The Storm God

Chapter 1464 You are mine! (Please subscribe!)

According to the information fed back by the key, the Martial Emperor's Excalibur is located in the center of the West Shuangmang Floating Ridge—by the Fenglin Lake. The Fenglin Lake is the only water source within tens of thousands of miles of Xishuangmang Fuling. It is like an oasis in the desert, representing the hope of survival, but it is also full of extreme danger.


Bai Xiaofei was in the sky above the Fenglin Lake.

Looking down, I saw a huge clear lake tens of kilometers long, lying there quietly, sparkling, reflecting the blue sky, surrounded by maple forests, and the herd of beasts jubilant, like a party A blissful Eden without any strife. Of course... these are just superficial phenomena!

In this beautiful environment.

Bai Xiaofei's mental power detected no less than dozens of reckless bandits or monsters hiding in the dark, patiently waiting for their prey, just like a murderer with his bloody mouth wide open, waiting for his prey to come to his door. Of course, he didn't care about these monsters at all. What Bai Xiaofei really wanted to find was to seal the entrance of the Martial Emperor's Sword!

The power of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur is earth-shattering. Naturally, it is impossible to throw it casually on the Fuling Ridge in Xishuangmang without taking any precautions. According to the information fed back from the key, the Fenglin Lakeside is just a reflection and illusion of the seal. Only by finding the entrance and opening the organ with the key can one enter the sealed place.

But what is deceiving is that the key is not mentioned at all where the entrance is. Bai Xiaofei estimates that this is probably a test!

But such a small matter, of course, wouldn't bother Bai Xiaofei.

After a while.

Relying on the huge and incomparable mental power.

Bai Xiaofei carefully inspected the entire Fenglin Lake, and finally found an abnormality near the water source of a towering tree. The energy fluctuations here, as well as the connection between the water flow and the trees, are far more peculiar than other places around. If the frequency in other places is compared to 200, then the frequency here is about 190!

The difference is not very big, and it is difficult for ordinary people to notice it.


This is the only exception.


Bai Xiaofei let out a drink.

The latter understood immediately, moved his body, and carried Bai Xiaofei down the clouds.

The terrifying figure hundreds of feet tall, and the unrivaled ferocious aura of divine power all shocked the reckless bandits and monsters by the Fenglin Lake. I couldn't help trembling, and said to myself: "My God! When did such a great god come to the Paradise? Did he just pass by, or was he just idle, and came here for fun?"

This moment.

They all have only one idea.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, this kind of awesome existence, it is better for me to provoke less, each of them retreated away very wisely.

And Bai Xiaofei;

After realizing this situation.

He didn't care about it either, the Martial Emperor's Excalibur he was most concerned about right now was nothing more than the savvy bandits and monsters around him, if anyone dared to take a step further, he would have some evil intentions. Bai Xiaofei has no intention of wasting time with these rubbish, he will definitely kill the opponent on the spot without hesitation, so as to prevent future troubles!


As Xiaoqing's mutated dragon landed on the ground, the surrounding beasts immediately panicked and fled. Within a radius of ten miles, it turned into an open space in an instant, except for Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing, there were no other creatures, including all the fish, shrimps and crabs in the Fenglin Lake, all obediently evacuated from this water area, so as not to harm the fish in the pond, He lost his life for nothing.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about other things.

He didn't cast any enchantment or anything, just summoned the key directly, and then used the power of his mind to remotely place it at the place where the towering tree meets the water source by the Fenglin Lake. And as the key got closer, bursts of golden light began to burst out from its body.

It's like a bright light.

The closer it is, the brighter and brighter the golden light on the key will be.

"I guessed right!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up immediately, excited and excited, he controlled the movement of the key, and couldn't help but go faster. The next moment, the key finally arrived at the destination, and under the incomparably dazzling golden light, at the place where the towering tree meets the water source, there was a "swish" suddenly, reflecting a scene depicted by countless mysterious runes. The shape of the door.

"This is... a portal?"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, without hesitation, he took Xiaoqing into the dimensional space, and with a movement of his body, he flew there like lightning, reached out to catch the key, and imprinted it in a key hole on the rune door. The next moment, the formation was activated. Bai Xiaofei's intuition was that the world was spinning, and the countless things in front of him were changing rapidly, as if falling into a bottomless abyss, which made him feel dizzy for a long time.

It all came and went quickly.

almost instantly;

Bai Xiaofei returned to normal.

After calming down, he looked around and found that he had come to a special space.

The place here is not big, only about the size of a football field, and it is pitch black, as if there is nothing, but when the spiritual power touches the mysterious darkness, you can clearly feel the obvious and real sense of a barrier, as if a An invisible wall completely cut off all exploration and access.

In the middle of the space is a circular altar. The altar was only the size of a table, ancient and desolate, full of the long atmosphere of history, and covered with some mysterious runes that Bai Xiaofei couldn't understand, giving people a sense of ignorance. And in the center of it, there is a sword with an aura and a more ancient feeling.

"Martial Emperor Excalibur!"

Seeing the sword, Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up immediately, and his heart was full of excitement and excitement.

Although almost the entire Excalibur disappeared into the altar, leaving only a pitiful hilt exposed, but with Bai Xiaofei's extraordinary eyesight, it was not difficult for him to see how awesome and powerful this sword was. Because just a sword hilt gave him a sense of incomparable depth and vastness like an abyss!

A mere hilt of a sword can bring so much pressure to a powerhouse like Bai Xiaofei, how unnatural the whole sword must be!

"Be good!"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help swallowing secretly.

The excitement in my heart couldn't be more exciting, and I said excitedly: "As expected of Zeng Yijian who cut out the Martial Emperor's Excalibur stretching for tens of thousands of kilometers, it is really awesome! This sturdy breath, such a shocking sense of oppression, this power is suffocating. The sharpness of the blade... Hehe! Not bad! Very good! This is what I call a divine sword!"

"Martial Emperor Divine Sword, you really did not disappoint me!"

"you belong With Me!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei already took a step forward, stretching out his hand to hold the hilt of the Excalibur.

He couldn't wait to take it out of the altar, and then take it completely as his own. Unexpectedly... the moment Bai Xiaofei held the Excalibur in his hand, a vast and infinite amount of information and power poured into Bai Xiaofei's body from the Excalibur, like a flood that broke a dike.


Someone immediately yelled.

The voice was extremely miserable, as if he was enduring some inhuman pain, Bai Xiaofei's body was shaking like an electric shock, frantically and violently shaking back and forth. Fortunately, this process did not last long, only a few seconds. But when everything stopped, Bai Xiaofei also fell straight on the ground, as if dead, without a sound!


The Martial Emperor's Excalibur groaned and trembled.

At this moment, it seemed to have self-awareness. After Bai Xiaofei fell to the ground, it was automatically freed from the seal of the altar. It broke free from Bai Xiaofei's palm, and then, like a spirit snake, it flew around Bai Xiaofei several times in the air, as if looking at Bai Xiaofei.

After a while.

The Martial Emperor's Excalibur finally turned into a golden light, which sank into the center of Bai Xiaofei's eyebrows.

And there...

It is where the three-eyed pupil is located.


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