The Storm God

Chapter 1466 My god breaks the void! (Please subscribe!)

"That scholar man is actually the first emperor in the rumored world of Monster Hunting, the lord of the human race who created a prosperous age of coexistence of humans and monsters--Emperor Wen?" Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, and he dared not believe it. He had made countless guesses about the scholar man, but he never expected that the identity of the other party turned out to be the emperor of the human race!

It's incredible!

But it's right to think about it carefully. Those who can easily block Bai Xiaofei's Wanjian Guizong, Jian Twenty-Three, and Tianzhan Sword Intent, looking at the entire Monster Hunt world, it is estimated that apart from the mysterious origin and unpredictable human race Apart from the Lord, I am afraid that there is no one else.

"Unexpectedly, Emperor Wen's strength and swordsmanship are so powerful!" After regaining his senses, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help admiring him, and secretly praised: "As expected of the first emperor of the human race, it is really extraordinary! And... this It's just a virtual image in the trial, if the real Emperor Wen is here, how terrifying would it be?"


And just when Bai Xiaofei was amazed.

Not far in front of him, there was a sudden flash, and a figure once again condensed. This person also looks like a man, compared to Emperor Wen's elegant appearance, this figure is much more domineering. With a burly body and powerful body, with a wild aura, he is not angry and majestic. The first feeling and impression given to people is that this person is quite difficult to mess with!


The wild man also held a sword in his hand.

However, this sword looks unremarkable, except that it is tougher and thicker, which is very good for slashing. In terms of the overall feeling, there is not much bright spot. Compared with the unknown sharp sword in Emperor Wen's hand, it is like a sky, a ground, completely incomparable!

But even so, Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to be careless and underestimate the enemy. Because... Whether it is the wild man or the ordinary wide-edged sword in his hand, they all bring Bai Xiaofei a kind of powerful terror that cannot be matched! Although Emperor Wen was strong, what made Bai Xiaofei feel dangerous was the divine sword in his opponent's hand.

And this second trial test.

Whether it was a person or that ordinary sword, Bai Xiaofei felt deep fear and mortal danger!

Compared with Emperor Wen, this wild man is obviously more difficult to deal with!

at the same time.

The moment he saw this wild man, Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and secretly said: "The previous scholar man was the first emperor of the human race, Emperor Wen, and he used the scholar Qi sword; but this man is wild and domineering, It gives people a feeling of being invincible, holding an ordinary sword. Could it be that the opponent is the legendary human martial emperor who cut tens of thousands of kilometers of deep valleys with his sword?"


Ask when you think of it.

Bai Xiaofei immediately expressed his doubts.


People don't like Bai Xiaofei.

Not only that, but the moment Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth to ask, he launched an extremely domineering attack on Bai Xiaofei! The wild man's speed was too fast, and there was no trace to be seen. Bai Xiaofei couldn't react at all. When he finally realized that he had to defend and counterattack, the opponent's big sword was already on his neck.


He stared blankly at the big sword on his neck.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, not daring to say anything: " is it possible? I couldn't hold out even one move, and I was completely defeated?!"


The wild man didn't care about Bai Xiaofei's reaction.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's defeat, he immediately retracted his sword neatly, then stood silently aside, looking straight at Bai Xiaofei. It didn't disappear, didn't continue to attack, and didn't speak, it was exactly the same as when it first appeared, as cold as ice, without any emotional changes.

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

After a long while.

Only then did he recover from the shock, then stared at the wild man with scorching eyes, and said with a smile full of fighting spirit: "What a powerful swordsmanship! Senior, no matter whether you are the Martial Emperor of the Human Race or not, just this powerful and invincible A horse's strength is worthy of my respect and admiration from Bai Xiaofei!"


"It's absolutely impossible for me to quit and give up just now!"

"I must obtain this inheritance!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei's figure rose abruptly, and he directly used his strongest sword, intending to seize the opportunity. However... the next scene was no different from the previous one, Bai Xiaofei only felt a flash before his eyes, followed by the wild man's great sword, and it fell across his neck again.

"So strong!"

Although he lost again, Bai Xiaofei didn't feel depressed or discouraged in the slightest, but became more and more excited and excited. This was the first time he met such a powerful enemy, as if meeting a confidant in wine, he felt that his whole body was boiling, and his chest was full of infinite fighting spirit.

"Come again!"

After pondering for a while.

Bai Xiaofei resolutely launched another attack, and was defeated by the wild man again in an instant. But this time, Bai Xiaofei could obviously feel the traces of the sword intent and momentum of the sword skills used by the opponent, unlike the two attacks just now, he found almost nothing, this is progress!

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

"Come again!"


Bai Xiaofei is like someone who never knows what fatigue and failure are. He launched countless attacks on the wild man, and was defeated by the opponent's countless instant kills. Attack.

He has fought and failed, and defeated and fought!

that's all……

I don't know how long it has been.

Maybe a year, maybe dozens, hundreds of years, or even longer.

In short, after experiencing countless failures and tempering, Bai Xiaofei's swordsmanship strength has improved by leaps and bounds, ushering in explosive growth. And in countless battles with the wild man, this time, Bai Xiaofei finally successfully blocked the opponent's sword.

That's right!

That's it!

Can barely block the wild man's sword!

Everyone, don't underestimate this sword, it is the result of Bai Xiaofei's hard work and hard work. It's not that Bai Xiaofei is too weak, but that the wild man is really too strong! It is not easy to progress from countless instant kills to being able to block the opponent's sword!


The wild man drew his second sword.

Without any suspense, Bai Xiaofei was instantly killed by the opponent again, losing instantly!

"Come again!"

Just when Bai Xiaofei wanted to sit cross-legged and enter the state of meditation again, thinking hard about the trajectory and flaws of the wild man's unpredictable swordsmanship. The wild man on the opposite side, with a cold zombie face, suddenly became colorful, and laughed loudly, and said: "Not bad! Not bad! Young man, if you can fight with me until now, stop me You are still the first!"

"Tough will, never give up, overcome difficulties, quite a good character!"

"My Martial Emperor recognizes you!"


The words should just fall.

The wild man's figure, like Emperor Wen's, suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared completely.

But with the previous experience, this time Bai Xiaofei was much calmer. The other party was indeed as Bai Xiaofei guessed, he was the second emperor of the human race, Unrivaled Martial Emperor! It's just... Bai Xiaofei is still a little confused about the specific requirements for passing this trial. He didn't defeat Emperor Wen, and he didn't defeat Emperor Wu either. They all recognized him all of a sudden, just like a joke.

"Could it be because I'm so handsome?" Someone thought shamelessly in his heart.


With the disappearance of Wuhuang figure.

The third hurdle of the trial, which is also the last hurdle, will officially begin soon. Another man's figure appeared suddenly. But when Bai Xiaofei finally saw the other person's appearance clearly, someone's eyes widened suddenly, and he froze in place with an expression of disbelief, as if he had seen something incredible.


"I am the tester of your last trial!"

"You have to be careful!"


This figure is different from the previous Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu.

The first two were cold and ruthless at the beginning, like puppets without consciousness. Only after they finally recognized Bai Xiaofei, would they have the consciousness of the main body and speak. However, the figure of this third trial has his own body consciousness from the very beginning!


None of this is the point.

The most important thing is that the tester of this third test looks exactly like Bai Xiaofei!

Even the tone of voice is the same!


Hit yourself?

What is the situation of this third level? !

Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded on the spot.


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