The Storm God

Chapter 1467 The battle is raging! (Please subscribe!)

"bring it on!"

Compared to Bai Xiaofei's shock.

The figure that was exactly like him seemed excited and active. Looking at Bai Xiaofei's dazed look, he took the initiative to explain: "I am you, and I know everything you know. For this level, as long as you You can beat me, even if you pass!"


It doesn't matter how Bai Xiaofei reacts.

With a finger of the iron sword in his hand, the astonishing sky-slashing sword intent and sword energy are like laser beams. When the air strikes, the aura is overwhelming, as if it is about to spread the entire void, which is exactly the same as what Bai Xiaofei used before. The sword intent and aura of Zhantian Yijian are exactly the same, there is no difference!


Both in power and realm, they are slightly higher than Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to neglect.

Seeing that the opponent attacked actively, he was not weak, and he also used a sky-slashing sword intent and sword energy.

The sword intent and sword energy of the two sides collided with everything, exploded in an instant, and then turned into a mass of extremely violent energy, falling apart, forming a huge shock wave, shocking the void, incomparably overbearing! This is also in this special space, otherwise... if it is in the outside world, a single blow at this point may blow up a mountain top!


From the distance of the center point of the explosion.

The strength of the sword spirit of Zhantian Sword Intent should be slightly inferior to that of Bai Xiaofei. The explosion point was about twenty feet away from the figure, but it was only seven or eight feet away from Bai Xiaofei. Obviously, in terms of the realm of kendo attainments and the power of sword intent, the opponent is about twice as strong as Bai Xiaofei!

"This is troublesome!"

Regarding this situation, Bai Xiaofei didn't feel any surprise at all.

After all, the former Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu were already so strong that they could instantly kill him casually. This figure, who looks exactly like him and can use exactly the same sword skills as himself, will serve as the last test of the third level Otherwise, it is naturally more difficult to deal with.

What Bai Xiaofei really cares about is.

The other party not only copied his appearance, but also copied all his abilities as he said, and even strengthened them! To put it simply, the enemy Bai Xiaofei has to face this time is not others, but Bai Xiaofei himself. An enhanced version of myself with all my abilities!

To know.

No matter how strong the enemy is, there is a limit.

As long as you don't give up and have a fearless heart, you will be able to surpass and defeat your opponent sooner or later.

And the hardest thing is to beat yourself!


You will, and so will he!

As you grow, so does he, almost always at a certain level with you!

The most important thing is that he knows everything about you, whether it is moves, habits, thinking patterns, or mental activities, all of them are in control, and he is even more confidant than a confidant. Such an enemy is undoubtedly the most terrifying. It is obviously not easy to defeat this enhanced version of myself and pass the final test smoothly!


Even so.

Bai Xiaofei was not discouraged either, on the contrary, it aroused his raging fighting spirit.

Being cruel to others is not cruel, but being cruel to yourself is the real cruelty! Facing the previous enhanced version of himself, instead of feeling depressed or entangled, Bai Xiaofei was full of endless interest: "Alright! I just want to let you see how strong I am and what shortcomings I have. !"

this time.

It was Bai Xiaofei's turn to take the initiative to attack.

And once you get started, it is the strongest sword twenty-three (false) among the three major swordsmanship.

The mirror image of Bai Xiaofei's clone didn't panic when he saw this. While smiling, the iron sword in his hand rose suddenly, and he also used the extremely powerful Sword Twenty-Three, colliding with Bai Xiaofei. The two sides immediately came and went, fighting fiercely. Although Bai Xiaofei was obviously at a disadvantage, he was always able to maintain his invincible position by relying on his quick wit and on-the-spot response.

This moment.

He didn't regard the clone as an opponent at all.

Instead, he regards it as a sharpening stone to test his own practice and kendo swordsmanship, and borrows the opponent's hand to find his own flaws and an opportunity to break through. Ten thousand swords return to the sect, the sword that cuts the sky, the sword twenty-three... All kinds of unique skills, the two sides use their arms and fingers, and they come easily, and they fully display their own swordsmanship.


At last.

The two sides are no longer limited to the simple use of swordsmanship, fists, palms, legs, knives, spears, halberds, lion roar skills, Tai Chi, Tathagata palms, the profound meaning of thoughts, the imperial way, and even the soul. The Supreme Cultivation Technique Jiuling Xingchen Jue is also used, the two sides can be said to be rivals in chess, will meet good talents, and the fight is indistinguishable, it is called a hot one!

Regardless of the situation of Bai Xiaofei's battle with his clone in this strange space.

outside world.

But a series of drastic changes took place.

First of all, on the human side, because of the deployment of troops by the Grand Master of the National Division, most of the human masters and border guards were all moved to Yunxie Mountain in the East China Sea. Huge vacancies and hidden dangers have appeared in the major towns and border fortresses of the ethnic group.

After patiently waiting and investigating, the Yaozu finally learned that this was not a trap and bait set by the human race, but that the defense was weakened because of civil strife. Immediately... the new demon king no longer hesitated, and immediately issued an order to let all the monsters in ambush attack the human race!

Calculating carelessly with intention.

Coupled with the serious reduction in strength, vacancies cannot be filled. In an instant, the major towns and frontier fortresses on the human side suffered repeated defeats, resulting in countless casualties. In just three days, no less than 20 towns and 16 key border areas were captured by the monster army.

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's intervention, the dragon king of the East China Sea, Niu Gui Ba Kui, had become the overlord of the four seas by accident, and the four seas were caught in great civil strife and turmoil. The demon also obeyed the order of the new demon king, if he attacked the human race, the consequences would be even more unimaginable!

The human race is in dire straits, and the crisis is extremely dangerous.

And the same...

In the hinterland of the demon clan, the rebel army headed by the remnants of the old demon king, such as Penny and Fat Ying, was not idle. Taking advantage of most of the forces of the new demon king, they were busy capturing the territory of the human race. At that time, a large-scale attack was also launched, and with the help of the powerful firepower of the Voldemort Fire Demon, the harvest was full, and many tribal defenses were captured.

The old nest was beaten, and the new demon king had no choice but to divide his troops into two groups.

The vast majority of the monster army continued to attack the human race, without giving the human race the slightest chance to react and resist. The other part of the elite troops is responsible for clearing out the rebels such as Penny and Fat Ying, in order to stabilize the morale of the army. In case the ship capsizes in the gutter and loses its hometown, it will become a box mouse that is attacked by the enemy.

Combining all these reasons, it can be regarded as restraining the pace of the new demon king's attack on the human race in disguise. More than half of them were captured, with heavy casualties, and they completely lost confidence!

It is precisely because of their inaction, and Song Daitian and others' continuous fanning the flames secretly that the prestige of the National Normal University Sima and others among the people of the human race has dropped to the bottom in an instant. Even... Even the news that Emperor Renhuang was imprisoned by Sima of the National Normal University, etc., began to fly in the sky!


Humans and demons are in great chaos, and the war is raging.

While Song Daitian and others were actively thinking of ways to resist and resolve this huge disaster, they also succeeded in causing the National Normal University Sima and others to bear the infamy and crimes that are difficult to wash away, and they almost became rats crossing the street. . So much so that even if they want to go back, they can't go back!

"Damn it!"

In the hinterland of Yunxie Mountain.

National Normal University Sima and others were all so angry that they almost vomited blood.

They never expected that everything that was planned well would turn into such a miserable and tragic situation. Bai Xiaofei and the others didn't wait until Bai Xiaofei and the others came, but the army of the new demon king of the demon tribe actually took this opportunity to make a big fuss, which caused the National Teacher Da Sima and others to have a headache, and secretly scolded the other party for being despicable and cunning!

Among the crowd, it's not that no one proposed to solve the threat of the monster clan first, but the Grand Master of the National Normal University was a bully, and he was determined not to let anyone support him, so he recognized the treasure left by Emperor Ren in the mountain. No matter how everyone persuaded him, he just didn't agree to send troops to support, and those who secretly wanted to support them, without exception, were all killed by the National Teacher Sima!

And by the time Grand Master Sima finally couldn't bear the pressure and finally nodded in agreement and sent troops to support, it was already too late. The monster army has driven straight in, contributed many human towns and border fortresses, and stationed a large number of monster troops there, completely set up camp there, and developed it as a base and a stronghold.

They sent troops there, it was no different from delivering food!

not to mention……

Because of the previous inaction, and Song Daitian and others fanning the flames, wantonly flaunting their ulterior inside information, the human race has long regarded them as traitors and shame, even if they were lucky enough to break through the position of the monster army and return to the In the realm of the human race, it is estimated that not many people will accept their love.

Maybe they will even fight against them!

In view of this.

The National Normal University Sima also completely gave up.

Regardless of the situation on the human race side, they will stay in the hinterland of Yunxie Mountain wholeheartedly, waiting for Bai Xiaofei to inherit the treasure left by Emperor Ren!


"As long as I get the relic of the Emperor Ren, what a mere monster race!"

"As for the so-called human heart?"


Sima's eyes flashed brightly, and he muttered to himself: "In the face of absolute strength, it is not at my mercy. At that time, I will kill and defeat all the monster races, and save the entire human race from danger." , such a huge credit and record, who would dare to question me?!"


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