The Storm God

Chapter 1465 Bookish! (Please subscribe!)


"What's wrong with me?"

"Where is this?"


In a daze.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly regained consciousness, but found that he was in an even more fantastic and weird space. And his own form is not the physical body, but the state of the conscious soul. It was as if his own soul had been imprisoned and sealed in an empty space, surrounded by desolation and darkness.

next moment.

His brows raised suddenly, and he suddenly realized: "At that time, I was about to take out the Martial Emperor Excalibur from the sealing altar, and then I was suddenly bombarded by a tremendous force. Could it be... I was killed by the Excalibur? Was beaten to death and entered the underworld? But it’s not right, my Myriad Demon Blood Eyes can prevent two death crises, so there’s no reason to be bombarded to death three times on the spot!”

"I must be alive!"


Bai Xiaofei was extremely firm in his belief.

Afterwards, he hurriedly tried to call the little boy to confirm his guess.


Nothing came of it.

Although Bai Xiaofei could clearly sense the real existence of the little boy, but the connection with him seemed to be forcibly blocked by some special force. It was as if the mobile phone signal had entered the elevator and was blocked, Bai Xiaofei couldn't contact the little kid at all.

Just when he was depressed and frightened.

A figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere, flashed in front of Bai Xiaofei abruptly, and really shocked him.

This figure is illusory, unidentifiable and sharp. Although it is impossible to see its true appearance, it can feel that the other party is very powerful, and its aura is also very ancient, as if it is an ancient existence that has lived for countless tens of thousands of years. Just look at it , it makes people feel a sense of incomparable insignificance and immaturity.

It was the first time for Bai Xiaofei to encounter such an existence, and he couldn't help being amazed, and couldn't help but began to look up, down, left, and right carefully, with a look of curiosity. And that figure didn't care about Bai Xiaofei's behavior, but just like a virtual program set by a computer, it began to tell the whole story on its own.

turn out to be……

It was he who pulled Bai Xiaofei's soul into this strange space.

And its purpose is to test Bai Xiaofei's ability. If he succeeds, he will be qualified to use and hold the Martial Emperor's Excalibur. Of course... all memories about the Martial Emperor's Excalibur will be forcibly erased by this figure without leaving a trace.

As for the test?

It is also extremely simple to say.

At that time, this figure will summon three virtual images with different levels of strength, as long as Bai Xiaofei can defeat them, he will be considered as passing the test.

What is worth mentioning is that in this space, there is no so-called time. As long as Bai Xiaofei does not admit defeat, even if he fails at the beginning and is beaten down, he can still choose to continue to challenge and fight forever until Beat the opponent, or give up completely!

"The test begins!"

The phantom has no emotion whatsoever.

Just after introducing the whole story, he didn't give Bai Xiaofei any time to react and digest, and immediately started the trial with Bai Xiaofei.


The phantom figure disappeared.

At the same time, a solid figure of a man emerged instantly.

This man looks refined and refined, with a strong bookish air, he seems to be a scholar. What he holds in his hand is not a scroll, but a sword. This sword is also very special, as thin as a cicada's wing, with countless scriptures and characters shining on it, giving people a sense of inexplicable power that is as vast as an abyss. .

"So strong!"

Seeing this man's figure, Bai Xiaofei's pupils suddenly shrank.

He could clearly feel that the opponent's strength was very strong, and he was by no means an easy person. Although the opponent did nothing, it brought him an unprecedented sense of oppression. Especially that sword, just a simple glance, made Bai Xiaofei feel like a thorn in the back of the crisis!

This is definitely a strong opponent!


The enemy is now.

Immediately, Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to study and complain about this boring trial.

Having said that, Bai Xiaofei didn't go through this kind of trial once or twice, but now that he encounters it again, he already has immunity. For the current plan, deal with the enemy in front of you, think of a way, how can you defeat the opponent, and pass the trial smoothly.

He tested his abilities.


Bai Xiaofei was pleasantly surprised to find out.

The state of my soul is very special, far from what it was when my soul came out of the body. Only by using the Nine Spirits and Stars Art can I borrow the power of the physical body. Now... Bai Xiaofei seems to be an entity, except for certain special powers, such as Chakra, Ten Thousand Demon Blood Eyes, and ninjutsu, which cannot be used; You can use it as you like!

He suddenly had a kind of enlightenment.

Could this be a test of my own practice and skills passed down by the emperors of the past dynasties?


Don't wait for him to think about it.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt his hand sink, and looked intently, it turned out that there was an extra sword. Of course, it's not a magic weapon, just a very ordinary iron sword. It seems... this strange space, or the trial, can sense that Bai Xiaofei's strongest martial skills and cultivation techniques are on the way of swordsmanship.


Why not give him a knife?

Closer to home, the moment the iron sword fell into Bai Xiaofei's hands, the man raised the sword and launched a fierce and domineering attack on Bai Xiaofei. In an instant, the sword qi was flying horizontally and horizontally, and the sword intent was all over the sky! The strange sword skill that can't be traced, just beat Bai Xiaofei so helplessly that he retreated again and again, what a mess!


"The sword technique used by the opponent is so shocking. Although it looks simple, it seems to contain infinite mysteries. Every move and style contains profound meaning, making people unpredictable, unable to resist and counterattack, it is incredible! I can't imagine this. There are still such awesome people in the world of Yaoji!"

"Who is this man?"


Bai Xiaofei was shocked inexplicably.

Afterwards, not to be left behind, with a move of his sword heart, the sword energy of the Heaven Severing Sword surged like a spring, and with the endless fighting intent of rushing vertically and horizontally, he began to try to counterattack the opponent's shocking sword skills. It's a pity... no matter how hard Bai Xiaofei tried, the opponent could calmly neutralize all his attacks one by one, even such special skills as Wan Jian Gui Zong and Jian Twenty-Three (false) were no exception. !

"This, how is this possible?"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

He never imagined that his strongest sword skill, in the hands of the other party, was easily dispelled by the other party like a child playing house. Such a terrifying attainment in the way of swords is completely beyond Bai Xiaofei's imagination And cognition, smashed his inner arrogance and self-confidence to pieces in an instant!

"Be good!"

This is the first level of the trial, but there are still two more difficult tests later on. The first level is so perverted, so how outrageous are the next two levels? Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei's heart was filled with despair: "My strongest sword skill doesn't have any effect, so how can I fight like this?!"

Confidence crumbled.

Bai Xiaofei's sword heart and sword intent were naturally greatly affected, and the power and beauty of sword skills could not be fully displayed.

The next moment, the scholar's sword, like an antelope's horns, took advantage of Bai Xiaofei's distraction, and passed through the blockade of his sword, and in a second it was placed on Bai Xiaofei's throat. It only needs to stab forward a little bit closer, and Bai Xiaofei's life can be killed.


The other party did not do so.

But the scholar man smiled slightly, followed by suddenly retracting his sword, and kept nodding his head and said: "Not bad! Not bad! Young man, you were able to persevere to such a degree in my [Scholar's Business Qi Sword], and finally lost because of distraction." , among all the testers, you are still the first, and you can see that your sword skills and strength are quite good!"

"I, Emperor Wen, approve of you!"


The words should just fall.

The scholar's figure suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared completely.

Bai Xiaofei completely froze in place.

"Emperor Wen?!"


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