, this is simply death, without absolute certainty, they will not take risks easily.


They are not afraid of death.

If they are afraid of death, they will not fight against the new demon king. They feel that it is not worth it.

A majestic and mighty monster with very good strength, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Pendant, it's not impossible for us to go, have to give us a reassurance first. For example Said, to a powerful existence like Voldemort, there are a few more!"


"It's all right to ask that human being with terrifying strength to help, and I believe that none of you will have any opinions."

"But with us alone, we can only say sorry!"


The voice just fell.

The other demons immediately nodded in agreement.


Penny and Fat Ying were slightly taken aback.

Although they understood the demands of the demons, they were unable to fulfill them.

An elf monster like the Voldemort Fire Demon is extremely rare, and even if he encounters it by chance, it is still unknown whether it can be as powerful as the Voldemort Fire Demon. As for Bai Xiaofei? Obediently! This was originally a task entrusted to him by others, but now they are asked to turn to Bai Xiaofei for help, what kind of thing is this!

"Let's end here for today's meeting!"

"Let's discuss and discuss!"


All the monsters left one after another.

Only Penny and Fat Ying were left, the Voldemort Demon who was still soundly asleep. The Voldemort demon is like the old man, it is estimated that even if he asks, there will be no results, so he simply doesn't count on him. Penny and Fat Ying started a discussion about whether to ask Bai Xiaofei for help.

at last……

The two demons decided to wait and see.

No matter how fast the new demon king's action is, the demon clan and the human race are hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it is a large-scale operation, so it will take some time. They still have enough time to investigate and agree on a strategy. If they can solve it on their own side, then they can solve it by themselves.

If the situation is really a last resort, it will not be too late to ask Bai Xiaofei to take action at that time.

Regardless of what happened to Penny and Fat Ying.

the other side.

After Song Daitian and others returned to Shuntian Mansion.

It didn't take long to see Boss Ge. Before they came to remember to tell the results of this operation, they were immediately stunned by the news brought by Boss Ge: "What did you say? The new demon king has dispatched a large number of monsters, Secretly lurking in the major towns and important places of the human race, only with the order of the new demon king, they will take advantage of the emptiness and attack the human race?"

"That's right!"

Boss Ge said seriously: "After I got the news, I also found it unbelievable. I asked many times and found out that it was true, so I wanted to contact you immediately, but the distance was too far, so I couldn't convey it in time. Fortunately, you guys came back. It's not too late, we still have time to respond!"


"Why are there only a few of you?"

"Where is the master?"

In Boss Ge's view.

Song Daitian and the others are just Bai Xiaofei's followers, and only the master Bai Xiaofei can handle major events such as countering the new demon king's massive attack.


Boss Ge's eyes didn't hide at all.

Seeing that the other party looked down on him and others at all, Song Daitian and others were so angry that they were despised by a monster. But now that the situation is critical, it is not the time to care about these things. Song Daitian frowned and said: "Mr. Bai is rushing to Xishuangmang Fuling, busy to get the approval of Martial Emperor Excalibur, we'd better not disturb him!"

"That's right!"

Song Tianyin and Song Daitian are connected with each other.

Hearing this, he immediately raised his neck and said: "Although we are not very capable, we can still help a little bit!"


Boss Ge was speechless for a while.

So far, what else can he say, so he has to leave it at that.

at the same time.

East China Sea.

Under the healing medicine given by Bai Xiaofei, Niu Gui Ba Kui quickly recovered. Not only that, but the strength has also been greatly improved. With his confidence greatly increased, he didn't dare to be negligent. He ordered some sea monsters to stay in the East China Sea base camp, and then led a large number of elite troops to rush towards the North Sea area.

The Golden Carp Demon, the Dragon King of the North Sea, is dead.

Without this extremely difficult opponent, as long as the two dragon kings of the South China Sea and the West Sea do not make a move, there will be almost no sea monsters in the entire North Sea who are the opponents of Niugui Bakui. In addition, the divine weapon trident can absolutely suppress ordinary sea monsters. It can be said that there is no pressure to subdue the forces in the Beihai region!

As everyone knows.

The two dragon kings of the South Sea and the West Sea.

When he was sleeping and dormant, he was conspired to death by the Dragon King of the North Sea, and even the sea monsters in the two major sea regions all surrendered to the Golden Carp Demon. And... At this time, the other three sea areas, after receiving the order of the new demon king, are launching harassing attacks on the coastal areas of the human continent. There is not much defense force in the headquarters.

After Niu Gui Ba Kui went, it was like a joke, and he subdued the Kraken forces in the North Sea area with ease. Not only that, after learning about the situation in the other two major sea areas, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was not stupid, and immediately led a large number of elites towards the South China Sea and the West Sea in a aggressive manner.

It is clear;

He is going to go all out and completely win the four sea areas!


This is something for later, let's not mention it for now.

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei rode Xiaoqing, flying at full speed all the way.

It took about two hours and finally arrived at the destination Xishuangmang Fuling. It is very close to the day and night circle of the extreme north of the planet, so the climate is really cold. In addition, it is located in the extreme west, the land is barren, and the mountains are one after another, rolling up and down, endless, and rarely populated, so it looks very desolate.


The mineral deposits here are very rich.

Therefore, even though this is a barren land, there are countless merchants coming and going. It is precisely because of this that countless reckless bandits have been born. Taking advantage of the terrain of the mountains and mountains, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack, they start to rob houses, seek wealth and kill their lives; and among them, there are also monsters.


This is a criminal's paradise.

Even if it is the power of the imperial court, it is difficult to flex its muscles here and eliminate all kinds of evil forces among the mountains. Over time, Xishuangmang Fuling gained the title of "Western Ultimate Bliss", implying that endless wealth and dangers are bred here. It is not only a paradise for businessmen and reckless bandits, but also a paradise for countless unlucky people!

If you are lucky, this place is naturally like a paradise, allowing you to have infinite wealth and do whatever you want.

If you're unlucky, it's early bliss!


This is for ordinary people, such as Bai Xiaofei's strength against the sky, the so-called bliss is simply a joke. During this journey, Bai Xiaofei didn't even move his hands, just because of Xiaoqing's incomparably powerful dragon power and dragon chant, he killed countless bandits and monsters.

"finally reached!"


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